<br />removed provided Lessee oz its suhkssce shali not thea be in default and,delivera up the leased
<br />premises to Lassos in good condition,
<br />13. i3ietEr�jo ent. The Lessee, upc)D paying tie rents and perfouaing the
<br />covenants of this Lease Agreezzm-af on the Lessee's part to be ,perfoixned, shall quietly occupy
<br />and enjoy, during said term, The leased premises w'iffiout ally hindra-ace or molestation by or on
<br />the part of the Lessor.
<br />14, Default. It is uud.erstood aad agreed that any failure of the Lessor or the Lessee to
<br />enfbrce rights ox seely Zomedies up= any default of the other party, with respect to the
<br />obligatio,ts of each other or either hereunder, shall not pxej dice ox afdect the -6ght,
<br />9 or remedies
<br />of each or eitlier of thane, in the event of any subsequent default_ la the event that a -ay pay -Ment
<br />of rent or any charges herein i_ eluded as rent sball at anytime be in arrears and unn$id crud 5hali
<br />remaia impa_id fox tbirky (3 0) days, the Lessor, at Lessor's option, x7ay declare the Lessee in
<br />default witLout Rather notice and proceed as hercamftea set ,fortis, In fae event Lessee shah fail
<br />to complywitb any other conditions of this Lease AgEemcj�t, oz shall not well and roly perform
<br />and fulfill each and every covenant and agreement herein contai-aed on the pact of the Lessec to
<br />be perlbrmed std Dept, and geld default 601 continue for thirty (30) days, the Lessor shall wfifg
<br />the Lessee in writing of such default and in the event that such defaWt is not corrected withi-c ten
<br />(I0) days, tho Lessor may, at Lessor's opiioa, declare the Lessee b3 default and proceed as
<br />hereinaf=ter set ford. In tks-, event that Lessee shall. snake a -a assignmLeut for the beziefit of
<br />creditors, E xud said ass;i -taknt shat xaot be revoked or set aside within thirty (3 0) days thereafter,
<br />or said La.55ee shall abaxid= or vacate said leased pxaxnises during the te�:M sboreof, or if the
<br />interest of the Lessee is said leased premises sha be sold under mcutiou or other legal process,
<br />the Lessor may, at Lessor's option, proceed as haleablaftcr set £orth- In fie cvczit that auy of the
<br />foregotag defaults stress take place, the Lessox may P-nter in and upon said leased premises and
<br />again have, repossess n enjoy the saToe as if this Lease Agreement had Dot been made, arxd
<br />thcmupon tbis Uase Agreement and evaUffiing hereiz contained on the pz-Tt of'the said Lessoz to
<br />he Dept and performed, shall cease and be utterly void, without projudke, however, to the Tight
<br />of the Lcssox to TecoveT froxa the said Lessee, its assigz7.s or guararrtozs, all rent due for the t
<br />of this Lease Agreement and to resort to atay other legal tempdies availabke to the LCSSOr a-
<br />accoum of The. defaiu t' bf the Lessee. It is specifically understood by the Lessee that the Lessor
<br />shalll have no duty to mitigate dauaagcs but iu *a event that the Lessor should rent tihe premises
<br />to o-Chus, the Lessor shall give the Lessee credit for such remit received after all actual damages
<br />resulting to tb, Lessor, including, but i.ot Med to, making the leased premises ready for the
<br />yew tenant, have been deducted tliarefToxn.
<br />15. astnlg'o of lm rovem. tE_ If, at any tivae during the: term of this Lease, the
<br />kgprovemeuts located upon the leased pxet�a;ises are by ae or other casualty destroyed or
<br />reaxdered unfit for occupancy, Lessee shall have tLc right upon written .notice gi
<br />