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201203752 <br />tale..; or (4) if a part only of the leased premises shall be so condemned and Lessee or its <br />sublessee cannot reasonably, officiezally and �,conoza jr,2y operate in the remainder of the <br />b'usm.ess being conducted on the leased premi3as e the time of any such taEag. If, during th-e <br />terra of this Lease, title to lass thai, the whole or su-bstazitiall.y all of th-e leased premises or <br />parldrxg area shall be taken in amy i�onde,=tion pzocesding and Lessee or its sublessee can <br />reasonably, effczentl'y and eco:noruically operate in the zemai-ndex of the leased premises, and use <br />the remaLiirig pa6ing, the business conducted on the leased pm -i . as at the time of such taking, <br />.thea: (a) this Lease shallterminate as to the part so taken; (b) the rent payable hereimder sha11 <br />be adjusted so that Lessee be required to pay for the remainder of the term mily such porion of <br />Such rent as the value of any part remairabig after the con.demn.atiozr bears to the value of the <br />ca ire leased pTcmiscs at the date of vestuag of title ia the condemnor, (c) Lessor shall,, at <br />Lessor's cost and expense, make all necesgaiy repairs aad alterations to the buil.diug and other <br />improvements as the. .leased premises to restore the same to an architectural unit as nearly Ue <br />Theis condition prior to savh tilting as shall be practicable, and (d) there shell be arl abatvmen-t of <br />rent during such resuaxatioza to Um extent not otherwise provided herein. <br />17. Surronder at ad ofTem- ,At the expiration of the Lease term, the TeraiA shall <br />siuxrezader the Lca�cd Premisos in as good condition as they wexe iza at the be&nLg of the te n- <br />18. Alteretjaw— Roauired by Law. In the event Haat aDy govn=ental organization, <br />bureau. oordinances, <br />r agency through lags, regulations, codes or other eaiactmen s or directives <br />shall requite changes, alterations, irupxovtments or repairs to the leased preinWses wbkh require <br />the expendituze of additional 5-Q= of money, suet} changes, alteratioz-s, improvements or repairs <br />shall be accomplished catizely at the expense of tht Lt�scc. <br />19. waiver cf Subrogaticn Riffs. It is agreed that if the leased premises sha€X be <br />destroyed in whole or ba part by any cause or rinses cavexed by stazzdatd fire ,md extended <br />coverage insurance forms, the Lessee shall not be liable for or respoz oible to Lessor or any <br />iawzer or insqre�s of Lessor axid the Lessor shall not be Iiable for or respoasible to Lessee or any <br />insurer or insurers of -the Lessee fox and in respect of any sada damage or destractiou, nand th.e <br />Lessor hereby spcciRcOy'waives any and all rights Of subrogation which the insurer or insurers <br />may have against the Lessee for such losses, damages or destruction, aiad tbe -lessee hereby <br />speci-Ecaily waives any aad all right of subrogation which the insurer or insurers may have <br />against the Lessor fox such losses, damages or destL action, all .uotwzthsta:aftg the fact that the <br />same is caused iu whole or in part by the neglect of the Lessee or any of the Lessee's officers, <br />ageWk , eMployees, i-uviteesor otherwise or by The neglect or negligence of the Lsssor ar any of <br />the Lsssor's offirors, agents, employees, invitccs oz It is further understood and agreed <br />that in the event that this Section. should xezader any insurance coverage nulI and void, this <br />Seotion shall become ineffective as batwee3i the parties hereto. <br />20. Nuticcs. Whrmuvcr ire this Lcaw Agreement notice is to be given to the Lcssoe by <br />this L essoz or to the Lessor by the Lessee, such notce shall be by centred nail directed to the <br />Lessee at 3341 West State Street, Suite D, Grand Island, Nebraska 68803, or the Lessor at 3421 <br />W. State, Plaza 4, Grand Island, N -F 688037, and notice so writ shall be considered as notice to the <br />Lassec or thea Lessor. The mailing of such notices shall be oonsidered as delivered to the other <br />party when such notice is placed In the United Stats m zi3. <br />