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201203752 <br />charges or sewer charges to become a U,n against the leased premises, it being specifically <br />understood atLd agreed that the use of water, electricity and other utilities on the leased prptn ses <br />,shah be at the risk of the Lessee 4z its sublessee. <br />9, Maintenance. Lessee hareby accepts the leased premises on an "AS IS WBERE <br />YS" basis and shall maintain and Izccp in repair -the leased pxarozscs in the same condition as the <br />leased premises now exists with reasonable wean aid tear excapted. <br />9. General Use oftae Premises- The Lessee or its mblessw will use and occupy the <br />Leased premises in a careful, safe and proper manner and will not commit ar saffex any waste <br />tLereon, and will in all respects comply with all city and state laws and requirements Of health <br />authorities, particularly as to keepiiag the premises free and clear of all filth, ref -ase 2-11d <br />obstruction; the Lessee or its sublessee winnot permit any noise or nuisance whatever oz the <br />leased prewiecs to the disttzbauce of othat tenants, or to do or permit anyZb ug on aid about ,said <br />leased premises which wil.I increase the mit of imaiance and that the Lessor and their agents <br />ra.ay at all times enter upon #lain i to sed premises for the purpose of h. spectbag the same or for any <br />other necessary purpose and that the Lessee or its sublessee will pay promptly when due all taxes <br />levied or assessed on any and all improveneuts, equipment, and personal property Mned by <br />Lessee and situafcd on the, lrascd premises - <br />10. HQ Harmless andliability Ia urance. The Lessee or its sublessee hereby agree <br />to defend, indemnify an.d hold Vae Lessor, their employees and agents, harmless firom any and all <br />liability for hajuzies to persons ox damage to property including any wrongful act or onaisslon <br />_azxsing out of the use of the lea.ssed premi 9es and for such purpose, Lcssc= or its sublessee agrees, <br />at all tiraaes during the .least; tarry, to carry liability insurance naming the Lessor as au additional <br />insured at Lessee's or its sublessee's expewr, during the term of this Lease Agreement, a policy <br />of public, liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000 (single limit policy). Lessor shall be <br />named as am additional izzsuzed upon said policy and shall be fumishcd with a duplicate ofthc <br />policy. Lessee or its sublessee Luther agrees to file a certificate of ir{suraace with the Lesson <br />evidencing that s-�icli insura-ace has beeu renewed l'zow time to time aid that tha same will not be <br />cancelled without at loast teii (10) days' notice to the Lessor. <br />11. Suhletng or Assignment. The parites hereby agree tb,at die. leased pre,n-Liss are <br />being sublet to Graham Tire Co. of Grsxad Islarsd and that the same is permissible; howe�rer the <br />Lessee shall not tra=fee assign., sublet, or pledge this Lease ox Lessee's interest in the leased <br />premises to any other person or entity -without the prior written consent of the Lessor. The <br />conseaat to such transactions shall not be u-areasonably withheld, provided that Lessee shall. <br />xemaia liable durl g the -Germ of tLis Lease and that no uncured defaults exist at the Brice of the <br />request azid granting of such consent. <br />12, Alteration of Pre ises. The Lessee or its sublessee may make, such altetatiuras -6 <br />are necessazy for the LcSScc'S ar its sublessae's occupancy only upo)l px`ior written approval of <br />tb e plans and speciErations of such, altemali.ons by the Lessor_ All such alterations and <br />l nproveme,Ws shall be completed izzi a workmanlike mazuaer and Lessee or its sublessee sM1 <br />indf-mai-fy and bold .Lessor harmless from aay liens which might anise by reason tbcraof. Ail <br />such improverueaZ shall be and rernaim the property of the Lessee or its sublessee ud may be <br />
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