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201203752 <br />(a) All of the real estate taxes assessed ag—" ' t the leased preru�ses which is <br />more particula,;ly ideaffficd as Parcel leo. 400037203 by the office of the Hall County <br />Assessor. <br />(b) .All of the conunon ar:.a maiute nce ei�perses. Common area shall <br />include all of the surroundiug area to the structure located oxo The leased premises, <br />including but not limited to the drives, parking areas, landscaped or green axeas i� the <br />eatite subdivision.. <br />Common. area raaintewmee shall, include but not be limited to snow removal, <br />mowing, weed elimination and starm sewer. <br />(c) A- user fee of twenty cents ($0.20) per square foot of"the leased premises <br />per year to be considered a user fee to be used for the parposes of Lessor n3alldiag any <br />replacement of'Sudaws of tba parking area amd drives servicing such. area. This amount <br />is assessed over and above the normal. Ana tenance cons of the ccizimon area - <br />Except as otherwise provided lerel37. bOYe, the additioiW rent set forth above shall be <br />—__ - - bilked whirr asun tained or harIZ tod by the Lessor. Payrgeztt of additional. rent shall be made <br />wi-t lin. thirty (30) days after the Lessee cr its sublessee is billed for such, sum or sums. <br />In the even that the base rent is not paid by the Uth (5,1,) day of each -month, the Lessee <br />shall pay to Lessor a late charge in the amount of YWenty Five and Nof I00 Dollars ($25.00), <br />plus interest on any such delinquent rent from the dna date thnrcof wadi�T at the rate of <br />sixteen percent (160K) per annum- Ire addition, in the event a. check 'fiyr any rent due hereunder is <br />returned by the Lessor's bad unpaid, a returned chi ca charge it the amount of Twenty -Five Md <br />No/100 Dollars ($25.00) shall be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor. <br />5. HQjdja Qver- Aay holding over after the expkataom of the lease term, <br />shall be cowtrued to be a tenancy 1zom mond to month at the monthly base Zehtal rate of <br />pour Hundred Tweenty-Four and No/I00 Dollars ($424-00) and shall otherwise be on the <br />tonus and conditions ber•e n specified. <br />b_ �e.0falI.e Premisea, The Lessee or its sublessee way use and occupy the le��sed <br />premises for any lain purposes, execpt that the lessee shall iaot use or occupy uOt pertnit the <br />lease premises or any part thereof to be used oT occupied for any uttlav&il business, use, or <br />purpose, nor for ar,.y busiaess, ma, or purpose deemed disreputable ox extra -hazardous, nor for <br />any puxpose Or in ally Manner which is in discover of aay such unjavtal, disreputable, or extra- <br />hazardaus use take all tiecessary steps, legal. sold equitable, to compel the discontii nce of such <br />u5c and to oust aid remove auy subtenaiats, occupants, or, othez porsons guilty of such unlawful., <br />disreputable, or extra -hazardous use- The Lessee shaU indo=mify tho Lessor agaimt all casts, <br />expenses, liabilities, lasses, damages, iujunctaans, suits, fineS, penalties, claims, and demands, <br />including reasonable attorltey fees, a;zsiug out of arxy violation of default of'-tbis provision, <br />. -7. Utilities. The Lessee or its sublessee shall, at their owa expense, obtaxu and be <br />responsible for aU'. tWities used by the Lessee on the leased premises and shall not penult watez <br />