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201203752 <br />f1L XEIBIT A f' <br />CONC EERCIA L LEASE AGREE NT <br />THIS OOlv1NMRCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT is made axed entered into by aud between <br />COIMSTOGA NORTH, L.L. C-, a Nebraska limited liability ca pang, hereinafter referred to as <br />the "Tessoe', and DONALD D. MEMNG, bereivafter referred to as the "Lessee". <br />WITNESSETH: <br />1 _ Descrip ,�a,�ed Premims- The Lessor does hereby demise, let and lease <br />Unto the Lessee the; following described property, hezeinafter referred to as the "Ieascd <br />prezuises": <br />A tract of'land cozaprising apart of Lot Qua (l), Conestoga TwsLft Subdivision <br />(formerly Conestoga North. Fifth Subdivision when the previous lease Ind been <br />entered into) iu the City of Grand Islaud, Nebraska, more partiaubxly described as <br />fallow. Eegkmiag at a point forty-seven (47) feet southerly %oxo fhe northerly <br />line of said at One (1), and thirty and ffty-six hun&edths (30.55) feet east of the <br />westerly lige of said Lot Onc (1), ths.uce easterly pa ffel to the a0ith line of said. <br />Lot One (1), a distance Cf seventy-one and siyty—sevar7. huu drodtb-s (71.67) feet; <br />thence southerly, a distance of forty-three (43) feet to a poi -at one hundred one and <br />eight tenths (1 b l _8) feet east of the wr-5tczly line of said Lot Otte (l); 'frmce. <br />we,8terly parallel to The northerly line of said Lot One (3), a distance of Seventy- <br />Gae aad sixty-seven hundredths (71.67) feet, thence xwrthcrly, a distance of fazty- <br />three (43) feet to the place of bugle and. containing 0.071 acres oz less - <br />2. I1npr0V@Me-= Located on Leased remises- The parries hereto agree that <br />builder g and othez improvement8 currently located on the leased prenfises belong to and are <br />ovmed by the Lessee and upon tern±mti-on of this Le2s� Agreement will remain the sole <br />pzcpczky of the Lesse6. As suG.h, thin Tease is ffoz the land only. <br />3. Tri -in- Notwitbstanftg the date(s) of e ecu on exeof, this Lease Agreeml,-nt is <br />fox- a team of sixty (60) xr mths gommencirg ou October 1, 2009 and ending on September 30, <br />2014, unless eatlier tezminated iEL acwrdasce with the provisions hereof <br />4. Consideration. The Lessee covenants and agrees to pay to the Lessor at the <br />Lessor's office at 34,21 W, State, Plaza 4, Cxat d Island., NE 68803, or wherever the Lessee may <br />be directed in writiiig, the sum of Twenty -Five Tl msand Four Hundred Forty and 001100 <br />Dollars ($25,440-00) in sixty (601 cozzsecutive monthly installments. The ast month's reW shall <br />be due aad payable on Octob ar 1, 2009 iii the amount of pour Hun&ed Tvv oty Four and 00/100 <br />Dollars ($424.00)_ Sub. ccpcnt rental payrieots shaU be due and payable on the first of each <br />�orath tbj�-reafter during the term of 1ea3e agreement in the amount of Four Hu�tdzed Twenty pour <br />and o0/I00 ($424,00). Such rental. payment shaU be oobsidered, base xexai, As additional rent and <br />in addition to the base rent set forth above, the I ssce shall reimburse the Lessor for the <br />fbNowiUg ite-M5, <br />