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201203752 <br />AMENDMENT TO COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT <br />THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into by and between CONESTOGA NORTH, <br />L_L.C,, a Nebraska limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor", aad <br />DONALD D. MEHRJNG, hereinafter referred to as the "Lessee". <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, the Lessor and the Lessee entered into a certain Commercial Lease <br />Agreement (the, "Lease Agreement"), a copy of which Lease Agreement is attached <br />hereto as Exhibit "A";and is inomporated herein and made a part hereof by this <br />reference; and <br />WHEREAS, the Lessor and the Lessee desire to amend the Commercial Lease <br />Agreement on the terms and conditions provided hereinbelow. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, W consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions wntained <br />herein and for other good .and valuable considcratioia the parties hereto agree as follows. <br />1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein by this reference. <br />2. Extended Teruo. The term of the Commercial Lease Agreement shall be extended <br />for an additional Five (5) years and thus, the term of the Commercial Lease Agreement shall end <br />on September 30, 2019. <br />3, Base Rana. During the extended terra, the Lessee covezaaxats and agrees to pay to <br />the Lessor at the Lessor's office at 3421 W. State, Plaza 4, Grand Island, NE 68503, or wherever <br />the Lessee may be directed in writing, base rent in the amount of Four Hundred Twenty -Four <br />and No/100 Dollars ($424.00) per month. <br />4. Continuing Ect. All other provisions of the Commercial Lease Agreement <br />shall remain in full force and effect, <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment to Commercial <br />Lease Agreement on the date(s) noted hereinbelow. <br />CONESTO NORTH, L.L.C., a Nebraska <br />limited lia ility company /7 <br />Dated: By: <br />nald D. <br />Elated: 7 A,A Pā€” % ā€” <br />Donald D. <br />"Lessee" <br />2179-10087568 <br />