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201202��� <br />ser�•ices and subseyuent charges e�ch time remappings or similar changes occur ��hich reasonabl}� might <br />allect such determination or certification. Borro�ver shall also be responsible for the pa��ment of anv fees <br />imposecl hy the Federal Emergenc�• M�nagement Ageneti� in connectian ���th the review of an�� tlood zone <br />determination resulting fmm an objection by Bonow�er. <br />If I3orro��er fails to maint�in nm� of the coverages described above, Lender ma}� obtain insurance coverage, <br />at I,ender's option and Borro��•er's expense. Lender is unaer no obligation to pw�hase any particular t}•pe or <br />amount of coverage. Therefore, such co��erage shall cor�er Lender, but nti�ht or might not pmtect Borro���er, <br />13ono�a-er' s equity in the Propert�•, or the contents of the Property, agzinst an}� rish, hazard or liabilit}• and <br />might pro�•ide grcater or lesser co�•eragc than �vas pre�•iouslti� in el2ect. Borro��er acknowledges that the cost <br />uf Qie insurance co��eragc so obtained might signiticantl}• e�ceed. the cost of insurance th�t Borro��er could <br />ha� e obtained. Anv amounts disbursed b�• Lender under tlus Section � shall become additional debt of <br />13orro��er se�urea bc tlus Sectuih� Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the <br />datc of disbursement an�l shall be pa}�able, �i�ith such interest, upon notice &om Lender to Borro��cr <br />requesting payment. <br />All insurance policies required bti' Lender and rene���als of such policies shall be subject to Lender's right to <br />disappro�•e such policies, shall include a stanclara mortgage clause, and shall n�me L,ender as mortgagee <br />ancUor as an udditional loss pa} ce. I,ender shall ha�•e Qie right to hold the pe�licies and rene���al certiticates. <br />I1' Lender requires, Borro��cr shall promptly give to I.,ender all receipts of paid premiwns and renc��al <br />noticcs. If I3orro���er obtains an} t��rm of insurance co�•erage, not oU1er«ise required b}• I,ender, for damage <br />to, or destruction c�f the Property, such policl' shall include a standard mortgage clause and shall name <br />I,ender as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss pat•ee. <br />In the e�•ent of loss, Rurrc���er shall gi��e prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. I,ender mati� <br />inake proof oP loss if not macle premiptly by Borro��er. Unless Lender and Borro�ver other��7se agree in <br />��riting, anti� insurance proceeds, whether or not the unaerlying insurance �ias required b}� Lender, shall be <br />�pplied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and <br />Lender' s securit�� is not lessene�l. During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to <br />hold such insurance proceeds until I,encler has had an opportunit}� to inspect such Property to enswe the <br />��ork has been completed to Lenaer's satisfaction, provided that such impection shall be undertaken <br />promptl}•. I,ender ma�• disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of <br />progress p�yments as the �4ork is completed. Unless �n agreement is made in writing or Applicable I,a�� <br />requires interest to be paiJ on such insurance proceecls, L,ender shall not be required to pay Borro��er any <br />intcrest or earnings on such procee�ls. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties, retaineJ by Borro��•er <br />sh��ll not be paid out of the insurance proceeas an�l shall be the sole obligation of Borro���er. If the restaratiun <br />or repair is ne�t economically 1'easible or Lender's securit�• ��oul�l be ]essened, the insurance proceeds shall be <br />applic�l to the sums secured b�� tlus Securit�� Instrwnent, «�hether or not then due, ��ith the e�cess, if am�, <br />paid to 13orro��er. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order pro�•ided for in Section 2. <br />If 13orro��cr abanaons the Prc�pert��, I,ender ma�• tile, ncgotiate and sctUe an}• a�•ailablc insurance clann anJ <br />rclutcd matters. If Rorro�rer Joes not respond ��ithin 30 da}�s to a notice front I,ender that the insurunce <br />carrier has offercd to settle a claim, Uien I,ender ma}• negotiate and settle the claun. The 3()-day period ��ill <br />begin ��hen the notice is gi�•en. In cither e��ent, or iC I,ender acquires the Properh� un�ler Section 22 or <br />c�thcr��ise, Borrower hereby assigns to I.ender (a) Borro��er's rights to any inswance procee�ls in an amount <br />not to ezceed the �mounts unpaid under the Note or this Sec«rity Instrument, ancl (b) an�� oU�er of <br />I3orro���er' s rights (oQier than the right to an}� refund of unearned premiwns paid b�� Borro�ver) under all <br />insurance policies cu��ering the Property, ins��far as such rights �re applicahle to the co�•erage of the <br />Propert��. Lendcr m��• use the insurance proceeds either to repair or resture the Propert}� or to �ay amounts <br />unpaid undcr the Note or this Securit�• Instrument, whether or not then due. <br />001122994618 Cftibank V 1 <br />N�R4SKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Fredtlie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH MEZS Farm 3028 1/01 <br />VMP a VMP6A(N� (1105).00 <br />Wolters Kluwer Fnancial Services Page 7 of 17 <br />