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24120286� <br />6. OCCUpancy. Borro��cr shall occupy, establish, anJ use the Properly as Borro��er's principal residencc <br />��ithin 60 da�•s after the eseculion of this Securit�• Instrument and shall continue to occup}� the Propert� as <br />13orro�� er' s principal residence ti�r at lcasl one ��ear after the date of occupanc�•, unless Lender other�� ise <br />agrees in ��riting, ��hich conscnt shall not be unreasc» iabl}� ��it1�11e1J, or unless eztenuating circumstances <br />ezist �cluch are hevonJ }3orro��er's control. <br />7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borro��er sl�all not destro��, <br />damagc or impair the Propert� , allo�� the Property to Jeteriorate or commit �vaste on the Prapert��. Whether <br />or not Borro�cer is residing in the Property, Borro�rer shall maintain the Propert� in order to pre�•ent the <br />Yropert�� from deterioratnlg or deereasing in value due to its conditiou. Ui�less it is determined pursuant to <br />Section 5 that repair or restoration is not economicaliv le�sible, Borro��er shall pramptly repair the Propert�� <br />il' dain�ged to a��oid further deterioration or dzmage. If insurance or con�lemnation proceeds are paid in <br />connection �vith d�m�ge to, or the taking of, the Property�, Borro��er shall be respansible t��r repairing or <br />restoring the Property only if Lender has released procceds for such pt�r�oses. Lender may disburse proceecls <br />1<�r the re�zirs �nd restoration in a single payment <�r in a series of progress payments as the �vork is <br />completea. If the insurance or condenui�tion proceecls urc not sufticient to repair or restore the Property, <br />]3orro�ver is not relie��ed of 13orro«�er' s obligation for the completion of such rep�ir or restaratic�n. <br />I,ender or its agent mav ui�ke reasonable entries upon an�l inspe�tions of' the Property. If it has reasonahle <br />cause, I,endcr may inspect the interior of the impro��ements on the F'roperty. Lender shall gi��e Borro��er <br />notice �t the tiuie of or prior to such an interior inspe;ction spe�ifying such reasonable cause. <br />8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borro�rer shall be in detiiult if, during the Lo�n application process, <br />13orro��er ur am• persons or entities actnig at the direction of Borro��er or �tiith Borro��er's hno��ledgc or <br />�unsent ga��e materiall�• talse, misleading, or in�ccuratc ii�ti�rmaticm or statements to Lender (or faile�l to <br />pro�•iae Lender ��ith material infonnation) in �oru�ection ��ith the Loan. Material representations incluae, but <br />are not limited to, representltions concerning Borro���er' s occupanc�� of the Propert�• as Borro��er' s principal <br />residence. <br />9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If �a) <br />13orro��er fails to perforni the covenants and agreements cont�ine�l in tivs Securih� Instrument, (b) there is a <br />legal procee�ling that might sigiuticantlp affect Lendcr' s interest in the Propert�� and/or rights under Qus <br />Sec«rit� Iiistrument (such as a proceeding in b�til:ruptcy. probate, li�r condenmation or forteiture, for <br />enli�rcement of a lien ��hich ma�� �ttain priorit�� ����cr tivs Sectu Instrument or to enforce l���s or <br />regul�tions), or (c) Borro�ver has ab�ndoned the Propert��, then Lender 1ua�� da and pa�' for ��hate��er is <br />reason�hle or appropriate to protect I,ender' s interest in the Property and rights under this Sect�rity <br />Instrument, including protecting ancUor assessing the value of the Property, and securing and/or repairing <br />thc Propertti�. Lender's actions can include, bul are not limited to: (�) paying any sums secured by z lien <br />�vhich has priorit�� aver this Security Instrument; (b) appearing in court: �nd (c) paying reasonable attarney� <br />fees to protect its interest in the Property and/ar rights under tlus Securin� Instrument, including its secure�l <br />position in a banl:ruptcy proceeding. Seeuring the Property includes, but is not liinited to, entering the <br />Pre>pert}� to niahe repairs, ch�nge lochs, replace or board ttp doors an�l ��indo��s, drain water from pipes, <br />eliminate building or other code �•ialations or dangerous conditions, and have utilities turned on ar off. <br />Although Lender ma�� take action un�ler this Section 9, Lender does not ha�•e to do so and is not under am• <br />dut�� or obligation to do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs no liability for not taking �m• or all actions <br />attthori7ea under this Section 9. <br />0011 <^2994618 Citibank V t <br />N�RASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMEN7 WI7H MB�S Form 3028 1/O1 <br />VMP a VMP6A(N� (1105).00 <br />Wolters Kluwer Fnancial Services Page 8 of 17 <br />