<br />'fhc Ftuicls shall be held in an institution �vhose �le}wsits are insured b} a feder�l agency, instrumentality, or
<br />cntit} (including Lender, if Lencler is an institution ��hose ae�wsits are so insured) or in any FeJeral Houie
<br />1,<rm Bank. I,encler shall appl�� the Funds to pa�� the F:scrow Items no later than the time speci6ed under
<br />R]:SPA. Lenaer shall not charge Borrower ti�r holding and appl��ing the Fttnds, annwally analyzing the
<br />escro�� acccn.uit, or verif��ing tl�e Escro�v Items, unless I,enaer pa��s Borro��er interesl on the Funds and
<br />Applicable L��v pennits I,ender to m�ke sueh a ch�rge. Unless �n agrcernent is made in ��Titing or
<br />Applicable La�v requires interest to be paid on the Funds, Lender shall not be reyuired to pa�� Borro��er �nv
<br />interest or carnings on the I�un�ls. Borro���er �nd Lender can agree in ��riting, ho��ever, that interest sh�ll be
<br />pai�l on the Funds. Lender shall gi��e to Borrower, �vill�out charge, �n amlua] accaunting of the Funds as
<br />required bti� RLSPA.
<br />If therc is a surplus of Funds hel�l in escro�v, as detined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borro��er for
<br />the ezcess lunds in accordance ��ith RESPA. If there is � shortage of Fun�ls hel�l in escro�r, as detined under
<br />KI�:SPA, I,encler shall notify }3orro��er as reyuire�l by IZIiSPA, ana Borro���er shall pay to Lender the amount
<br />necessar}• to make up the shortage in �ccordance with RESPA, but in no more than l2 monthly payments. If
<br />therc is a deli�ienc}� of Funas held in escro�v, as deiined under ItESPA, I,ender shall notify Borro���er as
<br />required b� R}iSPA, and }3orro�aer shall pay to Lender the amount necessan• to make up the deticienc�% in
<br />accordance �vith RESPA, but in no morc than 12 montl�lv payments.
<br />Upon p�yment in full of all sums secured bv tlus Sc�t�rit�- Instrument, I,ender shall promptly reftuid to
<br />I3orro�aer anv I�unds held b� I,ender.
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borro��er shall pa�� all tases, assessntents, �harges, tines, and impositions attributable to
<br />the 1'roperty ��hich can attaiu priority over tlus Sec«ritv Instrument, leasehold pa�ments or gro�u�d rents on
<br />the Propert�, if anv, and Communit�� Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if �m'. To the estent th�t
<br />tl�ese items are Iiscro�� Items, Rorro�ver shall pa�� them in the manner pro�-ided in Section 3.
<br />13orro«er shall promptly discharge �ny lien ���hich has priorit�� o��er this Se�urih� Instrument ui�less
<br />I3orro�rer: (aj agrees in ��ziting to the pa�•ment of the obligation secured b}� the lien in a manner accept�ble
<br />to I,encler, but e�i�ly so long as Borra���er is perfonning such �greement; (b) contests the lien in gcx�d faith b��,
<br />or dci'ends against enii�rcement of the lien in, legal procecdings which in I,ender' s opinion operate lo pre��ent
<br />the enfi�rcement of the ]ien «iiile those proceedings are pending, but oniti' until such proceeJings are
<br />concluded; or (c) sectues irom the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactorti� to Lender subordin�ting the
<br />lien to tlus Sectuin� InsYrument If Lenaer determines that an,y part of the Property is suhject to a lien ��hicl�
<br />can attain priorit}� over tlus Securit�- Instrument, I,encler may give Rarro��er � notice identifyn the lien.
<br />Witlun 10 days of the date on �vhich th�t notice is given, }3orro�ver shall satisfy the lien or take one or more
<br />of lhe �ictions set t2>rth abo�•e in this Section 4.
<br />Lendcr mav require &�rro���er to pai� a one-time ch�rge ti>r a real estate ta� veriYication and/or reporting '
<br />scr��ice used bv I,ender in connection ��ith this Loan.
<br />5. Property Insurance. Borro��er shall keep the impro��ements now e�isting or hereafter erected on the
<br />Propert}• insured �gainst loss by tire, hazards included �jitlun the term "estended co��erage," and am• other
<br />hazar�ls includ'u�g, but not limite�i to, earihquakes �nS t7oods, for �vhich Lenaer• requires insurance. This
<br />insurance shall be maint�ineJ in the amounts (inclucling deductible le��els) ancl for the periods that Lender
<br />requires. Whal Lender requires pursuant to the prececling sentences can change durulg the term of the Loan.
<br />The insurance carrier pro��iding the insurance shall he chosen by Borro��er subject to Lender's right to
<br />disappro�•c I3orro���er' s choice, �vhich right shall nc�t be e�ercised unrelsonably. Lender may require
<br />Rorrouer to pa,y, in connection with this Laan, either: (a} a one-time charge for flaod zone determination,
<br />� cerlitication and trackuig sen�ices; or (b) a one-time charge ti�r flooa zone aetermination and certiiication
<br />001122994618 Cftibank V 1
<br />NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH M9�S Form 3028 1t01
<br />VMP a VMP6A(N� (1105).00
<br />Wolters Kluwer Rnancial Services Page 6 of 17
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