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201202�6� <br />If Lender esercises tlus option, Lender shall gi�•e Borro��er notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a <br />period of not less than 30 da��s Irom the date the notice is given in accordance ��•ith Section 1��vithin ���hich <br />13<�rro���er must pay all sums secwecl by tlus Security Instrument. If Borro�ver fails to pay these sums prior to <br />the espiration of tlus period, I,encler ma}� invoke anv remedies pennitted bti� this Securih' Instrument �r�ithout <br />furQicr notice or dentana on I3orro�>�er. <br />19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. Il' &�rro���er meets �ertain conditions, Borro�>er <br />shall ha�•e the right to ha��e enii�rcement of this Security Instrwuent discontinued at �nr' time prior to Ule <br />earlicst ot`. (�j ti��e da}�s before sale of the Property pursuant to any pa���er of ��le contained in tlus Security <br />Instrument: (b) such other period as Applicable La��� might specify for the termination af Borroner's right to <br />rcinst�te: or (c> entr}� of a judgment enforcing this Sec�vity Instrument. "1'hose conJitions are that Borro��cr: <br />(��) pa�•s Lender all sums ��iiich then «oula be due under this Securin� Instrument and theNate as if no <br />acceleration hacl occurred: (b) cures am� default of am� other a�venants or �greements. (c) pa��s all expenses <br />incurred in enti�rcing Uiis Security Instrument, incluJing, but not limited to, reasonable attornev� lces, <br />properlti� inspectiun and valuatiun fees, and other fees incurred for the purpo�e ot�protecting Lender's interest <br />in the Propert�� and rights under this Sec�vit�� Instrument: and (c1) takes such actian as Lender m�i�• <br />rcason��bh require to �ssure that Lender' s interest in the Propert�� �nd rights uncler tlus Securit�� Instrument, <br />ema Borro��er's obligation tu pay the sums secured b� this Securit�• Instrument, shall continue unchanged. <br />I.cnJer m��� require that 13ono��er pa�• such reinstatement sums and espenses in one or more uf the follo��ing <br />li�rms, as selected b�� Lender: (a) cash: (b) money order: (c> certitiecl chech, bank check, treasurer' s check or <br />cashier's check, pro�•ided an}� such chech is dra��n upon an institution ��hose deposits are insured b�� a <br />leJeral agenc}•, instriunentality or entitv: or (d) Electronic Punds 1'ransfer. Upon reinstatement by &�rro��er, <br />Q�is Securit�� Instrument ana obligations secured herebv shall remaut fully effective as if no acceleration had <br />occurred. } Io�� e�•er, this right to reinst�te shall not apply in the case of �icceleration under Section I R. <br />20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. "1'he Note or a partial interest in the <br />Nc�tc (together «•ith this Security Instrument) can be so1J one or mare times ���ithout prior notice to <br />13orro�l�er. A sale might result in a ch�nge in the entih� �hno��n as the "Loan Servicer" j that collects Periadic <br />Na� ments due unaer the Note and this Security Instrument and perfonns other martgage loan ser�•icing <br />obligations under the Note, this Security Instrument, an�l Applicable La«. 'I'here also might be one or more <br />changes of the 1,oan Ser��icer unrelated to � sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Ser�•icer, <br />I3orro«er ��ill be given ��ritten notice of the change which �vill state the name �nd address of the nen� Lo�n <br />Ser�•icer, the address to ��hich pavments shauld be maae and any other int��nnation RESPA requires in <br />ccnu�ection ��ith a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is sen�icea b} � <br />Lov� Ser�•icer other than the purchuser of the Note, the mortgage loan ser��icing obligations to Barro��er ��ill <br />reu�an� �rith the I.oan Ser�•icer or be transfened to a successor Loan Ser��icer and �re not asswned b�- Qle <br />Note pt�rchaser unless other�� ise pro�•ided by the Note purch�ser. <br />Ncither F3orro��er nor Lender may comuience, ,join, or be joined to am . judici�l �ction (as either an <br />indi�•iJual litigant or the II1C111hCi oi' a class) that arises fmm the other part��' s actions pwsuant to this <br />Scc�vit� Instrument or that allcges that the other part�� has breached am• pro��ision uf, or any dut�� o��ed by <br />reason of, tivs Securit�� Instrument, until such Borro«�er or Lender has notitied the c�ther part}� (�rith such <br />noticc giveu 11] C011l�lli�l]Ct; \\llll l�le Te(]U1T8111E11tS Ot SeC11011 15) of such alleged bre�ch and al�forJed the <br /><�ther part�• hereto a reason�ble period after the giving of such notice to take canective action. If Applic�ble <br />La�v pravi�les a time period «liich must elapse before certain action can be taken, that time period ��ill be <br />dceme�l to be re�sonable for p�Uposes of this paragraph. The notice of �cceleration and apportunity to cure <br />gi�•en to Borro�� er pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of �cceleratic�n gi�•en to Borro�m�er pursuant to <br />Section l R shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and oppe�rtunity to take conective aclion provisions of this <br />Section 20. <br />001122994618 Citibank V1 <br />NEBRASKA-Single Famlly-Fannie Mae/Fretltlie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3028 1/01 <br />VMP a VMP6A(N� (1105).00 <br />Wolters Kluwer Fnancial Services aage 13 of 17 <br />