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201202�62 <br />If the I,onn is suhject to � 1�« «�hi�h sets ma�imum loan ch�rges, �md that ]a�v is tinall�' interpreted so that <br />the interest or other loan charges �ollected or to be collected in connection t��ith the Loan esceed the <br />permittea limits, then: (a) am such loan charge shal] be reduced by the �mount necessary to reduce the <br />charge to the permitted limit: and (b) any sums alread�- collected from I3orro�ver «hich e�ceeded perniitted <br />limits ��ill be relunded to 13orrower. Lender ma�� chcx�sc to make tlus refund by reducing the principzl o«ed <br />uncler the Note or b�� making 1 direct payment to Borro�ver. If a reituld reduces principal, the reduction l�ill <br />be tre�ated as � parti�l prepa� ment ���ithout any prepayment charge (whethcr or not a prepa��ment charge is <br />pro��ided ti�r unaer the Note ). Borro�ver' s acceptance of �m� such refw�d ntade by direct payment to <br />I3orro�ier �vill constitute a �rai��cr of anv right af action Rorro��er might h�ve arising out of such overcharge. <br />15. Notices. All notices gi��en b�� F3orro��cr or I,ender in connection ��ith this Securit}� Instrmnent must be in <br />��riting. �iy notice to Rorro���r in connection �}�ith tivs Securih� Instruntent shall be aeemed to ha��e been <br />gi�•en to Borru�ver ��llen mailed by tirst class mail or �vhen aclually delivered to Bc�rro��er's notice address if <br />sent b�� other me�ns. Natice to am one Borro«er shall constitute notice to all Borro��ers ui�less Applicable <br />La�� e�pressl�� rcquires other��ise. Thc notice address shall be Uie Propert}� A�l�lress ui�less Borro��er has <br />designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borroner shall prouiptlti• notit�� I,ender of <br />Borro�ver' s ch�nge of ad�lress. If Lender specities a procedure for reporting Borro�ver' s change of address, <br />then Borro�ver shall oi�ly report a change of address through that speciYied procedure. <br />There uia�� be onl�• one �lesignated notice adciress under tlus Securit�� Instrument at any one time. Am' notice <br />to Lender shall be gi� b�� deli��ering it or by mailing it by tirst class mail to Lender' s address stated herein <br />ui�less Lender has designated another address by notice lo Borro���er. Am notice in connection ��ith tlus <br />Sec«rit�• Instrument shall not be dcemed to ha��e been gi��en to Lender until actuall�• received b}• Lender. If <br />am notice recluirea b�• this Sccurih� lnstrmnent is also requireJ under Applic�ble La��, the Applicable La�� <br />requirement ��ill satisl�� the correspanJing requirement under this Securih� Instrwnent. <br />16. Goveming Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Securit�� Instrument shall be go�•erned b�� <br />federal la�r znd the la�� ol� the jwisdiction in �vhich the Propert�� is located. All rights and obligations <br />contained in this Securin� Instrument are suhject to an�� requirements and limitations of Applicable La��. <br />Applicable La�� might explicitly ar implicitl}• allo�� the parties to agree h�• contract or it might be silent, but <br />such silence shall not be construed �s a prohibition against agreement bti' contracL In the e��ent that am� <br />pru��ision or clause c�f tlus Sec«rit�� Instrument or the Note confli�ts ��ith Applicable La��, such contlict shall <br />nat at�ect other pro��isions oC tlus Sect�rin� Instrument or the Note ���hich can be gi�•en effect ��ithout the <br />contlicting pro�•ision. <br />As used in tlus Securih� Instrument: (a) ���ords of the masculine gender shall me�n and inclucle conesponding <br />neuter �vor�ls or ��ords of the feminine gender; (b) ��ords in the singul�r shall mean and inclucle the plural <br />ancl vice versa; and (c) the ��ord "ma��" gi�'es sole discretion ��'ilhout tmy obligation to take an}� action. <br />17. Borrower's Copy. Borro��er shall be gi�•en one eop�' of lhe Note �ncl of this Security lnstrument. <br />18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in tlus Section 18, "Interest in <br />the Propert��" means am lega] or beneticial interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, those <br />heneYicial interests transferred in � bond for deed, contract ti�r deed, inst�lhnent sales contract or escro�� <br />ugreement, the intent of ��-hich is the transfer of title hy Borro��er at a iuture date to a purchaser. <br />If all or an}� part of the Propert�� or an,y Interest in the Propertti� is sold or transferred (or if Borro���er is not a <br />nat�u person nnd a benetici�l interest in Fiorrower is sold or transfened) �vithout Lender's prior ��ritten <br />cc»lsent, I_,ender may require immediate payment in i'ull of all sums seciued bti� tlus Securitr� Instrument. <br />Ho��e��er, ihis option shall not be e�ercisecl by Lencier if such e�ercise is prolubited fi' Applieable La�v. <br />001122994618 Citibank V1 <br />NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH M9�S Form 3028 1/01 <br />VMP a VMP6A(NE) (1105).00 <br />Wolters Kluwer Flnancial Services page 12 of 17 <br />