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201202�6� <br />Securin� Instrmnent, ��hether ur not then due. "(�posing Yartv" me�ns the tlurd p�rt�� that o��es Borro��er <br />Miscellaneous Procee�ls or the p�rty against ���hom Rorro�ver h1s a right of �ction in regard to Miscellaneot�s <br />Yroceeds. <br />Borro„�er shall be in default if an}' action or proceeding, whether civil or criuiinal, is begtm that, in Lender' s <br />judgment, could result in Ti�rfeiture of the Property or other material impainnent of Lender's interest in the <br />Property� or rights under tlus Sectuitv Instrument. Borroaer c�ui cure such a def�ult �nd, if acceleration has <br />occurred, reinstate as pro�•i�led in Section 19, bv causing thc action or proceeding to be clismissed ��ith a <br />ruling th�t, in I.ender's ju�lgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or other material impairnient of <br />I,cnder's interest in the Properly c�r rights under this Securih� Instrument. The proeeeds of any award or <br />clanu for d�m�ges that 1re attributable to thc i�upairment oi' Lender' s interest in the Propert,y� are hereb�� <br />assigned and sh111 be paid to Lender. <br />All Miscellaneous Proceeds tl��t are not applicd to restoraticm c�r repair of the Propert} sh�ll be applied in the <br />order pro��ided fi�r in Section 2. <br />12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. F,stension of thc time ti,r pa��ment or <br />modiiication of �mortization of the sums secured b�� this Securit�� Instrument granted b�� Lenaer to Borro��er <br />or anv Successor in Interest of Rorro�cer shall not oper�te to release the liabilit�- of Borro��er or vi�� <br />Successors in Interest of Borro�ver. I,ender shall not he rcyuired to commence proceeclings against am� <br />Successar in Interest of 13orro��er or to refuse to estend time ti�r pa}ment or other�vise mo�lif�- amortic�tiov <br />ol' the sums sec��red b� Q Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borro��er or <br />am Successors in Interest of Borro��cr. An}� forbearance h�� Len�ler in ezercising am� right or remed�� <br />inclu�luig, �vithout limitation, I,en�ler' s accept�nce of pa}�inents lrom third persons, entities or Successors in <br />Interest of Borro�ver or in amounts less tlzan the amount then due, sh�ll not be a���i��er of or precluae the <br />ezercise of anv rigl�t or remed��. <br />13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borro«er co��enants and <br />agrees that Borro���er's obligations and liabilit�• shall be joint and se�•eraL Ho«e��er, an�� Borro��er nho <br />co-sigais this Securin� Inslrument but does not esecute the Note (� "co-signer" ): (a) is co-signing this <br />Securin� Instrument onl� to mortgage, grant and com•e�� the co-signer' s interest in the Property under Uie <br />terms of this Securih� Instrument; (b) is not person�lly obligated to pay the sums secwed bv this Securit�� <br />InstrumenL• and (c) agrees tl��t Lender and any other Borro���er can agree to estend, modit;v, forbear or make <br />am accommodations �a�ith regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note �vithout the co-signer' s <br />consent. <br />Suhject to the pro�•isions oi� Section 18, am� Successor in Interest ot� Rorro�cer �vho asswnes Borro��er's <br />obligntions under tlus Secttrit}� Instrument in writing, and is approved b�� Lender, shall obtain all of <br />Borro��er's rights and benetits under this Sec�uin� Instrument. Rorro��er shall not be releaseci from <br />Borrower's obligations ancl ]iabilit�� under this Securit� Instrument unless Lender agrees to such rele�se in <br />��riting. Thc covenants and agreements af tlus Securit� Instrument shall bincl (e�cept as proviaed in Section <br />2()) and benetit the su�cessors and �ssigns of Lender. <br />14. Loan Charges. Lender mav chargc Re�rrower fees for services perti�rmed in connection ��ith Fiorro���er's <br />dclault, ti�r the pt�rpase oi' pratecting Lender' s interest in the Propertti' and rights under this Securit�� <br />Inslrumeilt, includ'ulg, but not limited tc�, �tt�rneys' fees, pruperty inspection �nd valuation fees. In regard to <br />am oUier i'ees, the absence of e�press authority in tlus Security Instrtunent to charge a speciYic fee to <br />13orro«er shall not be construed as a prohibition on the charging of such fee. I.ender may not charge fees <br />that are e�pressl} prohibited b� this Sccuritti� Instrument or by Applicable La�v. <br />001122994618 Citibank 32.55.07 V 1 <br />NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3028 1/01 <br />VMP a VMP6A(N� (1105).00 <br />Wolters Kluwer Fnancial Services Page 11 of 17 <br />