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201202�6� <br />{a) An�� such agreements �vill not affect the amounts that Borrower has agrecd to pay for Mortgage <br />Insurance, or any othcr terms of the Loan. Such ugreements ��°ill not increase the amount <br />Borrower ���ill o«�e for Mortgage Insurance, and the�• �vill not entitle Borro��er to an�• refuncl. <br />(b) Any such agreements «�ill not affect the rights Borrower has - if an�� - with respect to the <br />Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or am� other la«. These rights <br />ma}� include the right to recei� certain disclosures, to request and obtain cancellation of the <br />Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortga�e Insurance terminated automaticall�•, and/or to recei�•e <br />a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of such <br />canccllation or termination. <br />11. Assignment of M Iscellaneous Proceeds; Forteiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby zssigned to <br />ana shall be paid to Len�ler. <br />II� the Propert�� is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be appliea to restorzticm or repair of the <br />Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasiblc and Lender' s securit�� is not lessened. During <br />such repair and restoratian period, Lenaer shall have the right to hold such Miscellaneow Pre�ceeds until <br />l,ender has had an opportunit�' to inspect such Propert�� to ensure the �iork has been completed to Lender's <br />satisT'action, proi•ided that such inspection shall be undertaken prouiptly. I,ender mav pati� for the repairs and <br />restoration in a single disbursement or in a series of progress pz,yments �s the �vork is couipleted. LJnless an <br />agreement is made in �tiriting or Applicable I,a��� requires interest to be pai�l on such Miscellaneoiu Proceeds, <br />Lcnder shall not be requircd to p1y Borro��er nny interest or ezrnings on such Miscellaneaus Procee�ls. If the <br />restoratic>n or rep�ir is not economieallti• feasible or I,ender' s securitv �vould be lessened, the Miscell�neous <br />Prc�ceeds shall be applied to the suuis secured by tlus Securih� Instrument, ��hether e�r not then due, ��ith the <br />e�cess, if am�, paid to Rorro��cr. Such Miscellaneow Proceeds sh�ll be �pplied in the order pm�-idea for in <br />Section 2. <br />In the event of a total t�king, destruction, or loss in �•alue of the Propert}�, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall <br />be appliul to the sums secured b�� this Securih� Instrument, ��hether or not then �luc, ��ith the e�cess, if am, <br />paia to I3cino�� er. <br />In the event of � partial taking, destruction, or loss in v�ilue of the Propert�� in ��hich the fair market �•�lue of <br />the Property immedi�tely before the partial taking, clestruction, or loss in value is equa] to or greater than the <br />amount of the sunis secured b} tlus Security Instrument inunediatel�� beti�re the parti�l taking, destruction, or <br />luss in ��alue, u��less }3orro���r �nd I,ender otheru�ise agree in writing, the sums sect�red by tlus Securit�� <br />Instrument shall be reduced b} the amount of the Miscellaneow Proceeds multiplied by the follo«ing <br />fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secure�l inunceliatel�� befare thc parti�l taking, aestruction, or loss <br />in � ai�•ided b�• (b) the f�ir market value of the I'roperty immediatel�• beli�re the partial tahing, <br />dcstruction, or loss in ��aluc. M�• balance shall be paid to 13�rro��er. <br />In the e��ent of a partial taking, �lestruction, ar lass in ��alue of Uie Property in ��hich the lair market ��alue ol <br />the Property inunecli�tely beforo the partial taking, destruction, or loss in ��alue is less than the amount of the <br />sums secured inunediately before the partial taking, clestruction, or loss in value, unless I3orrower �n�l <br />Lender otherwise �gree in ��riting, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by tlus <br />Sec«rity Instrument ��hether or not the sums are then due. <br />If the Prapert�� is ab�ndoned b�� Borrower, or if, after notice b�� Lender to Borro�ver th�t the Op�sing Party <br />(as detined in thc nezt sentence) offers to make an a�v�ird to settle � cl�nn for dnmages, Borra��er fails to <br />respond to Lender ���itivn 30 d��ys atter the date the notice is gi�•en, Lender is authorizeJ to collect and appl�• <br />the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Propert}� or to the sums secured b� this <br />001122994618 Citibank V1 <br />NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMETIT WITH MERS Form 3028 1/Ot <br />VMP a VMP6A(Nt7(1105).00 <br />Wolters Kiuwer Rnancial Services Page 10 ot 17 <br />