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'��%;'1aMNwln ' .Sti - � .�A ' .rc :_:':._.._�.:��a�r.�.. <br /> -Y}� ' � , �. . Ft.. ,.� .. . . . . ., ... . .. ,vear°- <br /> ���y"" � . Fa n•.�.. _ n.� •'. ,v ..__.._. <br /> t-�. .� � � � •_�,:�,{y,}),'1L.!::.,, . <br /> Q��a� _.S!_.��� <br /> .. ! TJ��"in,�. ���'St.__•_.���. <br /> 19. LENDER'8 RIpHT T�D COMA�ENCE OR DEFEND I.EQAL ACTION9. Grenta thall Imt�edletoly provldo Lender wllh wrltten notice of eny actual a <br /> lhnaterNd nctkxl,u�fA,or othor pror�np afl�ctlnp th�Propwty. Cirontor h�rsby eppotm�lender as R�attomsyIn-faC to�na.Intawcie In,and <br /> d�bnd wch aqkiny;,culln,or olher I�pel proc��dlnpe and to compromla�a�sttk ony dalm a wntrovxsy pertelnlnp thento. Ler�der eha�l not b�Ilebl+a(Q <br /> Orenta fa+u�y nctldn,nrta,mistelu,ortialon a dslay p�nNnlnp to tlh�hacllons d�axih�d in thl�porapraph a eny demep�s resultlnp thsrthom. NothMq .J <br /> confNnad hsroln wlll prAVent l.ondar from teklnp the aalone�sc►Ibed parapraph In It�own name. , <br /> 1�. INn�IM�IIFICATIQN. Londer shall not ansume or be res{wnslble ta the pertomianrw of eny of Oranta's obllgelbna wllh reapect to the Propsrty und�r � <br /> eny c7rcumstnnoec. (3rnntor�tiall Immedlataly provlde Landnr wlih wrltten notic�ot and Indermlty end hold Le�der end Ite shareholdero,diroctaa,omcen, <br /> ertployee�nnd f►�►nta herrrYens trom all clalms.dernepss,Ilablfltles(Indudinp attortwys'(Nf end Iep�J oxpense�),cauaes ot actlon,actlone,sults ad <br /> other legel Exnumdin�a(cumulativoly"Clalrtn')pertelnlng to th�Property(fndudlnp,but not Ilmitsd to,those(nvolvlrg Hazardous Materlala). Orantu,upon � <br /> the roquact of l.nndor,rdioll hlre lagal counsel to detend Lendsr from such Galme,end pay the attorr�eys'tees,lepal expenses and other costs Incurred In <br /> coru�aetlon thorowflh. In tho ettemettve,Lender shell b�enlilled to enploy Its own lapal counsN to defand such Clekris at Qrantor's eoat. Orantor'e <br /> oWigatlon to Indormfly l.onder under thle peregraph shall aurvfvs the temilnatlan,rslease a lore�osure of 1hla Deed o(Trust. <br /> r <br /> 1A TAXES ANp A98iit3SIMEN7'9. Orantor ahall pay all texns end asa�tsrt�snte relatk►p to Prop�rty when due and Imrwdlately provlr]e lsnder eNdenae ' <br /> ot pa 1 af r,ams, Upon the raquast ot Lender,firantor ehell deposlt wfth Lender oech month aie-twel8h (1/12) ot the estknatad annual losurarxe <br /> pr�taxos and esaosamanla perta�nlnp to the Properiy. So bng aa thxe Ia na defaufl,thase emaume shaB he npplled ta the�paymient of taxe�, <br /> assessnwnto and Incurance ae r�equlred on the Property. In the ovent of defauft.Lender shall have the rlghl,at Its solo optbn,to appty the iunds so hetd to <br /> pay flny taxAa w eµalnat tho Obllp�tlons. My iunds epplled rruy,et lender's optlon,bs ep�iled In reverae ordar oi tha due dete thereaf. <br /> 10. IN8P�CTIQN OF PROPERTY,BDOKS,RECORDS IAND REPDHT9. Grentor shall albw Lender a fls egents to axeMna end In�pact the Properly <br /> and oxrunlno,lnt.por.i nnd mslw coples ot tirnmor's bookn end recards pertelning to the Property from tlme to tlme. Cirentw ahall p►avlde any asdatana <br /> requked by l.nntlt+r lar tlteco purposes. All of the Blpnatures�id Infomiatlor�wrriekied In Ciranta'e bookz and ra�ords shell be gerwln�,true,eccurate and <br /> �mplete In NI rnr�rta. Grantor ahell note the ex(stencs of Und�r's bwwflclal ktl�nq In Its books and records partalNng to th�Prop�rty. Addilbnaly, <br /> dremor�1taU rs�t,In n larm estlefactory to Land�r,auch Inf�r�tlon as L�r�d�r maynq�4t r�p�dlnp Granto�s�andel oor�ditlon a H»Pr . Tf� <br /> Inlorrt�tbn stwll b�tfx aud� nflat Qrontors rw�d�at wch tlm�,�nd�h�N b�nnd�nd wkh weh h�qu`ncy n�Und�r mey des �t�. All <br /> Inlom�stbn fuml�h�d l�y�rent�r to Lsnd�r�hell I�tru�,eaurrb and cortpl�t�In ell nsp�ct�,nnd slprNd by Qrar►tor If Undsr requ�st�. <br /> 17. ESTOPPEL C�RflFICATEO. WitMn t�n 1�0)day�aRsr�ny rpu�st by L�nda,Cirarnor d�N dNtvK to I.�nde,a�ny fMx�d�d tnn�l�rN ot Lmdw� <br /> d�l�whh nip�ct ta th�Obllpnlom.s dprwd�nd�ckrrowlrKJp�d�ut�rtrnt sp�dfykrp(�)th�artstandlnp b�lena on th�0411prtlonr,md(b)wh�1Mr <br /> prunor pnsesyee any nlelms.daleneee,eet•oNe a caim�rc�alrrr wNh rey»d to th�od�tlons�nd.II w.�h�nawn ol weh ctafrtM.dNMN�,Nt-0ft�u <br /> oax,�erc�.krM. ornm�x wx�b.oo�u.iv.+y ao„nd�y�,y�m.��.na.►m.y m.ia�o irw ni.�,d�d t►�,.r.�«w�m r.�.a�o�n.w m�n..,w, <br /> thi w�rH Ih�t Oranta INb to provld�th�nqu�q�d�taurtwra In��knNy rmna. <br /> 1�. DEFAULL Ornntar�I�sll bo tn deleult und�r thls De�d of Yru:t and th�Trutws'e pow�r�hall bsoats operatNe In the event that Cirarrta,Hortow+ra <br /> �ny puarr�lw of tha abllp�tlons: <br /> (a) I�fls to pay eny(�hNpatlon to I.�nd�r when due; <br /> (b) IWIs lo partam any 01�Ilpetlon or txeachea any wanenry or covenar►1 to Lender conlelnsd In thls Decd of Truat or any other pretent a futuro <br /> �prMrrwnt� <br /> (a) d�stroy�,loso�or darnspn the Propsrty In any materi�l rosp�ct a�ubjscts the Propsrty to selwrs,conflacatbn,a candermatlon; <br /> (d) Nek�to rovoko,teminate a mfisrwlae Ilmlt Its Ilabllm�Under any puaranry to Landsr; <br /> (�) das,baoornQa loAslly Inoariqt�nt.Is dl�soluad or tamYnabd,b�rrs lnsdwnt,mekes en aislgnmam fo►tM beneflt of aaditora,talb to p�Y <br /> d�bl�ac thay.becx�ms thw,flk�e petBlon under the federel bonkruptcy law�,has an Imduntery petltlan In 6enlwptcy fl{ad M whldi Gramor,8or►owK <br /> � or wry guarantor ta nnm�d,or hae propxty taknn undat eny wrN a proass of coun; <br /> - (n eNowt gpade to he usod,treneponad or nored on tho Property,ttw posseulon.tren�portatlon,a use of wNch.Is fllapel. <br /> (9)�IIOW�anY PanY otbor 1�iHn ttrentor or 8orrow�r io nnou�iM Oi iliwin�-riw diy Ci'�'wT.::�i:aL�s"s��i�r�sr.�~"at L:.s�::� <br /> (h) rsuws Lendgr to dReir Itsotf Insaairo dw to a elgniflGant dodlns In the valus of the PropeAy;a if Lancbr,In good taith,fo►any reason,bsliewi <br /> i <br /> thet ths pro�peal oi pay►rw►rt or porlormenca Is Irtpalred. <br /> �p, pKiHTg pF I.ENp&R ON p6FAULT. If th�re la a dolault under thls Deed of Truat,Lender shall ba entflled to exeruas ons a mws ot the toHowirp <br /> , rart��wittwiA rwlbo or rNrtw�d(sxapl as requlred by law): <br /> (n)to dedarn ttla Obllpatlona Irtm�dlataly dus and payebk+In full; <br /> � (b) to ooN�alltw ouluirencing 0►�II�allons wrih a wtthout meonlnp to Juddal proo��a: <br /> (a) to roquko mrnMnr to MNwr and r►�k�evaNat9e 10<Mr eny p�nonal propsrty or ChattN�oon�tkuihrg 1M Prap�Ay at a paa naar►aHy <br /> � aonvsnkm to 6ramor end Lend�r; <br /> i (d) to erNSr upon And tefce poswttlon of tlw Proparty wlthout cipplykip(or or obtafNnp the appo6ttment of a►ealVer and,at Lsnder's optbn,w <br /> • eppokh a reoAfver wNhan bond,wflhout fkst bringing suk on tM Obllgetlona and wkhout otherwlse mealing arry statutory conditlons reparrWp <br /> reoehrsrs,ll bNng intond�d thet Lendsr ehall have thls comractual rlpM to appolrtt a rsalver; <br /> � (e) to ermloy a mauiapMg agent of th�Properly and lot tl»sarrN,NtMr In Truttea'�own nartr,In tha name of Lr±rwLr a In the nartr of Cirsrrior, end <br /> reoN►v ths ront�,inoutrqs.iseues and profite of the PropWr.y end epply ths eartr,afl�r payment of all neceasery eharps�and expensee,on socourn of <br /> the Obliyatbns; <br /> (f) to pay any eums In eny torm or menner deemed oxpadlent by Londor to protsct ths eecurlty of thla Oeed ot Truel ur to cure any dofeuH other than <br /> pnymerd o1 tmoro�t or princlpal on tha Obllyatlons; <br /> (q)to toredosa thls Owd of Trust judklally or nonjudldNly end to dncl the oals of the property tMough axerdae of ths power of sele as roferaioed In <br /> p�erepraph 20 haeoi in acxordana wHh apMlcabN law; <br /> (h)to�t-ott Grama's Obllpetloni egalnst any emoum�owsd Gramor by Lsndar Indudlnp. bul not dmited to,monks,Instrum�nts,and dspo�t <br /> scoamta mefmidnpd with Lend�r or eny currently sxlttlnp or tutun afANat�ot L�nd�r:and <br /> p)ta�xerolse atl mMr rlflhts avallabl�to Lwidsr und�r ony other wAttsn epnerwnt a oppllcal�l�law. <br /> . L�rcler'�rfpMs ere aurruletNe end mey be sxerdwd tog�.�eparatNy.and In eny ortMr. In th�nr�m that Le�du InslNuta an actlon ss�ldng ths <br /> t raoov�ry oT any of tM Ptopxtyby way of a proJudpit»nl ronwdy In an ectlon epski�t arantor,Grentw waivea the postk�p ot eny bond wMch n�t <br /> ottNrwlw b�roquk�d. l.o:�d�w Lsr�e daNprwa m�ypurchaa th�Property at eny sels. Prac�of any Trusta�saN h�nund�r�hdl b��ppd�d <br /> Ont,to Itw ca�t��nd ex�n aes of exard�ing thepowor pf�end of th�ssN,Indudlr�g th�peyrr�ent of lhe TNtteeb feet adually Ineumd ar�d not to <br /> ,. �xa�d 1M�wnax�t wt►Idi r►f�y be pravld�d lor In thf�DeRd of TruiL payrrnnt of ihs Obllgatlons secutal henby.lhlyd,to tf»p�yrr�nt of�'unlor <br /> lrun dMd�.mat s,a othe►IlenhokNn,and ths betw�a,If eny,to the p�rson aperron�kpally emBH�d thereto. Theprapsrty a any part thsnot may <br /> b told k►on��or In such peresl�,mern►sr a order a�L�nd�r In k�wl�diiaetlon mey alect,and one a more ex�rdsea oi ths pow�r h�rsln p�auitKJ <br /> ah�N not dxtMpW�h or o�aust the pawsr unle:s the entlro propetty I�sold a tM obllpetbns ers pald In tull. <br /> Z0. 1'AU8 i tE`3 FJ�EFtCl86 t?F Pbid►ER�BALE OiJ DErAULT: If l�r akct�to call Greutlor's Imsrvst In the Ptoperty by ex�rdso of the power of <br /> : sab hsreln oonlaln�d,londer ehall notlfy Trusteo In tho mann�r then rsqitlrad by law. <br /> � Upon reo�Ipt ol suoh not}ae of Lender and at tM dlroctlnn ot Lend�r,Tru�t�a shall cauee to bo rscord�d,pudlahed and delhrered such notkea of detadl <br /> � end notkos of sak as may then bo raqulred by law nnd by thls Deed ot Truat. Trustee shell,only at the directlnn of Lender and wMhoul dartmnd on Granta, <br /> aflor auch tlrtw as may then be roqulred by law end aflor reoordatlon of euch notice of deteutl and afler notlee ot eale havMg been glven aa requtred by law, <br /> a�N the Propo�y at th�tlms end paoe of cale Ilxed by It In wch notla ot�als,slth�r es whole or In seperate lota a parcels or Iterr�s an Lender shell deern <br /> sxp�dNrd end In such ader ea i1 may detormina,at publlo euctlon to tha hlghea ddckr tu caah In lawlul money of tho United Statsa payabla at tha tlme of <br /> sal� a af othxwlss may then bo requltod by law. Tnratee shall dellver to such purchaser a purehasera ihereof Its good end sufffd�nt desd or deada <br /> Cqnr�yinp th�propelty�p�old,but wNhcwt any covenant or wertanty,axproft or Impllecf. The redtels In such deod ot any mattera or facte�hall b� <br /> oprkqulw proof ot th�tnnhh�s�theroot. My{»rwn,Indudlnp,wlthout Umhatton.t�rantor,Trustas a I.ander,mny purchase et weh�ale. Trusus mey <br /> in th�m�nn�r provld�d by law postpotw wl�of eN or any portlon of tM PropKty. <br /> . Z1. REWIEST FOR MOTICESs Granta requeat�that e oopy of eny notice o}d�feuR end a oopy of eny notice of sale hereundur ba malled to each person <br /> who Is a party Mreto a11he address oi such person set fonh hareln at tha sarrie tlrr�end lii+he seme mennar requlred as though a sop3rate requ�ai <br /> th�reof had 6aen filed by oach such person. <br /> NEDOTC Rwr.3fDB Pap�3 d 8 ° <br />