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. . .._..,L{jhy�•.l''tt�{ � ' . . . . . , ' . �li. � ..I.F� , ._.. .,:'�n),,f+•:r, _`�f�}�. , <br /> � , - , •' ' , _l 1�. :�(i �i �i. � �tC: `,,�zr f. ;,t �1 f <br /> - •f . .'��� .,. -. ..n c . .��.i . '•, :. 1 t f�l, �,Pt�t "_ <br /> }i 4��` •� • . .... "f.c. ��i ���...�,�_ aS. '.� ec"�_''�l�li'`.��'d"- <br /> •! "�'' �._y.o ' r�—�..^n3tl�Fl�•r••e.;:�5 - - — -- <br /> . . � ... . <br /> �� ..... �. ' �- _ <br /> . .. . .��__..--- <br /> . - 7�^;'_^`°'+"s�^�' ... . ----- - <br /> M , v�` . . � _ .. .._. .. . • �.. . . _.. . <br /> ... . _ .. _ -°- <br /> �,•.y'.,Q"^,�'en,,,�,i:�::.. <br /> .,i."'�' " . <br /> -..�...�..'r.■ `--- <br /> �•'i:r'�� . <br /> ��r`=��� ° �, gECUp�TY INTEREBT UNDER 7HE Ut�11FORAA COII�EACIAL CODE. Thls Oe6d of Trust shall be considersd and be ettective as a Hnandnp <br /> ' ��� ttetement and a flxtura tilirp purwent to the provlslons of the Udform Comrnerdal Code(as edoPted �n ihe state where the real prop�rty Is locetsd) � <br />`��`�`� ' o�vwf flxluns,chhriels,er�d artid�s of psrsona!prc�perty►aw owned a hsnshN ett°chad 10 a to be used In connecllon wEth ihe Property tagsth�r with � <br /> , �;� A�y��I��eplacernents Iherpi and edditions therato(ihe'Cha11eU"),end Grantor hereby s Lender a aecurity Intxeat In such Chattsl�. Th�dsda Is � ,�, <br /> tlw 4rentor�iasultxtd above. Thls Deod of Tn�st wfll ba ettective es a finencing atatemaM iled as a flxture fiting with reapect to NI fixlurea Indudsd within _ <br /> said premises t+nd Is tn be filed for racord In ihe r�ai actata record�of each counly whero eny part o1 said prem(ses(Includfnp aald(ixturos)Is citu..3ted. Thls i��� <br /> Daed o1 Trust shdl aleo Ge�{fective aa 8�'nancinp atetemerd oowsing any other Fxemises end may be R�ed�n eny otherappropriate filfng a recordng __ <br /> '� o(fka. A cerioc�n,photographlc u other repoduclion of thls D�edo1T►ust ur of any flnancing statament relating to thts�eed of Truat thall ba sumdent as a __ <br /> . �'' 8nancinp�iatammt for any of ihe purposea referted to In this Perpraph. The secured PertY Is the Lender desalbed aiwvs. Upon dertnnd,arentw chatl __ <br /> :'��i �.execute nnd doliver such sacurity egrsertnnta(as auch terrn Is deflned In aald Uniform Cortrrrerdal Code)as Lender at eny tlma may desm <br /> � Mpuary or prop�r or r�quirod to grant to Under a pertacted a«w:ty Intonst In th�Chattela,and upon�rentore fallure to do co,Lend�r Is authori:od to <br /> `_.. �� 61gn eny wchogns rtwnt es th�epMil of Qronta. Cirantw I»►�hy autfarize�L�nd�r to flk flnandn0 statem�nif(as wch tsrm Is d�Nnod In saW Unilorm � - <br /> � ' � Cortmorc!el Cocio)wlth reepeet to th�Chattele,at any time,witlaut th�slynatun of Qrantor. Cirentor wfll,howwer,et eny tirrn upon r�qusst o1 L�nder. <br /> '*` "•'•'�� a{pn such firesnclnp�tm�rrbnts. Qrenta will paY all elinp tees t«ms tiNnp of wch 6nar�cing 4tatem�nle and lor tho rofilinp thorcot at iho tirma rca,ulrcd,In M r- <br /> ==��': IM opinbn of L�rid�r by�eld UNform Corrrirrdal Cod�. If tha Gn ol thle DMd of Trut1 b�cubject to eny wcurity eprwrnsnt cov�r�p tM Chatt�l�,tMn <br /> �;�7 In tM ewnt ol any d�faufl undsr thl�D�sd of Tru�t,all th�rlgM,tliM�nd Intertnt of Rrantor in and to any end st of th�ChanNs I�Fi�r��assiyr»d to <br /> , 7s L�nd�r,tap�lMr wlth th�b�n�m of eny d�pettt�or p�yrtwnts now a h�rnfl�r med�Ihueof by Orentor a Ih�pndac�atart a wcutson In ti11s of <br /> r Cir�ita In th�PropNYy. _ <br /> � ZD. REIAIYURa�e1�lENT OF AIAOUNTII EIIPENDED�Y L@NGER. LN�d�r,al lend�r's optlon,msy��thls O�iid o�t Tn�iit�U�Yd�f rnd,(�r�u <br /> . ' •%pM1Ne)10(SN10fTi1 QSy�Li f�QWf�10 b�1NH�I�Of�ffl0f M 10�xKGM�Ily fl�ll IX fHllYdy 01 LOINNf � <br /> �h�M kmr0l�iNY nlrttiurw L�xMr lor�II wch arnu�nt��xp�nd�dby Lmsisr iopnh�r wNh kn�n�t tlwrwn�i�M bwN ot th�hlpl►��i r�t�d�salb�d In�ny <br />:�-.;�.�%; pbwpMbn or 1tN Mph�q nl��Ilowr!by 1�w hom Ifk d�N of pY�'�r„untA Ih�d�to of r�knb4pMrrMn1. TMM wrrw shM b�M�dud�d In tha d�Hnttbn ol <br /> •• Ot�tlon�Mnin�r►d shMN b�wwnd by tM bm�Acl�l k�tKwN granl�f h�r0 ta o�NI{on�wth�Obllp�llon����i�hi b�pin n Q o1 pu�Wlca�!on ol <br /> .,`_.' ►aN,e�I»rNn provi+lW.a�n�tw�wnt 1.���r�hau,�t it�wl�oqian.p�m�l WY Y P� <br />,,��.,,., notlu ol e�N�n�h�rNn provW�d�1Mn,4rantor�h�ll p�y on d«rond dl�xpmw�;neurnd by th�Trueta�and L�nd�r fn conr»cUon with u�W pudlu�lon. <br /> k�ck�►p r�a�or►�W��tlorrNY�'hes�o IM s1lortNy�la 1FN TrusN�and lor tlw L�nd�r,end�rpwnabl�fM to Ih�TrustM,�nd thl�DMd ol Trutt�h+Jl b� <br /> ��..• - Nqxity la aH akh�xp�nWS�nd IN�. <br />:�_�.. �1 �ooe�f� ng <br /> � "'�° �1. APPLICATION OF PAYM6NTl. Th�TruNN slwM �r IM of th�1ru�1M'��al� 1{nL to ih�co�u�nd�xpmsa�ofla InaM pwd o1 Trustl <br /> _"'= aale flnd ol th��� th�p�Yr►Mnt ol�Tw1M'i IN�Kt�!Incumd not to�xa�d I�r emarnt whkh msy b�Ixovld�d <br /> T�'�"� s� p�y�trr►t of Bw tfon�cund bY 1M Dwd o�T"�i•"" Ih�paymont of Junlor doods ot trust.matp�pee o►oth�r Ii�nhold�rs.and ihe �_ <br />'a�V��� p„I�nO�,II�1ty.1011N psff0o u p�nons I�pr�Y MIHNd th�nl0. <br /> .�.,,A� 2d, ppMlEp OF ATTORNEY. �ranta h�nby ap{wints L�nder es Ite ariomeyIn•fact to endorss Grentor's nam�on ell Intlrurr»nt�end oth�r doaxnents <br /> pxt�k�kp to 1M Oblfgations a D�ad o1 Trutt. In eddiEon, l�ndrar shall bs ernitled,but not requIrad, top�rIortn eny ectlon a execute any doaimont <br />,_-�,�.; ,- �Ind to b�tek�n or�x�cut�d by Qramar und�r this l�d ol Truit. Le�xi�r't wAomrnce ot such actlon a�x�aAlon of such docurtrnts shall not <br />:.i•y%.`,,�`f;! rs�w�(3ranta ham eny pbi,syetlon or cun eny defautt under thii D ead of TNSt. Aff Mw�rs ot attomsy desalbed in thls D�d of Trwt ere ca�d with an <br /> ,: y6Y�� Inte�tt�nd on Ircwocabl�. <br />. _P'i�: <br />��� 2!, SUBROfiATKyH OF LEPIDER. Lender shall be subroptlod to iM rightc of the hotder of eny prwlaus Ibn, e�curity Irrtenst or �ncurr�ren�e <br /> - ��p�d Wlth(unde erdvvancad by Undx reperdeas af whsth�rih�s�Ilens,sacurity Intensts a other encumbreno�a haw bean released of record. <br /> 27. Cp6LECTIOt�I C09T8. To the exterrt edby lew. (irentor eDne�s topay Lancbr'a reaaonable fes�and costa,induding,but not Ilmit�d ta.teAa <br /> --�-�-- p�tls of atlomeY+and othsr epsnis(ndudlng wfihout Ikdlstlon porel�gais� clarka and conwMerrts),whethsr or not wch ariomey or apent Is an <br /> =�= ys�oi-Lsndor.whkh era kwurred by I.nnd�r in colkc�iny any a�rwurrt dus a entadng any�t or rerndy u�I�lectlo�n�lons rust�wh�thar or not <br /> �.:..a:��� sWt Is brou�nt�Induding.but not Ilrtilad to�all fees and cast�Inaured a►appsal,in benivuP�oY.and a post•IudPr►bnt <br /> �"—" 2A. PARTIA4 RELEASE. Lsnder may relessa ite irrierest h ot the Pr�op�rty. Nothing heroin a�hall b�a�d to oDMga�te L r�to rska�ie eny�of its <br /> --- qroonwyance withan atlecting fls Interest in the rert�elning podkn <br /> �'� intenst In the PropertY(excopt ea roquind under P�38 or as may be otherwise requirodby Iaw),nor�hell Un�r b�obllgetsd to relsese anY parl <br /> p�it�s prop�rty i}arantor is in default under thie Deed of rust.The qen end a�writ�r interost creafed by the De�d of Trust remein In ettat wlth reapect to <br /> -- thN ponlon of iM deflned In the Deed of Trust,thal Is not Ihe aut�Jeci of tfils or any Perttel Deed of Rscorrveyanca <br /> 2p, MODIFICATION AND WAIYER. Tha modiHcation or waker of any of Cdremor's Oblipatlona or Lender'e rights undx thia�e�d Of Tnlst must be <br /> _--. - contdrnd In a writin0 elOned bY Lend�r. Lender may pertam eny of Borrower'e a Cirarrtor'a ObNpntlons�d�l�y or tdl to exsrdse any of It�rfphts a <br /> PaY�s trom Cirarrtor or anyms otFnr than Grantor wilhout causing a waiver ot those OWigatlona a rlahts. A waiver on one oa;a�on�hall rat consiri � <br /> a waiwr on eny othx oaaston. Cirentor's ObtIpatbns under thU Deed of Trust shaN not be aMscted ifl�nder artMnds,oar�promissa,sxchanpes,fail�to <br /> exKdN,Impdn a roteeeea eny of ths OWigetfon�belonging a any Cirentor,Barrow�r a thirdperty or any ot fls rk�hta egeimt any Cinrrtu 8ortowe►a <br /> tl�rd prty or any ot ths Property. Lender's fai(un to inslat up�n strict per(om�ence of eny of the abl�gatians chdl notbe desmed a wehrer en�Lsndx shaN <br /> havo tt»r{pht at eny tlme�heroarier to Insist upon atrict pedon�ance. <br /> 90. �L9S71111TE TRU3TEE;TRUSTEE LIABIUTY;COMPENSAi10N. In ease ct ihe dsath,Inadliry,reiusal to ec1 or ebwnce of ttw Truete�hom ihs <br /> .�,,,, �taN whe►e the roal property la located a In cas�the hctder oi rtis Odipatlom ihall dssir�for eny rseaon to rxnow ttw TrusiM or any wbslNut�1Ntte�as <br /> tru�tM herounde�end fo a'point a new truitw In hls place end aroad,the holder of the Obligntione is hanby grar►ted full pow�r to uppdnt ki wrhing a <br /> wbstriu►�trustM tor aald Trueteo,end the aubsiftute truatee ahY.whon�ppotMed,beeom�wxeasa to dl ripM�ot 7ni�tM FNnund�r end the seiro�heN <br /> b�carn v�st�d In him for the purposes and obJ�cts ot this De�d of Trust wNh all ihe power,duties end ahlipetions hedn conf�rnd on ttN Truitea. Truatse <br /> �hdl rat b�Ikbl�fa any sttor ot t or act done by Tmate�,a bs othewlse respontible a aacountable und�r eny drarteteneea whateoever. <br /> --- TNSt�sh�dl not ta personally I n cese of emry 6y It a enyone acllng by vlrtue of ihe powsn h�ningranisd 8 upon th�Dead of Trust ta debts <br /> oontr�ct�d or Nabiliry a�ss Incurtod In ihs men�pern�m or operatlon of saki premises. TNStee�haM havs thsri�h1 to r�l on any IntlrumsnL <br /> �q�r�r�t a�Ipr�at�ua aut �g pr tupporting any aqfon tak�n apropoasd to be taimn by k hsreundsr a bNl�vsd by11 Inpoo�fahh to bsg�nuins. <br /> Tru�1N shall be emltlad to rshilwnsrtwn�f for expnnses k�eumd by M in the perfortrenee of hs dutNe heramder and to ronsonabl�eortpen�tfon lor sueh <br /> ��.— of Ks�ervlo��hK«x�dar es alwll be tendsrcd. Cirantor will,Irom 1Nre to time,paY corrpe�satlon due Tru�tae herounder end relmburse Tnist�e for end <br /> -- - Kve and hold g hartrieas from and apelnat a�y end all bsa,oo�l,I iadNty,darrege and axpense whatsoever Inarred by N In the perfomrmce of ks dutba. <br /> ��,tiAH rtqrwys nalv�d by Trust�e shaH,umil uaed a applled as herein prov{ded,ba held In trust for thopurpows lor�hlch they wera recalyad.but:�ccd nat - <br /> � ��p�����y h�nx�hom any othe+r nbneya(excepl to the sxtsrrt required By law)end Truatee ehall be under no IlabGity(or Intereat on nny <br /> It <br /> ' 31. 6UCCESSOR9 AND ASSKiNB. Thla Deed of Trust �hatl be binding upon and Inure to the banefit ot Grentor and Lender and tholr reapecllve <br /> --- wxsa:ocs.esalgns,trustees�reeeNero.edrr�nl:tratora.personel representatwes.Iegateea end devlaaes. <br /> _->.;�;+�,� 32, NOTICE�. Except as oth�rwlae requlrsd by law,any notice or o�her earmunicatlan to be provided undu this Dsed of Trusl ehall b�In writing and sent <br /> _- to tM penbs�t ths addre�sysas do�aibad In thls Oaed of Tnisl or such other eddresa as the portba may deslgnate In wrNing hom ilme to tlme. My such <br /> �"`"���� n t�na�o w�i,o�m such notic�e iasbe�nl g g�(v�en��epeld,�hall be deemed given the earlier of throe(3)days eflQr 6uch notioe la sent or wh�n reeotved <br />--R=.'�� 39. SEVER�BIUTY. Whenever possible,each provislon d�hia Deed of T►uat sheli be Interpreted so as to be ettectNo and valid under appllcade atate <br /> ""-'----� law. II eny provlalon ot this Daed of Trust violates the law or Isunen(orceable,the rest of the Deed of Tniat chall continue to be valld and entorceable. <br /> ����:; -.. <br /> :��F�'!�'.3.�. 3 4. A F P L I C A B L H L A W. Thla Deed of Truat ahaN be g o vemed by 1he lawa of tha state whero the real properry is lucated. Unless applicable law provldea <br /> ;�:.SL""�l� ottierwlao,f3renta cona�nte to the juriscficllon end venue o f enyeourl s e l�c t e d b y L e r�r,I n R e s o l s d s c ro t i o n,l o c a t e d I n t h a t e t a t e. <br /> i"�� <br /> --�' 36, �NSCHLLANEOUB. Grarita and lender agree that tirne Is of the�aaence. Grantor walve�prossnimem,darrend tor payment,natice of dislwnor end <br /> � te�t�x as r�qukad by iaw. All rof�rer�s to Grantor h thfs Deed of Trust rhail induda allparsona signing belaw. If there 18 mon lhan or»(irantor, <br />.:Y,�� ��pa�ye��ett bs�olnr�a+d several. Thia Oaed of Trua repnsents the corry�lete Inteqatad urxbrotondng between C3rentor end L�nder psrtalning to <br />-_,�,i, � ���....�..._��..___.._.._.±. <br /> -`.�_,�c.. <br />""!s���"� 3a, NO THIWD PARTY RICHTS. No person Is a shall be a tt�ird party beneftdary of anyp►ovlalon of thls Daed of Trust. All provlslons o}this Deed of .. <br /> '���'',�'�'�^ Trust In favor o}Lendar ere Intended solely for the benefit al lender,and no ihird party shalf Ye entitled to assuma or expect that Lender will not walve or _ <br />�-.�:;l:c. -•..; :• . <br /> �.,�;��.,,,� oonaard to the modiflcatlon of eny provislon of tAis Deed of Tmst. In Lender s sole cAsaetlon. <br /> •,�..� _:� . � <br /> ,,�_ ,• ;•:�,. = <br /> ;. ;..�;'•, 37. PRESERVATION�F LIABILITY AND PRIORITY.Witlaut ettecting thu Ilabiliry of Bortower,arantor,a any guarentor of the Obilpattons,or eny other _ <br /> '�� � � person(except a person expressly released In wAtlnp)for the payment andperfommnce ot the Obtlgatlons,end without attecting tho dphte of Lender with .• <br /> ��,' .'�.t,�� •,,+ respect to any Propeny not expressly released In writing,aMwithout Impaidng in any way ihe prlority of this Deed of Trusl over the Imereat of any porson <br /> :%•;a.:•;. :„� , ecquIrod or flrst evidenced by recording subsequem to the recording ot this�eed of Trust,Lender may,elther before or after the maturity of ihe Obligatlona, <br /> .y,,. � .,, and without notice or conaont:releasa eny person Ilable for yrt�ent or per(omiance of oll or any pert of the Obligations;make any agreement eltering iho - <br /> -;,;� ,: ; tertm of pa�ymeM or�edortnence of all or eny part of tho Ob�gations;exerdse or refraln from oxerdslnp or waive eny r i aht or remody that Lendar may have _ <br /> _ .,,. � under the Deed of Truat;axopt edditional securlty of any Wnd for any of the Oblipatlons;or release or otherwise de a l wtth any real or personal properly - <br /> ��"``+ secudng iho Obligaltona. My person acquldn�or reeordirg evldence of any Interest of any nature In the Property shall be dnemod, by acquinng eueh = <br /> �'"':`'"�''' Interest or recording any evldenee ihereof,to have consentedlo au or any such actiona by Londer. <br /> y 2�. _ <br /> -?�;,�„ <br /> � - ' NEDOID Ra.119� P�4d6 '— ' <br />