."'s�1� „ • � ;�:�=
<br /> , _�:�,�.�..
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<br /> . �;,,,w�e �.�."��i�F,�'R�.�s�l�?".�•."'y .. . ���.�t�-.,..�� .. ..- -- _
<br /> ;_ �
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<br /> ,_t.�,.�.
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<br /> �z::�� (cC �M �Pp�-�lawo ond npulat{on�, Includinp.withaut Ilmlullon,Ihs M�lean�wllh Dltabllitf�a Act.�2 LL9.C.3�ctlon 12t0� w1 wq.(�rd dl
<br /> -'•.=j%'£ rpuletlaw p►°,�ly�ud 1h�rKmde►)�nd ell tonlnp e�nd bulldk►p liwf nnd rpW,�tlom r�tlnp to ih�Prop�rtY by vinu�ot err�(W�+�,�tau or munklpN
<br />_-'."-' �ulhortty tl�th NnWktlon owr Ih�Prop�rty,Pnwntly en�nd�haN b�obwrv�d�nd compll�d with In ell met�rlal n�p�c1�,end dl ►Iphts.YanNi, (�
<br />'yr`d��� rarmNs.encl cMiHcetn ol a:u�p�ncy(includiny but nol Hmit�d to toMnp vvlana�,ep�dN�xapllone la norxonlomi{ny uN�.end fwNl in�p�ction � .
<br /> . . ep{xovel�l,wlxlher tlrtpornry a p�m►en�nt,whlch ar�nbiKlel lo UK ura nnd occupency at th�Prop�ny.pna�ntly aro end thall bs obtednid, '
<br /> � � pnwrv�d m d,when i»a�sary,rerMw�d. _
<br /> } (d) Oranla hm1hN r{pht end I�duly euthodt�d to�xowt�and p�rlam It�Obilgnllons und�r Ihlf De�d oi Truet and the�e eaione do nol and shall not � _
<br /> �, canAkt whh tne provlNmi ol�ny a�tut�,rpulatlon,ordinena,rul�ol Inw,oontrect a oth�r agre�ment which r►ny bs dndng on Qrentor al eny tims: � -
<br /> ' (e) No ac�an a pro�dinp Ia a shaM b�p�nd�rW a�hnsur�d whldi miAhi matelally efl�ct th�Prope�y:end
<br /> sha �
<br /> ';'" (f) Oranta hri nat vbl�t�d�nd Nra11 not vlolaU any steturo,rayulatlon,ordinuna,ruk o1 law,contract or other agreemam pnduding,but nat Iimited to,
<br /> . , those Qowrninp Hazerdou�M�I�rlals)whldi rright rt�tKlaAy efl�ct ih�Prop�rty a L�nd�r'e rlghts u kit�ntt In the Property purauant to thls Deed ot
<br /> Trust. -_
<br />--- "� RIOR OEE08 Qf�TRUBY� Qrontor r�pn�enri end wertanU ihat Ihers ee�no prlor d�sda ot iruat eflsctinp any part ol lhe Properry except es�at forth � `
<br /> wl� hedu{e B annc��ed to this ONd of Trus1,whldi Cirentw egrssa tn pay er►d p�rform In a tlmNy mennar. if there are any prlor dasda ot truat then
<br /> egreas to pny aN errqunte owed,end Perte►m aH obligetione requlred,under such dseds of tntat and the Indebtedness securad tFwreby end furlher _
<br /> - - ihcat e dciteuN und�►r eny pdor de�d ol irust:hail bs e deftwl�under thla Doad ol Trust snd ahall emitie Lender to all rigMs and rorr�odea eontelned -
<br /> i��.�.„�a I�ihe�bipatlons to whkh LsrxNr would be entftlsd In tha evem of any olFwr d�taull. e
<br /> ..;�,'�.- q, TRANSFERS OF THE PROPERTY OFi BENFFIGINL INTERESTH IN(i11ANTORB OR BORRUWERS. In the ovent o1�salo,corneyanoa,lease,
<br /> � coniract for desd a trenster to any psrson ol all a any part oi ihe real propony dssafbed In Schadule A,or eny imerest therein,or oi all or any benefldai
<br />,_r k.y., Imerost(n Barower or Cxentor(If Borrawor o►OrtuHw Is not a naturat a perto�s but is a caporeVOn.Iimitod Iia�bility company,pertnershlp,trust,or _
<br /> ro
<br /> ;�r,.;;y; �tMr kpal enlityl,L�nder mey,at Its optlon d�ctera the outaltuxiing nclpal b�anoe o�ihe ObHpatbns plus aoaued Intereat ihareon irtrnedatety due and
<br /> ^-;�;�`�;{ payable. At Lender's requaiL Orantor a Bortowa,es ths case rrr�y be�6hall Iumish a cortplete ct�tertrrd ssninp tath aN of ita stocl�wlders,membsro.w
<br /> •_ �.L r panners.aa apFxoprtFrta,end iha extent of thelr respective owr►9rohlp Interosta.
<br /> ;,y�,�,� -
<br />=:..3 J,•. 6. ASSICtM1E�1T OF R�NT9. In eonaldarellon of the Obllgationa.whlch are sscured by thi�dwd ol TrusL�rantor ebsofulely essigns to LencNr ell _
<br /> ��!!���•�' �ranto�s aclet�,��ht,Ulle.Int�nst,dekn and d�rt�ar�d now owned a herNher acqulrod In ali sxf�tinp and fu�ure basea ot the P►operly(Includinp
<br />=-1.`�� sxtsnuons,nnwwe�u erb subl�swsi.�IIe�n�r�u lor us�and oxup�ney ol th�PropMy(oll woh laas ond apr�nt�whsih�r wrfnm a aal.er�
<br /> ���?r�. h�rMlNr nNrred la e�Ih�'L.N�r),er�i ill tN�ol I�s�s'pAormu�w und�r th�l.N��, topMMr wNh Ih�krrned�t�and eaminukp riphl to
<br />.-.,=""t=� colkq and rocahb a!!cl ihe reMe,N�rn.r •,r�wnu��,I�w�a.proNts md othv kxon�afsrry rbnx�now or hweah�r du�(includinp�ny kicoortr ol
<br />;_ 5;;��-� eny n�lur�oomVrq d�M duNrq�nY ncMrry�lb^P�lod)und�►ttN L�aN�ar hom a ari�kip out ol Ih�PropMy Inck►dkg minkrum nnts.�id�illond nnt�,
<br />--_-°� pMO�rN�nnt�,parkkp a oortmon r�a rrwlnNn�noe oonlrNwtiwu,tnx�nd InKx�na oonlrlbutbm,d�lici�rky nnt�. Nquld+►t�dc�nrp��lolbwkq
<br />.:`;1���•� dHauM In �np�nMr.iYl proa�p�y�bh und�r�ny PdkY ol Inwnna covKMq b��ol nnu nwltlrp hom unl�n�ntubHNy cwwdb���iitruetlon a
<br /> diw�t�ihn Pioperly,�II pror�p�Y���n nwN ol s N�sM'� exKdsr ot�n opllon lo purchaa�Ih�Pr�psny.�II proo�ls cf�rtv�d Irom tl»
<br />'t��-= Nnri�Uwi a rAMcl�on d ony l.s�M fn�b�nlvuptcy a othN ImokKUyproo�oq�rd NIp�oa�k hom�ny riphu�r►d d�lrrr of any Wnd whkh Onntor
<br /> �,�n�.r:.� �rr Miw�p�k�M�mr NuN und�r Ifw Ua�n a�ny oocup�nlf ol tM Pro�ny(�ll ol the�bow w�Iwn�h�r nolbelWNy rd�nd to u th�'R�rN�'). TM�
<br />=::;,� �� y�llr�iGMa910 Ih�rf�t�Dorwr�nd�uthorHy pivon to tl�I.wnd�r io i�M�c1 snd�ppiy th�Ront�. This�afpnrtrnl I�noad�d In�000rdmw wNh
<br /> �Inw IMV:th�N�n as�1�d by tl�i�usiprwrnnl I�InNrKNd ta b�sp�dfio prrl�d�d.M►d dioeN upon�iw rK,ordln0 oi thl�O�d of Tm�t.�II n
<br />- ;°:=,� p�wdd�d bY�{�Yat�Wrt�Iwr n wtw�d�d hom Umo io Ikrn. As 1aq a�tlMn I�no ddaWl ur�th�obWp�tlon�a thls DNd ol Tru�l,L�nd�r pr�nu
<br /> --- fkanla+�rwos��6W No�nM lo ooN�d M Rsnu hom 1M L.p�e�wl�n dw�nd lo uw wdi procNd�In Cinntor'�buskNta op�ralbnl. Flow�wr,L�
<br /> `-,��—� No n
<br /> m�y���ny tl�i�nquir�firrntor to d�po�t aN q�nt�Into nn acoax�t rtrk►tdn�d by(iranta a L�r n L�r�d�r's In�tNullon. Upan dd�ull In iM p�yrlMnt
<br /> a�a In tt»pMfpmw�ol,my ol th�q�Hptlions,L�xMr rtMy at Ns opllon t�lt�po�atslon of th�Pro�ty�r�d haw.hold,rm�po.Nap md op�rat�tM
<br /> ' __ P�op�rly on Nrnr�nd la�p�riod ol IkrM th�t L.�rKMr dNnr proP�r. Lsnd�r rrzay proahd to odNct�nd noNw�N R�nts trom th�propNry.md L�nd�r
<br /> �haN h�w lul paw�r lo meh��tNnNon�,n�wvetiona�npdrs a roplaoxrwnt�to ihc Props�ty��Unda rrey dMm prop�r. L�r rtrY�PP�Y dl�i�Ms In
<br /> - -�� L�r�d�r's aoM dl�ntian lo payrtrnt a tM Oblipatlo�s a to th�payrt�mt of th�cott ol:uch elt�ntion�,r�novatlons,rsp�ks end replacNnonu and any
<br /> ncp�nws:iiiti�M ia ta�.''`'tg�id i:�lr:lr p'�"-lc:t o!L�Qre¢e!!;r+e[i�vlir�Ny wnd the mrv�sa�rrrnt andop�ratbn of ihs P�up�rtY. �1d�mey kNp th�
<br /> ---__`-- P��Y P��Mf'�ewred end mny d�wp�nny taxoa,charpn�dalrrw.ess��srtrnts end o1Fi�r Ilens whbh me�y�a�c�erw. The ax�»n�s ancl oou of th�s�
<br /> ' a�Mr o�os ay�h��Noorne pert of H te�tl�mi secured by�thle D�eed al T��8�to the�xindpd of ths Obllpn'.lons. Theas armurnt,topethar with
<br /> •, LEASESAND OTHER AGREEMElR'8. (3ranta�haH rat teke or fdl to take any ectbn whlch meY cause or perrrit th�tsminatlon a 1M witMakikp oi
<br /> �Y PoY►nont In connaction wflh eny laaaa a other aprs�rr�ent('Ay�'ee+iwm")P�rtnining to tM Prop�rty. In eddHion,Granta.wflhout Land�r's prbr wtitten
<br /> conwnt.shdl nd:(s)coN�cY any rtnr�s peyebN und�r eny Agreemem nwre than one month In advance:(b)mxYh anY Agrexr�d�(o)es�l�n a aliow a
<br /> Nan,e�cudty inlmst or otMr enaxribn�na to bs ptecsd upon GrarMOr's rl�ts,tNl� end Inbre:t In and to eny AyrosrnerA or ths anaum�p�yabl�
<br /> ' th�nunder:or( tem*wt�a cancat eny AgeaMnt axapl for thenonpayn�M oi eny wm a oth�r mat�►Id breach by tt»oltNr p�ny th�nto.If f3ronta
<br /> reeelw�at ony eny written oortnunicatlon essening a cMtautt by Gren►a undor en Agrearent a purportk�q to temiinato or carwal eny Apreartrnt,
<br /> ' Grantw shdpro�n�lly torw�rd a oopy ot wch cormxx�Ication(end eny subsequ�m cormrxik�tlons relaUnp theroto)ta Lencbr. All wct�Agreunenta end
<br /> the artpum�due w Qronta tho►axxkr ere h�reby esslgied to Lend�r ae eddillanal cecurity tor ihe Oblfgnibni.
<br /> 7. COLLECM7M OF�MDEBTEUNE89 FROAA THIRD PAt1TY. Lender ahall ba entribd to notity a requfrn(3rerrta to notit�any thkd pany(induding,but
<br /> not Nrtited ta,{au�es.Ycen�es. Itl auria�itka and inwrer�cacanpenNs)to pay LHxAr eny Indabtadness or obllgation owirp lo(3raMar with
<br /> ' respect to IhA Propetty(cumittt IndebledrNSS')whethsr a not a deteufl exlsts under lhis DMd of Trust. Ciratrto►�all�Iip�mly oolNcl ths
<br /> Indebkdne�ow�Yig ta QraMOr hom t se thlyd pertbs until ihs ylving of auch notiflcatlon. In the ovent that Orama posaesses or rece[vas posssaabn of
<br /> � eny In�1n.�nMnta or oth�r rarittencos wfth n:pact to lhe Indebtedneae followhg the yiving of wch notilicatlon or I}ths Inalrurt�rrta or otMr nmittanas
<br /> conitihne the pnpaYrtrnt of eny IndsbNdne�a w the payrt�erN of eny Insuranos a condxmation prooeeds�Orenta shNl hold wd�In�tn�nent�and oth�r
<br /> ' nrridenoo�In t�up for Und�r apert hom Rs otF�er prop�rty,endora tf»fnstrumeme and othsr nrt�ttancas to Lender,and inmedlately p►oNda Und�r wNh
<br /> ,, po��ufon of 1M Instnmsnts end othor rsrtittanoss. Lendx shell be�ntttled,but not rsqulred,to oolkct(bY lepal proceedinge or atherwl�s),�xtend 1M
<br /> ikrn tor paympnL oompromle�,�xdiarp�or releass eny obligor or collaterel,a ott�srwiss senls eny ot the Indebtedness wholher a rat nn evant of d�feuN
<br /> axlsta underthi�Apre�rrwm. Lender shall not be Ileble to Orentor for eny ectlon.ertor,miatake.omisafon or dalay portaining to the ed�ons d�scribsd In this
<br /> � � � perapreph or ny darnepes resulting therefrom. Notwithstanding tta fwaqoiny, nothinp haein ahall causs Lendet to be doemKl e
<br /> mortgepaedn�pa W stlon.
<br /> p, USE�lID �IAIN1'ENANCE OF PROPEHTY. Grentor ehall take dl actbni and maka eny reaelrs needod to malntain the Properly In pood condtlon.
<br /> " Grantor shaY na cormit or penrift enY wa�te to be conmitl�d wHh rospect to the Property. drertta sh�ll use the Proporty sobly in corrpYence with
<br /> •. appicab{�Inv anc! ineurena polldes. 4ranta ehall not meke any eltorations, addtions or Improven�ents to the Prope�ty whhout Londer's prlor wdtt�n
<br /> � Conserrt, WhhoN Nmftlnp the for�oInp,NI alleretions,edditbns end Irtprovoments mada to the Proparty shall be subject t 1he bdnetidal in�ereat belonging
<br /> to Lendor,�hall not be romoved w�thoul Lendor'a prior written oonfent,end shall be rnade et Qrentofs sole expense.
<br /> i p, �pgg pp pAM1AqE. Granta shaN bear the entire ritk of any Ioss,theh,tbstructlat or datna�(cumutatively'I.osa w D )to th�Prop�rty or eny
<br /> poAbn therat trom any eeuss wharioevsr. In the avent of any Loss a Uamegs,�rentor shaH,at ths optton of Lender,repalr t �eB�eted Propsrty to It�
<br /> -� prevkuo condition or pey or cauae to be peld to Lender tho decrease In tho felr market value of ihe aftected Proporty.
<br /> - t0. INSt7RANCE. The Prop�rty will be keq Imurod tor Ha full Insurahle valu�(r aoen�errt cost)egalnst all hazords Induding loss or darnag�cauaedby
<br /> flood,earthpialu,torna�o end Ilre,1heR or othx casualty to tho exlent raq�l�by l.�ndsr. (irama rtxiy obtaln Inaurence on ihe PropertY from such
<br /> =`�'?!°� compen{� es an accsptable to Lender In Its 6ole cl6crotlon. The Insurenco poliCtes 6hali roqulre the insurance conpany to provide LencMrwitF at least
<br /> ------ 3� daya'written nmlce betore such polides are ultered or cancolled in any menner. Ths inaurflnce policles shall namo Lenckr as e loas -
<br /> _--— pye�e an�vld�i the�no eCt or omisslon ot C3rantor or any othorpo teon sha�nHect the right ot Lender to be paid the Insurance proceeds pe►talning to the _.
<br /> -- -- lots a den�ge of the Property. in the evem Orentor fells to eoqulre or melnteln Insurance.Lender(afler providing notloo as rrey be requlred hY taw)rtny
<br /> �--- - - in h�dscrNlon procun u Inwrarxs coverepe upon iM Property end th�in�urer►a coct shali be en edvarks peyable and l�aring Int�ntt e�
<br /> -- _-_-
<br />