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<br /> �� � 14.Notices. Any notice; to Barrower providcA for in this Security Instrument shall bc givcn by delivcring it or ==--
<br /> ' 'j by mniling it by First class m�il unless applictible law rcquire.s usc of anothet method. The natice ahall be dirccted to the —.s_
<br /> t
<br /> - Property AddYess ar any othcr addrass Borrowcr d�signatas by notice to L.cndcr. Any►iotice to Lendcr shnl! 6c givcn by
<br /> � first class mail io Lcndcr's address stutcd hcrcin or any athcr address Lcndcr dcsignntcs by notia to Borrowcr. Any ,�-�_
<br /> i notica pravide,d for In thiti Sccurity Instrurnent shalt bc dcemed to have becn givcn to Borrowcr or Lender whcn given `,.
<br /> as pravideG in this paragraph. •'
<br /> � 1S, Gorerntng U►wi 3everabllity. This Security Imgtrument shull be governed by fcdcral l�w and thc law of the
<br /> 'urisdiction ira which the Property is locaterl. In the cvcnt that any provision or clnusc of this Security Instrument or thc •f<<:
<br /> • � �ote conflicts with applicable law,such confllet shall not affect other provisions af this Security Instrument or the Note ��,
<br /> which can ba given effect without the conNeting provision. To tlu.g end ihe provisions �f this Sccurity I�.strument and �i�
<br /> `"'?�� the Note urG declated to be severable.
<br /> �4--.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Boirower shaU be given onc conformcd copy of the Notc and of thb Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> ..�++�'�*`� 17. 'I'ransfec ot the Property or a Beneliclal Iuterest In Borrower. If all or any part of thG Properry or sny �S:
<br /> �-••�.� interest in it is sold or transferred (or if a bene6cial interest in Borrowcr is sold or transferred and Horrower is not a ___
<br /> , ; natural person)withaut L.endcr's prior written consent. Lender may,at its option, require immediatc payment in full of -
<br /> all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option ahall not be excrcised by I.cnder if cxcrcise is —
<br /> 'A y prolvbited by fedcral law as of thc date of this Security Instrument. �.
<br /> If I.ender exercises this aptian, L.ender shall give Bonower notice of accelerution. The notice shaU provide n
<br /> � I.
<br /> ' period of aot less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Barrower rnust pay eA sums _
<br /> • �i' secured by tYris Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay thcsc sums prior to the expiratlon of this penod, Lender
<br /> may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument withaut further notice or demand on Bocrower. _
<br /> , 18. Bore�ower'A Right to:Reinatata If Borrower meets certain conditions,Borruwer shall have the rlght to have
<br /> ' . �•� enforcement of thb SecuritY Instrument discontinued at any time prtor to the earUer of: (a)S days(or such other period
<br /> as appl�cable law may spectfy for reinstatemant)before sale of the Properry pursuant to aay power of sele wntained in
<br /> this Security p t�ment; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing this 5ccurIty Instrument. Those conditioas arn that �_
<br /> � Honower: {a a Lender all sums which then wauld be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no
<br /> � � acceleration had occurred; (b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c)paya all expenses incuned in
<br /> enforcing this Security Instrument, including, but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees;and (d)takes such action as
<br /> � Lender may reasonably require to assuro that the Gen of 4his Security Instrument,Lender's rights in the Property and
<br />�� BorrowePs obGgation to pay the sums securcd by this Securiry Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinscatemcnt
<br /> by Borrower,this Security Instrument and the obligaaons secured hereby shall remain fuUy effective as iF no acc�leration �
<br /> had oceutred However, thig right to reinstate shaU not apply in the cas�of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> � • � 19. 8ale ot Note; Changc oi Loon Sorvlcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this
<br /> • ,;. Securiry Insuumeat) n�ay be sold one or morc times wlthout prior notice to Borrower. A sale may :esult in a change
<br />=,�•F,� in the entity(known as the "Loan Servicer") that collects monthly paymcnts due under the Note and thts Security
<br /> :.ti�, , - �:.•
<br /> Instrument. There aLso may bc one or more changes of the L,oan 5ervicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If tbere�s
<br />... .... .
<br />-n '�� • �- a chance of the Loan ServIcer,Borrower will b�given writton notice of the change in accordana with paragraph 14 above
<br /> `,-�"''••r'� �� aad applicabk law. The poUce will Rtate che namc aus ad3ezss �.`th�n�:Loan S�^".cer aa�thP eddress to which _
<br />'�;,;�;;,;�f,;,�;,.: paymenu should be made. The notice will slso contain any other information required by applicable law. _
<br /> lp. Hwuardoua Substxnces. Borrowet shall not cause or p�rmit the presence. use,disposal, storage,or relcasc
<br /> "-''= of any Hazardous Substanas on or in the Ptoperry. Bonower sha11 not do, nor aUow anyone else to do, anything
<br />--T°;�°`�'yi, affecting the Praparty that is in violation of any Envuonmental I,aw. The preceding two sentenccs shall not apply ro tho
<br /> -�"�� presence, us0.ar storege on the Property of amall quantitles of Hazardous Substances that ate generaUy reeogaized to
<br /> !� `�"�, be appropriatc to normal residential uaes and to maintenttnce of the Froperty.
<br /> -•�,r:. .
<br /> -w`=?�:�'�::d _ Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation. claim, demand,lawsuit or other act on
<br /> -��`°`-��'=���"��a by any govemrnental or regulatory agency or privatc garty involving the Ptopetry and any Hezardo Q eummental or
<br /> =�'"�"��l Env�ronmenlal Law of which Borrower has actual knowlcdge. If Bonower leams,or�s notttied by any g
<br /> •�S"�=��'��- regulatory authority, that any r:moval or other temediatton of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is
<br /> -�_�_:
<br /> .__� ' neassary Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial acsions m accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> ps used ia this paragraph 20, "Ha7ardous Substanas" are those substanocs defined es toric or haznrdous
<br /> -_=-� sub�t�waes by Eavironmental Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flamrnable or toxk petroleum
<br /> _-__-----_—•_ + ptoducu, to�ic pesticides and herh{cides.volatile solvents,materials contaming asbestos or formakehyde,and radloactive
<br /> --�° —= materials. As used us this parag►aph 20,"Environmental Law"means fcderal laws and laws of the jurudvst�on where the
<br /> -� - Property is locatai that relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> — Noe•Umt+oxtvt Covexnxta. Borrawcr and Lender further covenant and agrce as follows:
<br /> _—— 21. Accelernt[on; Remedies. Lcnder ehall give noda to Borrurver prior to RecelernUon[ollotivEng Borrower's
<br /> � — — brwch oi �ny covenant or agreement In thla Secur[ty Instrument (but not prior to accelemflon under par�grnph
<br /> � 17 unleas rQpitcable law provtdes othenrlse).The notice shpll specify:(a)the de[ault�(b)the actton r�qutred W cure
<br /> � = the deGulq(c)s date, not lese than 30 days from the dRte the nodce la gfven to Borrower,by wh[ch the detault
<br /> � �s' must be cu►�ed;�ad (d) that fat[ure to cun the de[ault on or be[ore the dstte specltied in the notice wlll reault[n
<br /> �.� accelerotfon of the sums secured by this Security Instrumemt and sale ot the Property. The notic�ehall[urther
<br /> ` �i'� inform Borrower of the right to relnstate after acceleratlon And the right to bring a court scNon W assert t6e non-
<br /> � adstence ot a default or any other deknse of Borrawer to acaleration and eale. If the det�ult ia nat cund on or
<br /> •�-_=�;�� be[ore the date spediled In thc not[ce,Lender at lts option may require Immedis�tc payrnmt in full oi all sums
<br /> �;;�"��,:. sxured by this Secur[ty Instrument without turther demand and muy lnvoke the power ot sele and any other
<br /> - " _`�;;�"' remedies permitted by Applicable Iww.Lender shall be entitled to collect all expensea Incurred in hursuing the
<br /> "�;'�s�= _.= . remedies provided in this paragraph 21, including,but not limited to, reASOnable attorneys'fe�e and costs of tiUe
<br /> :�.w:�"s2w� .—w
<br /> --;�,,�'_;;;: ,. evfdcnce.
<br /> _�?��',•.•�;°' If Lender elects to sell Borrower's interest In the Property by exercise of the power o[sale herelr.contaMal,
<br /> �-'°-:�::�:•��- Lender s1�a11 notify Truetee !n the manner thea required by law,
<br /> ��,�.�,.�% ;. UQon receip4 of such notice ot Lender and At the direction of 3.ender,Trustee shall cauae to be recorded, _
<br /> ,;�:;= .• publiehed md dellvered such notices of default and notices ot sAle as may then be requlred 6r law and by thta
<br /> ' �• , 3ecudty Innrumen� T►vstee shall, only ot the dirc�ctiou of Lender and wfthout demand on Borrarwer, aiter such
<br /> .- time oa mq then be required by,law And witer recordAtlon ot auch notice of detAUlt end after nodce of sale hav[ng
<br /> been given�s required by law� eell the Property at the time and place o[ sale tixed by tt in such notice of sale,
<br /> :��;�„�`�� efther as Mhole or in separate lota or p�rcels or Itema as Lender shAll deem expedtent,and In such order es it may
<br /> �__ _-_ : .-.�--- . ._._.__.�u�__�..�....n�.. �.....IS.�.......�v nilhw iTnit�d Ct9tlA nayable at the time
<br /> deteCmine,�s puoiic waciion io int�ng��ca��...��R av. wo.a....�............•�� .-.---
<br /> " `' i of splq or�s otherwlse moy then be requlred 6y law. Trustee shull del[ver to such purchoser or purchasers thereoi
<br /> . �' _
<br /> ►ts good and sutttctent deed or de��ls wnveying the property so sold,but without any covenant or warranty,express
<br /> . :�"s or implted. The recttals In such det�d of any matters or facts shAll be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereo[
<br /> Any person, including, wlthout limitatlon,Borrower, Trustee or Lender,may purchuse at such aale. Trustee may
<br /> ' � in the manner providecY by law postpone srle ot oll or ony portton of the Property. Trustee shall npply the proc�eds
<br /> of the sale in the [ollowing order. (a) to all costs and expenses of exerctsins thc power of sale�and the sule,
<br /> including the pAym�ent ot the Trustee's fees ach�ally Incurred, not to exceed ln the ap,�regate fiRy doll�ra or one-
<br /> hal[ot one percent of the princi{wl amount of the Note at the dme of the declarutlon of detAUlt,whichever is
<br /> _ greitter� and reasonwble ottorneys' fees ae permttted by law; (b) to ull sume secured by thls Saur[ty Instn�ment;
<br /> (c) ta the payment of Junlor dceds ot trust, mortgages or other Ilenholders; ond (d) any excess to the person or
<br /> , • persons legally entltle� to It. 4�yd �Page 4 0!6 Peges) �
<br /> . � ' � � �
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> - � _ _
<br />