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.,. .. � ' .:�,.� ��.i��.�•_",.: 'I,''` ' '�r ,/h�..- <br /> / �� ��.ir�rl;i�i.. <br /> !_1.1�," �•t:� .7�ti��i)�.����(_):.. '_r�:✓:/�A� <br /> . ','�...,��' . _ . �`#'3 :8:' <br /> �'"'� � , ., � A11�'NY9 '�ki�tlRe�..�.�. <br /> . �, . . . =cf�i�:eikG3�+eii�/,MirrW(..-..__.....,un,.r.,,k�i7.,:_ ..... :'a:iir.��:i�.' .... iir �•° <br /> �i�,.....,.�..... .... _ ..... .. . .... �'� <br /> :. .. 4• ,� �'. <br /> . �_� , � ? �,o��. Data ID: �2, _ <br /> ;••��..•4 •?r I.aan No: Q29201t1q:i5A3 9 •• <br /> . 22, I��"�OS\Y(SyHA�4q H�''f�ue�te�. Upiin writtcn rcqua+t of i.cnder stating that ell sums securcd hereby havc bc;en �_�; <br /> p�id �nd upan su�rr.�dcR of tht+Su;uNty In�trumont und uny noto ta rrustce for canccllation and retention and upon <br /> . ' ps�yn►ent by�ler uf'1'�ustca:'F[ccs,TruhtCO ehall rcramvcy to Burrower,or the person or perRans legally cntitled thereto, _ <br /> `� without wi�rrnnty, sny port{an af thu Pn►perty then heid heruunder. The recitals in such reconvcynnce of any matten _ <br /> ' � �r facta Rhall bc c:anclu�iva prcwf��f the truthfulnc�� thcrc�f. 11�r,gtsn.►.cf:ln any reconveyancc may ba d�scrfbccl as"the _ <br /> Y'�` • pers�n or pc�sAna �e8a�1y entiticd thrretu" 5uch ptlr�c�n�tr pers�nR Shnil pay any recordatlon costs. �� <br /> ??l, :�ub9Ntute Tn�Rtee. I.en�k:t,a�t ii� aptlun, muy fmm ttmn to time remove Trustce and appoint a successor ���• <br />• h eru�eer,tu any Truatco c+ppoint�.� herCUndcr hy un Iru�rs�mcni rccorcb:d in the county in which this Scco c I nd dutics =�-�� <br /> �• is recorcle�. Wlthout convcyanco nf thu Pra�x;rty, thn xua.e��or tnu►tee+shall succced to all the title, p _ <br /> :,;::,� ■.,. <br /> �''� canfcrrcd upon Trustcc: hercin nnd by uppHuihlu Inw. --. <br /> z4. Reyuest fue Nallca, B��rrcnvc�,for it�it unJ fur 8cncflciury�requeau that copies of the noticcs of dcfault F'.� <br />-'-`_'--�-- ;: and sulc be scnt to 9orrcnvor'e addrex� which i� tho Fro�rty Addreaa. :'.__ <br /> - •� 25.Tru.�teo Llnbdlity;Compenwdlun�Tru�tee nhull nat bo llablc for any crror of judgmcnt or act done by Truat�e, e"- <br /> or be o�hacwise r�e+�x�j�r.iblu c�r accvuntubl� under i+n�clrcurrutan�ea whatsoever. Trustee shaU not be personally liable _ <br /> in casc of cntry by ti�er anynna act ing by v it tuu o[t h o p ovv�r�haroin granted it upon the Security Instrument for de�ts =_ <br /> . t '• contracted or liability or damage�incurred in Ihc muna�omunt�r aperation of the Property. Trustee shall have the right <br /> ' r �• to rcly on any instrument,documr.nt or�lgnuturo aut har l�ing ur hu p p ortin g any actian taken or proposed to be taken by <br /> ' ' it hereunder or bclievcd by it in goad fn1�h to bo gcnuine. Tru�tcc a1u�11 be cntitled to reimbursement for expenscs =__ <br />_ � �_��. � incurred by it in tho perFarmenco of Its duUes herounct�r and ta reaaonable compensation for such of its services =_ <br /> __ �., r htreunder as shsll be rendered. Borrawer wlll,[rom tima to timo,p�y u�m{►ensation due Trustee hcreunder and reimbuYSc <br /> �.�.-1'`� 'Itustse for and aave and hold i►harmleaa fr�m end agein+�any and nll loxs,cc�st.liabiUty,damage and cxpense whataosver <br /> • "�;s�•'�?. incuned by it in the performunce of ita dutia. � <br /> ��:��;r-.; All moneys teceived by Ttustee tihall,untll uscd ar epplkd ae hcrain providul,be held in trust far the purposes =_ <br /> for which they werc rccaivcd,bat need nat be �►egregated in any mar.ner fram any othcr moneys(cxapt to thc extent _ <br /> ;-. .,��;^..�, required by law) and Tru�tee ehall be under no IiabiUty [�r intcrc�tt on any moncys received by it hercunder. _ <br /> j.'''^'°'t��� 26. A�reement to Medioto or Arbitrwte. Bxcept ai�et farth belaw� all cla{ms� counter�claims, dlsputes,legal <br /> -y��`, controverales,and other mattero in qucadon arising oui of,or relaung ta thc cxtcnsion of crcdit (the "Loan")by I.cader <br /> '��` - ta Bonower which is evidenced by the Nuto,thl+Security Itutrumont anJ all other instrumants executed in conjunction ` <br /> _ �•.���` � <br /> ""��'' with thern (collectivcly the "Loan Agramcnts ) shaU be MMIIIATF:p by the I3orrowcr and the Lender. This means <br /> _`��'�� Bonower and I.endcr will use an impartiul third party(the mcdi�tor)to try to rc.�olve the di�puted mattcrs instcad of filing <br />_�� u lawsuit. If Borrower and Londer cannot ag�ea on the �ck,�:ofon of a mcdIator for a dtgpute, the mediator ahall be <br />- _=-�" —_ <br />—r,-,-:�,�� setected as foUowa: within S bualn�.+ days of the notico thnt either sc�rrower or Lander have decided to mW�ate, <br /> _�="-==��� Borrower and Leader shall ench name a mcdiator and notiFy that mcdi��or u;d thc��h�t P ta�°�e the disput WiThe <br />�.�i,is� 5 busincss ctaya oF their selecdon ti�o mcdiaiors.i,+iii juiidiy:cl:,c!sa ln��!'n-:n- --. <br /> - ���^_�.� medialfon shall occur at a time and plaoa mutually convonlont to all partir.� wtthin a fifry-mile radius of Borrower'a <br /> �_:�,�--'— raidence but no later than 30 dayn.,aftcr t�,medlntar b �ckcted. <br /> �� Bonower and Lender yrep�to.p�iai�MQ,ip�.{� ���°��n g°�[eUh wfth the intcntion of resotving the dispute, <br /> ��.�':>�;: <br /> •�•:��. if possble. I.egal oounsal may,but i�ndl•t�quirods0o, re c�ent 8orrrnver ur Lender at the mediatioa. All mcdiat on <br /> a' sescsions will be privnto� and all ftflKrllS���iuNn�ed aiu a8 tho muliatbn wll! bo contidentiaL The mediator may <br /> a <br /> �'�-f� prescrIbe oth� u�+for the mecITaiion:'"Ekp�Cl�s'�t"cR'thQ ia�ion including tho mediator'� fce shall be shared cquaUy <br /> ��,�n � "'""`°.. y applicubk law, Au��rney�' [cc+� a�Kl related expenscs are each party's <br /> _ ��v.��,���°�'4 <br /> ___ raponsibUi C�.�v�a�.•�� �, �}y cnforceabk and b cntcral into volunterlly end wiqingty by Bonower. <br /> - -- If for�����n�� 00mPk�ed�"��hi� 4S duyr,� afler the medlator is selected, or if after the <br /> mediation,the dlspute i�etW unrcuotved,such dispute�hull bo re�alved�ololy and oxdu+tvely by arbitration in accordancc <br /> with the Commerdal Arbitratbn Rulu of the Amerlcan Arbitrution N►�c�clatinn then in efFect to the extont allowcd by <br /> appllcabk law acapt as set forth below� T11F. ARBITfUTI�N WII.1. TAiCE 7'�lE PIACE OF AN'Y COURT <br /> -�-__��� PROCEEAING YNCLUDING A TRIAL BEFORE A JuDaIs OR A JU1K:F:AND JURY. ANY SUCH AIiBITRATION <br /> =r---- gI�ALL B£ CONDUCTED ON AN 1NDMDUAI. BA,�I3� ANq NOT AS PART UF A COMMON OR CI.ASS <br /> ACTION. IT I8 EXPRI�:SSLY ACKNOWI.�DG�ll ANU ACR�;M n HY NUItRAVY�R AND LENDER TAAT ANY <br /> PURPORTED COMMON ISSUES OF T.AW OR FACT 3i1A1.1.Bk RH»'iUl.Vl;l)UN SUCH AN INDMDUAL BA3I3. <br /> IF TEiE APPOIN'�ED A1tBITItATOR OR PANEL OE ARBITMTOR9 91IOUY.0 AWAItD ANY DAMAGFS,SUCH <br /> DAMAGES SHALL BE LIMITED TO ACT1lAL ANU UlltECT AAMAGI�:S ANI)SIUT.I.IN NO EYENT INCLUAE <br /> CONSEQUENTIAI, PUNI'['NE, EXEMPLARY OR TRkBLH UAMA(iH.S A9 T() WIIICH BOR1tOWER A�1I� <br /> LENDER EXPRE9SY.Y WAIVE ANY RIGIIT TO CLAIM TA'['I1H:KU1.r.F�iT k:X'fEsNT Pi:RM1TTF.D BY I.AW. 'This <br /> agreement to arbitrate shall be apecificalty enforoeabk and is cntcrccf into voluntarity and willin�ly by Borrowcr. '('ha <br /> eward rendered by the arbivatbn shall be final,nonappeulabto and JuJgmcnt nwy bo cntCrcd upon fs in eccordancc vylth <br /> ---- appl(cable law in any court having juriadictlon ihereof. The laws eppliu�blo ro tho urbitruNon prcx;ccding shn11 be the 16w� <br /> of the state in which the Pruperty is locatcd. The nrbitratara shall lu�vc nu pc»ver to very or mcxlity any of tho provis'iona <br />���,tit�j� of the Loan Agreementa. <br /> _:vR�..r� Borrowcr und Lender ugree that the mediation und arbUration pmcercling� ure canCdentiul. Tlie informatio� _ <br /> � discbsed in such proccedinge cannot be use� ln�ubsequant litlgadon which mu rC�ult [rom tho dl�putc. <br /> -'"�"�� Bonowar nnd I�ender agree that the Loan Agrccment�cxccutcd in wn�unc:tion wlth this toun involvc interstata <br /> —,.>;y'�.�;; <br /> ;.;;,,�� commerce because the Borrower's loan u being{i)provided by n lencicr argu�iLed Lnder Ihc I�iwx��f,and with its princ�pa. <br /> :�;;�.:i"',,y,�}.�. place of busines�in,a state ditterent than the state in whlch the Bar�cnvcr rCikic�und tho ptaperty l�lou►ted; (u) mpde � <br /> —��'�,� with funds provided by an institution chnrtcral undcr the luws of sithcr ttw Unitcd Stutca or of another state hnd <br /> h ica locatul in another atate; (�i) madc to bc snlJ ta ano or mara invcxtura urgun�ed un�cr tho luws of tnd <br /> ���i;��rb�� P Y6 uY <br /> �����F physically 3ocated in other states;(iv) made to be pooled to buck sc;curidca lasucd by u tru�t orgun�ed un�er the laws of <br /> ��:1.'fi._:�i1�1� <br /> , and phys�cally located {n other states and sold to imestora organ• under the luwe uf nnd physiwlly Ic�ccated[n ot er <br />--__�""���,�..�"' ,�� atates; and (v) repaid by the Bonower on a monthly bs►ats to the Lcndur in LOUISIANA fnr rnmittnnce to nuch out- _ <br /> _�_ r..,. <br /> t �.��.�:.:...�..,w _ <br />=�:;'•'��`'°"�• Notwithstanding the forcgoing, this Agrccmcnt to mcdiato or arbitrcuo shalt nnt npply wiin rc�pccc co ci�a�r(ij _ <br /> "`���� the Lender's right,but not the obl'g�tion,to submit and to pursue in n awrt uf Ir►w uny ucUo��.�relutcd to thc cullection <br /> v-r-;ii�b•,,:`, .: - <br /> -_;,� .-a,` F of the debt; (ii) foreclosure proccedings, whcther purouant to judic:ial uction, �wwcr of �ulc, asscnt to u dccrcc or _ <br /> othcrwise, proceedings pursuunt to which Lcndcr secks a dcficicn�y Judg►ncnt, oe uny a�mpurublc prowdures nllowcd 4 <br /> ' ,•1.:, under applicable law pursuant to which a lien holdcr mc►y�►cquirc title to thc Properly whlch ix�ccurlty f��r thi.+los�n nnd <br /> � nny relutul peraonal properry (Including an assignment uf rents ur i►p{wintmuN of n recelver),u�wn u defuult l+y the <br /> — � Borrower under thc mortgaga lonn documcnts;ur (fii) im appliuition Ay ur on bchulf uf thu liurruwer fur rclicf under <br /> thc federal bunkruptcy luws or nny othcr similur Inwn of gcncrnl npplia�tion fur thu rcllCf of Qchtors, �hrough ►hc <br /> , ' instftution oE appropriate pror.eedings. These proceedin�.s miry be ncces�nry ns i� m�iuer uf I:iw. <br /> .� .; . <br />-- :.��:,. ,. yN (Pu�s b uf e Pn�ea) - <br /> .,.�. ��:�.. <br /> �4 v, -�. ' <br /> - ' ` �� `A�� � <br /> _ .. ...._. . . _.�_.r�_ac_'.�i�4Lt�...ttf�._. _ ._._."`.._��._��.rr._. .. .. <br /> �...�` .�-� <br />