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<br />���,��� � �an No: o��o�o�as4a 97_ 10SU31 Data ID: �z�
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<br /> ,�,� Horrower shaU be in defuult if flny farfeiture ucuun or proc,ading,whcther civil or criminal,is begun that in Lendcr's good -
<br /> � � fnith judgmCnt could result in forfeiturc oF thc Property or othcnvisc matcrinlly impair thc lien crcatcd by this Security -
<br /> ". � . Inatsument or Londer's securIty interest. Bonowor may curo such a dcfault and reinstnte,as provlded in parugrnph 18,
<br /> . � -�` by caustng the uction or procceding to be dismissed with a ruUng that, in I.ender's good faith detcrmination, precludes --
<br /> forfefturc of the Horrowcr's interest in thc Praperty or at�er material impairmcnt of the lien crcated by this Sccurity
<br /> �',`�'� � Inatrument or Lender'a security interest. Borrower ahaU dso be in dcfault if Borrower, during the loan applicution __
<br /> proccss, gavc mntcriaQy falsc or inaccuratc Information oz statcmcnts to Lcndcr (or failed to providc Lcndcr�vith any �'
<br /> materlal informatlan) in wnncetion with the loan evIdenced by the Notc,includIng, but noi limitcd to, rcprescntations
<br />;r_��,�• concerning Bonower's accupancy of the Property as a prinnpal residence. If this Security Insttument is on a lcasehold,
<br /> � Borrower ahall compty with aU tha provisions of the lease. If Borrowcr acquires fce title to the Property, the leasehold
<br />-___ and the fee tItle ahall not mcrge unless Lcnder agrees to tha mergcr In writing.
<br /> _ -- �� 7. Protection of I.ender's Rlghte in the Property, If Borrower fails to perform the covenanta and agrcemente
<br /> •�:�� contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that muy significantly affect I.ender's rights in the
<br /> Ptoperty(such as a proceeding in bankruptry,probate,For rondemnation or forfeiture or to cnfarce laws or regulations), -
<br /> ' thcn I.cnder may do and pay For whatever Is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rlghts in thc
<br /> ;� :..� • � Property. Lender'a actions may include paying any sums aecured by a llen whlch has priority over this Security Insttument,
<br />���'�,�: appearing in court. paying r�asonable attorneys'fees and entering on thc Property to make rcpairs. Although I.ender
<br />.:,,���;- may take acti�n under this paragruph 7, Lender docs not heve to do so.
<br />__,;�� My amounts disbutsed by Lender under this parBBraph 7 shall becomB addltional debt oF Bonower secured by
<br />°,;;��k�� this SecurIty Insuument. Unless Bonower and Lender agree to other tcrms pf paymcnt,these amouats shall bear interest
<br /> from thc datc of disbursemcnt at the Nate rate and shaU be payabte,wIth interest,upon aolIce from Lender to Borrower -
<br /> ;:�:Y requesdng payment.
<br />.°�,�~� 8. Mortaage Insurance. If Lcnder required mortgage insurnace as a wndition of rnaking thc loan secured by
<br /> �::�'.,•,;; • ° this Security Instrument,Borrower shaq pay the premiums requucd to maintain thc mortgagc insurAncc in efFect. If,for
<br /> =:;..�,�! any reason,tha mortgaga insurance coverage required b�r Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay
<br /> ��:'•� the premiums rcquired to obtain coverage substanGaUy equivalent to the mortgage insurance prcvious}y in effect,at a cost
<br /> ��_�� aubstantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the morigege in�urance previously in effect. hom an alternate mortgage
<br />=�-x:�� insurer spprovcd by Lender. If substantially equivalent mongage Inswance coverage is not available,Horrower slu�ll pay
<br />__�:.,�� to L.ender each month a sum equal to one-twelhh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bonower
<br /> =---= whea tha lmuraace wverage Iapsed or ceased to be in effcet. Lender will accept,use and retain these paymenta as a
<br /> --"�'� !ou reserve fa lieu of mort}�ge insurance. Loss resern paymenta may no longer be required,at tho option of Lender,
<br /> �---=:.a,�� if mortgaga insurance oovera�e(in the amount and Far tha period that L.ender requires)provided by an insurcr approved
<br /> '_.:;�� b;L�t:�^s s;sin l�om�»:�si»:ble�r.d i. obtsi�cd. Earrc�ez ah:sU p��the gzem:::T�;�uucd io ra:.iniaLz r.;�;:fi�8�
<br /> --=���:�� insurance in effect,or to provide a loss rescrve�untit the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordanccs with
<br /> - = any written egreement between Bonower and Leadcr or applicable law.
<br /> --_��� 9. Inspection. L.cnd�r ar its agcnt may make rcasonable entrlcs upon and inspectioru of thc Property. Lcnder
<br /> '--'- shall give Borrower notice at the tune of or pr�or to an inspection specifying reasonablo cause for tha inspection.
<br /> — �� �O.Condann�tlun. Tho prooecds of any award or claim For damages,direct or consequential,in connection with
<br /> ----- any cond�mnation or other tsking of eny part of the Proporty,or for oonveyance in lieu of condemnatIon,are hereby
<br /> atsigned and ahall be paid to Lender.
<br /> In the eveut of a total tektng of the Property.thc proceeds shall be applied to tho sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument,whcther or not then dua,wtth any exass paid to Bonowcr. In the event of e partial taking of thc Properry
<br /> in which the fair market velue of tho Property immediately beforo the taking is equal to or grcater than th�amount of
<br /> the suttu secured by this Security Inatrument immedixtely betore the taking,unless Borrower and L.ender otherwise egree
<br /> in wrIting,the sunu sec►►red by tlus Security Instrument ihsll be reduced by the amount of the proaeds multiplied by the
<br /> folbwtng fraction:(a)tho total amount of the sumti secured fmmWiately before the taking,divided by(b)tha fair market
<br /> valua of the Property Immediately bcfore tba taking. My balance shaU be paid to Bortower. In the evcnt of a pattial
<br /> taking of the Property in which the fatr market value of the Property immedistely beforc the taking is less than the
<br /> amount of tho sumti sccured immediately before the telurig,udess Borrower and I.cnder otherwise agrec in writing or
<br /> unless applicabk law othenvise provides,the proaeds shall be applied to the sums sec�red by thil Security Instrument
<br /> whethcr or not the swns ate thtn due.
<br /> If the Pmperiy ts abandoned by Bonowcr,or if,afler notkc by Lender to Bonower that the conderanor offcrs
<br /> to make an awerd or settk a claim for damages�Borrow�r taiLs to respcmd to Lcnder within 30 daya aRer the date the
<br /> notice ta gfvea�Lander i�suthorized to collect and s�pply the proceeds� at ita option, either to restoration or repair of
<br /> the Froperty or to the sums secured by this Sccurity Tnttrumcnt,whether or not then due.
<br /> -- U[iles�Lender and Bonmvar otherw(se agree in wriwig,eny appHcatioa of pr000eds to principal ahall not cxtend
<br /> or postpono thc due dstte of tht monthly payments referred to in paragraphS 1 and 2 or chaugc thc amount of auch
<br /> paymcnts.
<br /> il.Borrower Not Relased; ForDe�rance By Len�er Not a Wa[ver. Extension of tho time for payment or
<br /> modiGcation of amortir�tion of the sums aecured by th�s Security Instrument granted by L.ender to any successor in
<br /> __ interest of Bonowtr ehall not operate ro release the liab�iey oE the original Bonower or Batrower's successors in interest.
<br /> --- Lender shall not bo required to commenoe procecdings against any successor in interest or rofuse to extend timc for
<br /> ________: payment or othenvise modily amortization of the sumt securcd by this Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand madc
<br /> - _ by the original Borrower or Borrowcr'a suocessors in int�rat. My forbearancc by L.endcr in exerci�ing any right or
<br /> _-�r� remcdy ahall not be a waiver of or preclude the cxerci�a of any right or remedy.
<br /> �°� 12.Succeasare aad Assigns Bound;Jolnt pnd S�rerAl i.la6U[ty;Caslgnera. 'I'he covenants and agreements . .,
<br /> ___:���;� , of this Security Instrument shaU bind and bencfit the suaasora and asstgns of Leader and Borrower, subject to the
<br /> __�e.�� , provisions of pategraph 17. Bonower's covenants and agrameuts shall be joint and severa4 Any Bonower who co-
<br /> _:,;�,-� signs thit Security Inttrument but does not acccute the Note:(a)ts co•signing this Sccurity Insuument only to mortgago,
<br /> Gl9Rt 9fld DOttVl.1!f}�9t Rtfrrrfwnr�e inf�rncf in fhw Denna�tu�..�4► fiu��.......0�f.t.C�....«�..i....�.�.�•.���:. __��..
<br /> "` -- �_�. _.��._�.J�«... « . ..v...m y uaaaa waivaa.��v)u�ivi�lci,lllltltly .
<br /> -.a+�a!�'l���i
<br />.;,,:,--� obligated to pay the sums securcd by this Security Instrutnent; and�(c)agrces that Lcndcr and any othcr Borrowcr mAy
<br /> `-�°--��" agree to cxtcnd,modity,forbear or makc any uccommodacion�with rcgard to the ternu of this Sccurity Instrument or thc =_
<br /> �=:�x�.� _ ,�'. .
<br /> -?��s���y�,. Note without that Borrowcra aiuun� =
<br /> _'�'�.�'��,:; 13. I,oAn Charges. If tne loan securcd by this Secunty latuument is subject to u law which sets maximum lo�n -°'�
<br /> -__,,.n.,y : -
<br /> ••,.,,�;,- � charges, and that law is Gnally interpreted ao that thc interest or other loan charges collected ot to bc collected in
<br /> _?�.,.�:;;,.,,. oonnection with thc loan cxceed the permittcd limits,then:(a)uny such loan chargc ahall be reduccd by thc amount 6=
<br /> �`-'� •- neoessary to recfuec:the charge to the permitted limit; and (b)any sums airoady collccted from Bonnwer which excecded ��
<br /> -�� ;.,:�,;."", permitted limits will bc refunded to Borrower. I.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed ti'
<br /> '�::,;,,�-, � undar the Note or by m�king a direct paymcnt to Borrow�r, Lf a reFund reduc�;s principal,the reduction wiU be treated �`
<br /> ��r..,;t, .�.;, as a parti�l prepayment without any prcpaymcnt charge under the Note. �
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