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- -- �-- ..."---............... . �swna:::.:..r�mq. _ . . <br /> ,. <br /> - :�.�.`�..l./f�+.r..""+" _ <br /> � �� . ..n �,., _. - '— .— _ _--. <br /> �CAE._�:-.i�'}G+�1:�r'n. . . __ " -___.._. ___ - _ <br /> 'Ly . _�.�.,_..___"_'' v.L_ -.ier.a n.�'�_ e�ai.�Ai.._—_ <br /> 9�- i��29 <br /> payments may ixi longer�nc rcquired,at thc optiun of Lendcr, if martguge Insuruncc cove�ugo(in the amou�u and for the pariod <br /> that [.crxier requires)provided by un insurcr upproval by L.ende�ugaln becomes uvailublc und is obtnina�i. Pk�rrower shall pay <br /> the premiums rtquircd to maintain mortgage insurnnce in effcct,or to pruvtde u toss reurve,until the requirtment for mortgage <br /> insuranre ends in necor�ance with nny written agreen�e�t F+etween Borrower und I.ender or applicabla luw. <br /> 9. I�pectfan. I.endcr or its ugent may rns►kc reusc►nable entries upan und htispecdrn►�of�hc Property. Lcndcr shall give <br /> Borrower notice at the tin�e of or prior to an inspection spxifying reusnnuble cau�e for the inspection. <br /> 10. Condemnxtlon. The proceeds of any award or claim far dama�cs, direct or consequentiul, in connectlon with any <br /> condenu�ation or othcr taking of nny part of the Praperty,or for convcyance in licu of condemnation,are hcr�by assigncd and <br /> shafl be paid ta I.ender. <br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property,the proceais shall be applfal to the sums Secured by thjs Security Insttument, <br /> whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. In thc event of u partiul taking af thc I�roperty in wHich thc fair <br /> market value of the Properry immodiately before the taking is equal to or grcater than the amount of the sumA securcd by this <br /> Security Instrument immediutely before thc taking,unless Barrower and Lender otl�erwise agree in writing,the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instn►ment shall be c�duced by the amount of the proceods multiplied by the followfng fraction: (a) tlu tntal <br /> emount of the sums stcured immedIately txfore the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property imrruJiutely . <br /> b�fore the taking. Any b�lance shall be paid to Bonawer. In tk�c�vent of a partial tnking of the Property in which the fair <br /> market value of�he Pmperty iuuiiediately before thc tu�.7ng is lcss than thc amoant of the swns secured immr�ifltely F►eforc the <br /> taking, unless gorrower und Lender otherwise agree in writing or unlrss applicable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shall <br /> t►e applied to tho sums secured by this Secur3ty Instrun�ent whether ar not the sums are then due. <br /> If tha T�toperty is abandoned by Bonower,or if,afier notice by Lender to Borrower thut t�e condemnor affers to make an <br /> uwa�d or s�ttle a claim •t'or damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date tht notice is given, <br /> l.ender is authorized to collxt and apply the proceeds,ut its option,either to restaration or rcpair of the Property or to the sums <br /> secured by this Sxurity Instrument.whether or not then due. <br /> Unl�.cs L,ender and Bormwcr otherwise agree in writin�, any application of proceeds to principal shall not exterad or <br /> postpone the due dnte of the monthly payments referrod to in paragrephs I ard 2 or changc the amount of such pnyments. <br /> 11.Borrower Not Itele9sed;ForbeArana By I.ender Nut a Wriver.Extension of the time for pa}rmont or mod.ificat�on <br /> of amorte7ation oF the sums securai by this Socuriry Instrument grantal by Lender to any successar in interest i�f Borrower shall <br /> nvi tWctuic iG icicu�c 2I'ic�ii�'i�lity�f th�origi�al�orrnxcr ar°,.^.:�wor's S!!�4l5 1S2!il�L`t!St. Tr�u1�r chAl�not be(EQ111ild tq <br /> commence praceodings against any suocessor in interest or w axtend time for payment or otherwtse modify amortization <br /> of the sums ucured by this Security Instrurnent by reason of bny demand made by the original Born►wer or Bacrower's <br /> sucassurs in interest. Any fo�earance by I.ender in oxercising any right or remedy shall nat be a waiver of or proclude the <br /> exercise of eny right or nmedy. <br /> 12. Swoceseors�nd Aasignv Bound; Jolnt and Several Llabllity; Co-atgna�s. The covenants and agraments of this <br /> Socurity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agnoements shall be jofnt and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> 'Instcument but does not�xecute tt�e Note: (a) is co•sig�ung this Security Instrumcnt only to mortgage. grant and convey tt�et <br /> Horrower's intcnest in the Property under the terms of this Security Inunrment;(b)is not personally obligatod to puy the sums <br /> secural by this Security Instcument;ond(c) that Lender and any other Bonuwer may agree ro extend,modify.forbear or <br /> mnke any ucCdnm�odatlons with the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that I3orrower's consent. <br /> 13,Loan Char�e�. If the loan sccurod by this Security Instr�ument is subjxt to a la�v which stts maximum Iwm chacges, <br /> Aqd thgt law is finaUy iaterprcted so that the interest or other loan eharges collxted or to be rollocted in connxtion with�the <br /> 1oan excad dx permitted limits, then: (a)any such b;►an charge sha11 be roduced by the amount nxes.5ury to reduce the charge . , <br /> to the permitted limit;ar►d(b)any sums alc+�ady ca1l�Ctal from Borrower which excoeded pernutted t�mits will be nfunded to <br /> Aorrower. �.ender may choose to make this nfwxl by roducing the principul owed undcr ihe Note or by meking s direcc : <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, thc rcduction will be treated as a pa�tial prepeyment witM�ut any . . <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notkes. Any notia to Borrower providod for in this Security Instn�ment shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by Crst Class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directod to the Propaty Address . <br /> or any dher address Borrowor designates by notia to Lender. Any notia to Lender shall be given by first class meil to <br /> Lendec's ddras st�ted hercin or any other address Lender designatrs by notia to Borrower. Any notice providod for in this <br /> Socurity Instrument shail be damod to havc bxn given to Borrower or Lender when given as providcd in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Governing Iatw; Sevetabilitv. This Security Instzun�cnt ahall be governed by fodcrul law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in whiclt the Property is locatal. Tn the event that any pmvision or rlause of this Security Instrunxnt or the Nato <br /> rnntlicts w•ith applicable law,such rnnflict shall not affcet other pmvisions of this Security Insttument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are dxlarod <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Borr�wcr shall be given one a�nformod rnpy of tha Notc and of this Security inst�ument. <br /> F«m 302a 9190 <br /> Pp�4ole <br />
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