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_'T�� • . �eana2y��rn�... <br /> �.4'�� ., _ �. y,,''' »'�.. .� . _ . - _'.'_,._.�.._-__— .__. <br /> t r �--7ft..:'r�a:uv.+cica <br /> St�t . .----�..�.� <br /> -- <br /> �.tli��:Wlf.h�•�:t`!'��',!Y�P..dW:7#;.`.���i.�•,'I _���'1 ET�F����7�X'�l��e-: <br /> .-_-„�,���sxr_zrt�zr�lES'1 . _ �...�. '!�lles�,�.ma-r-�,—=--- <br /> _—___ _ _° - a�'-�w'u�om��mi:z»yf_'-_�_,.r„-.-_.,...__--__-- —_--. <br /> = ���� ��•••:7''�' --- �•t,�R•-�.i=�-�r.,r:.., - rme=srrmesv�a.:.:�,N:..,- <br /> __ .�,»R';�...,L:h�� L:_•�,a�.c.�..�.a . �I.YS..� a...aL......:r...,��9.:",Liil►R! - <br /> 97-- 1�4�2� <br /> 17.'1'rn►t�fer ot the Pmperty or p Bene(iciAl Inter�.wt In}lorrower. Ii al l or uny purt of thc Prapeny or uny ntcres In it <br /> is��idd or transfcrrcd(or if u hcncficia�l intcrest in Borrowcr is sold or trnnsfcrrcd und Eiorrower is not u nntural persun)without <br /> I,cnder'+ prlar written cimsent, l..ender may, ut its upliun, rcyuire inm►ediuW p,�yment in fuU uf ull sumti securc�l by this <br /> Security instrumait. However,this option shult not be exercisc�l by Lender if excrcise I;prohibitc.�i by federal luw us of the date <br /> oPtlils Sccurity Instrumcnt. <br /> If'Lendr,r exerciFes this option,l.ender shall give Borrower notice of ucceleration.The notice shall provide a pericxl of not <br /> I�ss th:►n 30 days from the datc thc notice is dclivered or muiled within which Horrawer must puy nll sums secured by ¢hfs <br /> Sccurity instrument. If Barrower fails to puy these sums prior to the cxpirntion of this period, Lender muy invoke nny remedies <br /> permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borcower. <br /> 18. Borrow•er's Itight to Relnstate. If Borrower mcets certain conditions. Barrower shuU have the right to linve <br /> enforcement of thic Security Instrument disttmtinued at uny time prior to the earlier af: (u) 5 duys (ar such other period as <br /> applicable law tnay s�cify for reinstnten�,ent.) before sule of the Properly p�rsuant to any power of sale contain�i in this <br />�• Security Instrum�+��:�or{b)erdry,of a,�udgme�tc�ar'cir�g this Security I�,et.rrz�irmt.Those conditions are tteat Barrower: (a)pays <br /> Lender all sums v.IsS<�i then would be d:� u�ec�4hi,s 5,�,•crarn�►r In�.trument�iiid RLhe ATvte as if no acoelerasion had occurned; (b) <br /> cures nny defnuit vf any other n�ver,:�s_ts or a�r.�Ar.i�n,s; (cr p+a�•s s►II expe�ases encue�red 'ar�enforci�g this Securiry Instrwnent, <br />' iuclurl:nz, But not limited to,re:r:�uable attomeys B�.s: �n�3 t���takes suclla acc8on ris[rnil�r may reasonably require¢o�ssure <br /> that ilv:�ien of this Security Instrument,Lender's r�yl4ss ia r�fie P�r*pert�r a�nd E+:��smv�r'� i�hli��ation to pay the sums scru�ed by <br /> this S�.�curity Instrument shall cantinue unch�.nrtd. Upon ninstateizienII by Buno�ves, t�is Securitv Iastruenent i�d the: ; <br /> . obligutions secured hereby shall remain fuliy efl'a�ve as if no ecceleratio:n hnd ck�r�arred. �o�►•ever, thas ra�E�t ta reinsta�te shall ; <br /> . �iot apply in the case of ucceleration undei parag-i-aph 17. ' <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Chu�e vd I.oan Scrvicen The Note or a partial interest i�e the Note (togc2�a�c� u•de6� ¢his �SFCUrity <br /> Instcument)may be sold one or mnre times without prior notice to Borrower.A sule may L�:vlt in a change im fhe�.-�itic���known • <br /> . as the"Loan Servicer")that coll��:�s monthly payments duc under the Note and this Security Instrument. 'Phere a;s:� moy be one ; <br /> ur more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to u sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Sen�G�er,Bc�rsaner will be <br /> given written notice of the change in nccordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The nou�ariC�scate the name and ' <br /> � address of the new Loan Scrvicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice wiE� �tsu contain any other <br /> • infomiatlon required by upplicable law. <br />.. 20. Hazardous Substances. Bonower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or r:..lrase of any ' <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, araything affccting the <br /> '� Property tl�at is in violaaon of any Environmental Law. The precedicc�z cw o sentences shall not upply Cci ��e presenco. use. or <br /> � storagc on the Properry of small quantlties of Hazardous Sul�stancr.s�1r.#:.�.T�generally recognizod to Im uppropriate to nornial <br /> ::; residential uses and to maintenance af the Property. <br /> �,;; Borcower shall prompdy give Lender written notice o1'any im•estigation. duim,demand, lawsuit or other action by any <br /> , governrnental or regulatory agency or privute purty involving the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance or Environmcntal Gaw <br /> ' of which Borrower has actuul knuwledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any governmerdal or regulatory authority. that <br /> nny removal or other remediution of any Ha�ardous 5ubstunce affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take <br /> ; all necessary remodinl actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> ,. As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substences defined as toxic or hazurdous substances by <br /> Environmental Law anc! the following substances: gasoline. kerosene, oiher flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> pesticidcs and herbicid�s,volatile wlvents. materials containing asbestos or fomlaldehyde.and r�iioxtive materials.As used in <br /> this paragraph 20, "Ertvironmental Law" nxans federal Inws and laws of the jurisdicUon where the Property is lacated that <br /> • relate to health. safety or cnvironmental protection. <br /> • ! NOIV-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />•�,s�. 21.Aooeleration;Ranedies. I.ender slali glve notice to Borrower prlor to acceleration following Bnrrower'o 6reach <br /> +; o[any rnvenant or agreement in thls Securlty Instrument (but not pr(or to accele►�tion under paragrAph 17 uNcsa <br /> y npplkable I�w pruvldes otherwiao). The not�ce sha��specify: (a)the defoutt;(b) the actbn required ta curc the defaulh, <br /> (c)w dAte, not I�ss thAn 30 days t'rom the dAte the notke is given to Borrower, by whi�h the defauit must be cured; and <br /> '}.t,, (d)ttwt failu�+e to iure the deCautt on or betore the date specitled in tlie noNce myy rre,wwlt in acceleratbn ot the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument and sale ot the Property. The natice shell further tnforn� Borrower ot the rl�ht to <br /> �,'i:';� reinstate witer Aocekr�tlon and the rlght to bring a court oction to assert the non-exlctence of a de[ault nr Any other <br />"°''` defease of Borrower to acceleration and sale. It the def�ult!s not cured on or before the dxte speciQed ln the nodce, <br /> � I.ender, at Its option, may require immedlate pa�yment 9a !uU ot xll sums secund by thts Se�:urlty In�tnimeat wfthout <br /> turther dem�nd And may Invoke the pov►�er oi sale nnd any ofher remedies p�rmitted by applicaMe law. I,ender sh�ll be <br /> . rntitled to collcxt s�ll expenses incurred In pursuing the remedies provided In this p�nigraph 21,including,but not limited <br /> to,re�sonabk attorneys'[ees and costs of titk evidence. <br /> .'' If thepower ot sale is invoked,Tru�tee shall record a notke of default in ench county ia r�v�lch any p�rt of the <br /> � Propartv is locs�ted and slwll ma[I copks o[such ratice in the manner prescrlbed by applicable law !o Borrowcr and to <br /> the atbier persoc►s prescribed by ApplEcable law.Aflter the time required by applk�bk bw,7'iustee si�all give publk noNce <br /> ', of sw0e to the person5 and in the manner prescrtt�ed by applicablc law. Trustce, witl�out demand on Borrower,slwll sell <br /> � the Property at publM xuction to the Nlghest bldder et the time and ��ee and un�kr the terms desiRnated in the nottce ot <br /> sale in one or tnore parcels and in any order Trustee determincs.Trs�Ka�nay postpone sale ot all or�ny purcel ot the <br /> .. Property by public�►�nouncemeut nt the times and place ot any prer•icnuly scheduled s�le. i.ender or its ci�Ignee may <br /> puc�cfqse the Property at any sA7e. <br /> � <br /> ' Fam 3028 9140 <br /> Prpe 6 ot 6 <br /> �n2�aav[�la' ! N+��l���f{f�y�•MY �l. ♦•aR _' .. <br /> ' -��I��:f�'����i� .' �i ��r������---�� __ <br /> t7ai5-�1TZ�- . o .l Pi..� ;d�JT �c���-�vc _ <br /> � '� � d1.+��. 1 -�i% ����A��yy� , �� ' ____ � <br /> Ilx�� <br /> �ur�• Gh. ,t ,' �. s1��'j�ft��=- ---- <br /> .aA�T + �r,S <br /> #':.1��.lY8'`'F�� ,.nr�e��onv— _ ' _ <br /> ___ ~��.'���_-�� <br /> —_ ______ ' _ ,tI"__— ' —. <br /> -_— '�=°S��'�i�Y�7���� �f . "__.-- <br /> ---� - .�p �rs�=------- <br /> . -r�� _� �sui'^'1fi�u�� � �' _ -�"�MC <br /> � - ^N.'�.��� r � `�"�7��r� _ <br />--•�`�`r�' x��.t�''R$3�" : '•�� _ ��._._. . , � 't�1' _� �--�a_ <br /> -�. 1 •' •1� i15.�'6�- L .•��'�� . — <br />