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` .6to�.r_�_.___...��k.f,.�.,�r•3.-_..Y..___ , — <br /> .,. <br /> g�-1tD49�9 <br /> S. HrxNrd or t'mperly baur�nce, &�rrawer Nhall kccp tik lmpmvcments nnw cxir:dng ��n c�rcAftcr crccted an thc <br /> Pro{�ny inzunxl againtit lo�x by fire, hur.arrls includai within the term"extc�xted caverage" n��d nny other huwrds, including <br /> flanls or flaxlfng, far which Lendcr rcyufres insuratkc. This insunncc hhull hc n�aintaimYi in thc anx�unts und for thc perials <br /> that Lr.i�der requires, Thc insuraixe curricr providing thc insurunce ahall be chosen by Iiorrowcr suhjcct ta Lendcr's approvAl <br /> which Khati ix►t be unrcxwnubly withheid. If&�rrower fails to maintain caverage describrci ubovc, Ler�icr nwy, ut L,ei�der's <br /> option,obwin cnvcrAgc to pmtccl L.cnder's rights in tho Property i�i aceonluncc wlth puragruph 7, <br /> All insura�xc poUcics u�x1 rcnewuls shall t►e ucceptuble to l.cndor u�xl shull fnclude u standanl mortguge clausc. I.ender <br /> shatl have thc right ta hold the pnlicies a�xi rcnew�IN.if Lcnder rcqulrcs,&�rrowee shsll promptly give to l.cndcr all reccipts of <br /> paid premiums and renewal notias. (n thc cvr_nt oF loss. Banower shall givo prampt notice to the inaurance carricr und Lcnder. <br /> L..ender may make pnxif uf loss if nat made prompsly by Ba�rrower. <br /> Unless Lender and Bortower othcrwisc agroc in writing, lnsurnnce praccals shall tx:applicd tu rcstoration or rcpair of tha <br /> Property damaged,if the rcstoration Ar rcpair is ecanomicully feasi6lc and Lcndcr's sec:urity is not lessencd.If thc rtstoration or <br /> repair is not economically feasi6le ar I.ender's uxurity would be lessenod, the insurance proceeds shall be appliecl to iha sums <br /> secured by this Securisy Instrument. wh�tlxr ar not then due, with any excess puid to Borrower. If Borrower abnndons the <br /> Propeny, or does not answer within 30 days n notice from I..ender that the insurance carrier has offerod to setde a�en <br /> I.ender may rnlloct the insuranoe proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds to rcpuir or reston the Property or to pay sums <br /> secured by t1�ic Security instrurstent,wh�ther ar not lhen due.The 3U-dsy period will hcgin when the notica is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Bormwer otharwise agrec in writing, uny upplication of p.�oce�ds to pritN;ipal shall not extend or <br /> postpone thc due data of tha monthly payments referral to in paragraphs 1 und Z ur change the amount of the payments. If <br /> under paragraph 2l tha Property is�cquired by Lender, liarrower's right to any insurance policies and proceods resulting from <br /> daraage to the Propercy pdor to the acyuisition shaU pass to[.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Socurity instcunxnt <br /> immaiiately prior to the acquisition. <br /> b. Occup�ncy,Pnservation,Matntenance wnd Prntectian ot the Property;Borrower's LoAn Applicatlon;La�.xhold�. <br /> Borrower shall occupy,esteblish,and usc the Property as Borrower's principal reside�ce within aixty days after the execution of <br /> this 5ecurity Instrument a�xl shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residenca for at Itast one year after <br /> the date of oocupancy, unless Lender othenvise agras in writing, whinc�onsent shall not be unrcasonably withheld, or unless <br /> extenuating circumstanas exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrowa shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> Property, allow the Pmpemr te deteriorate; or cnmm9r WACfP Qj! r� p�,,�ny, g��;y� ��!w in dtfauli i:':,ss� fart'titura <br /> action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in L.ender's good faith judgment could result in forFeitun�f the <br /> Pc+�►erty ar otherwise materially impair the lien croated by this Security Insteument or Lender's socuriry interest.Borrower may <br /> cure such a default und reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing t!u action or proceeding to be dismissod wit}�a ruling <br /> that, in Lender's good faith d�termination, prticludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material <br /> impaim�ent of the lien created by this Secudty Instcument ar Lender's security intemst. Borrower shall also be in default if <br />,during the loan application procoss,gave materially false or inaccurate infornu�tio�or statements to Lender(or fellod <br /> to prov�de Lender with any material information)in coruwction with the loan evidenced by the Note.including,but not limited <br /> to,repres�ntations conceming Bomower's occupancy of thc Property as a principal residence.If this Security Insuument is on a <br /> leasehold, Borrowcr shull oomply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Prop�rty, the <br /> leasehold and tho fce title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the rtverger in writing. <br /> 7.�+otectbn ot Lender's Rfghte In the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the oovenants ar�d agreementsi contained ln <br /> this Security Instniment, or th�n is a Iegal proceeding that may sign{fcantly affxt Lenck,r.'s eights in the Property(such ns a <br /> procedling in banktuptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or iegulatlons),then I..eixler may do u�d <br />; pay for whatever is nocessary to protoct the value of the Property and [.ender's rights in the Propeny. Lender's actions may <br /> include pnying any sums secu�ed by a lien which has p:ioriry over this Security Instrument, appearing in cot►rt. paying <br /> reasonable attomcys'fees and entering on the Property to make npairs. Although Lencler may take action undcr this paragraph <br /> 7.Lemler does not bave to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall bernme additional debt of Borrowcr socurod by this <br /> Sccudty Inswment. Unl�ss Borrower and Lendcr agree to other tsrms of payment,these amounts shall bear interrat from the <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate und shnfi be payabla, with intorest. upon noticc from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> PgYcneni. <br /> 8.MortgAge Insurnnca If Lender rcquircd mortgage insurance as a conditiun of malcing the loan sec�rod by this 5ecudry <br /> Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums rcquirod to maintain the mortgagc insuranc�in effoct. If, for any reason. the <br /> mnregage insurance coverage rcquired by I.ender Ispses or ceases to be in eft'Ea,Borrower shall pay the premiums requi�ed ta <br /> obtain coverage substantially equivalcnt to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substentinlly equivalent to the <br /> wst to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effed, from an niternate mox2gage insurer approvod by Lender. If <br /> subsiantially equivnlent mortgage insurance coverage is not av�ileble,Borrower shaU pap to I.ender each month a sum equal to <br /> one-twelfth of the ytarly mortgage insurance pr�mium lwing paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lnpsed or ceasal to <br /> be in effect. Lender will accept. use and retain these payments as a loss �serve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss nserve <br /> , Form 3028 9/90 <br /> Pp�3 018 <br /> �_ � <br /> --—�-- --�------'�.e��,�.�- _-�._���� ----�=___s�- �e a, u--�-- - <br /> — --�..:_�.�'r�::iisir+�.bt`�.�-'ii3+S:.'�!4-- ---- - - <br /> _— —— _���uue�m...ara::.._. <br /> ___o �_ �a.�;�ii�5e�7rSRi �'-?w�R_'---'--_—_.-'— <br /> — — ___�'°�!F.1�3F 'S�.r F`�'�..�----------—_ — <br /> ��==_-�.�_�'����:�=�---_-- <br /> - ��� --- -- - _-- <br /> --�,,,�,,,, -__- _ <br /> ._�tyP �� • �+ii�• � <br /> . —:���,T�'2'.3°.'��y }_i�PY'G'`" _�� . .... __.. r_` .r _ .__ ..]..r"_._ , _�,}.C'� ."_' _' . <br />