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RE-RECORDED gp- ��D��Q g$- 1Et3',�31 <br /> (d) a wrft oF execution or attachment ot arry sfmpar process shall be entered against Trustor whkh shell <br /> become a lien on the Trust Es[ete or any portfon thereof or in[zrest thereir.ard such pacecutlon,attachmem a ximiiar <br /> process oi J W gmeM is not released, borMed, sa65fied,vaptctl or stayed within sbcty(GJ)tlays eRer ks ernry or le.ry; � <br /> or <br /> (e) there has occurted a breach of or defauit uMer any term, �rovenan[, agreeme�tt, coMrtion, provislon, <br /> repsasentation or warranry mMatned in arry pdor tleeU of trust or mortgage eHecting the Tr:ist Esta[e. <br /> 10. ACCELERATIONS UPON DEFAUL7;ADDITIONAL REMEDIES. If an event W de(a;R!t a;curo, 8eneficiary may <br /> declare ,he „idebtetlness sscured hereby to tre dua arui payade and the same stmil lhereupon I�ecoi�•e iue aM payade <br /> wkhou[any preseMmeM,demand, protest or r:ottca oF any kind. ThereaiCer, BeneficWry r.ay: <br /> n either in person or by agene, wilh or vrithout hring(ng any aclion or pra;c-�ti;i{f, ex by a receNar <br /> appointed by a court and without mgard to the atloquacy of its security, enter upo�a.r<S take,�os;ssaion of tl�e Trust <br /> Estate. or any part there�t, in ks own name or in the name of Trustee,and do arry acts which R deems necessary or <br /> Gesirable to prese�� � '�-.��� value, markelab9ity or renL3bNity of the Trust Eslete, or ry3rt thereof or irrterest therein. ' <br /> . incrvase th= income c:�rrefrom or protect the securiry hereof and, with or without taMng posseaslon of the Trust ' <br /> Estate, sue for or otherwise cdiect the rents, issues aM proRts thereaf, Induding those peat due ard unpaid, and <br /> apply the same, less costs and expenses oF operation eM cd�ectlon induding attomey's fees, upon arry <br /> Ind?btedness secured hereby, all in such oNer ss Beneflclary may tletermi�e. Tt� errtering upon and taMng <br /> possession of the 7ms[ Estate. the cdixtlon of such rerrts. Issues and proflts and the appicatloo thereof as <br /> aforesaid snag not cure w waNe any defautt or notke d default hereunder or tmralidrt7e any aM done In response to <br /> such deFault or pursuarn to such nMice of default ard, rrotwtthstending che in possession of the Trust <br /> Estate or the cdlection, receipt arM apalption of reMS, issues or prWtts, Trustee or 8eneflcWry shall he eMMed to <br /> exercise every right prwided for in any of the Loan Irstruments or by law upon occurtence ot any eveM of deFeutt, <br /> iocludiny ine rigM ro exercise the power M sale; <br /> Qq commence an actlon to foreclosa this Deed of Trust as e mortgage. appoiM a receNer or specllicatly <br /> enforce any of[he convanarrts hereot . � <br /> (iii) deliver to 7rustee a written deGaration o/defauit arW demarxf for sate and a written notice W default <br /> and elec:ion to ceuse Tmstor's irrterest in the Trust Estate to be sold,which nutice Trustee shall cause to be diAy�i ed <br /> for record in ihe appropriate oHlces of the Courrty irt which the TrUSt Estate Is loCated;or <br /> (iv) exercise such other righ[s or remedies at law or in equity. <br /> i L FORECLOSURE BY POWER OF &ALE. If BeneRCWry elects ro foreclose by exercise oF the Ppwer of Sale <br /> hereln contained, Beneiiclary shall no[ify Trustee antl shalt deposft wHh Tmstee the Second Deed of Trust uncf any note <br /> ev;dencing the Indebtedness and such receipts arW evidence ot expendhures made and secured here5y es Trustee may <br /> require. <br /> (a) Upon receipt of such notice frem Beneticiary, Trustee sha�l cause to be recordM, putilishetl and <br /> deliveretl to 7rustor such Notice of Delauit and Notice o�Sale as then requlred by Iaw and by this Second Deed of � <br /> Trust. Trustee shall wRhout demarM on Tnjs[or,afler such tlme as may then be required by Iaw,aM after recorclatbn <br /> of such Notice ot Defauk antl after Notice ot Sale having been given as required by law, sNl the Trust Estate at the <br /> time and �lar.e of sate flxetl by tt in such Notice of Saie, eiiher as a whde, a in sepamte lots or parocis or ttems as <br /> Trustee shall deem exp�dient, and in such ortler ss R may detertnine, at puMic auctlon to the highest L•idder for cash <br /> ir. lawful money of the Unked States payable a[ the time of saie. Tn!stee shall deliver to such ourchaser or <br /> purchasere thereot fts good antl suNicieni deed or deeds conveying the property so sdd. but wilhou[ any covenarn <br /> or warran[y expresseci or Implied. The recka�s In such doed ot any matters or facts shail be conGUS'rve proof of the <br /> trutMWness thereof. Any pF?moq fncluding wkhou[fimhation Trustor, 7ruatee or BeneFlCiary, may purchase at such <br /> sala <br /> (b) As may be pertnitted by law, after deducting all costs, feec and �penses nf Trustee and of this 7rust. <br /> induding costs of evidence of tttle in connection wRh sale, Trustee shall eppy the proceeds oT sale to payment of (I) <br /> the I�eb�edness Qp aC other sums then secured hereby, arW (ii� the remai�er, if any, to the person or persons <br /> lec,�l!y entNed[hereto. <br /> (c) Tmstee may in the manner prwided by law postpone sale vF all or arry portion of the Trust Estste. . <br /> 12. 'n'cMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trustes and Beneficiary, and each oF them, ,hall De enthlec! to erdorce <br /> payment arn1 peAOrmance of any indebtednzss or odigatlons secured here6y and to exercise all rights arM pcwers under <br /> ihis SecorM Deed ot Trust or under arry Loan Instruma,M or other agreemern or eny laws now or herealter In force; � <br /> noCMthstanding, some or all of the such indebtetlness gnd oMlgatlons secured hereby may now or hereaRer be otherv+ise <br /> securetl,whether by mortgage,deed of trust, pledge, Iien,assignmant or otherwise. Neflher the accaptance�N this Secontl <br /> Deetl of Tms� not its entorcament, whether by court actlon or pursuant to the power of sale or other pcwers hereln <br /> contained, shall prejutllce or in any mnnner aHect ilustee's or 9eneflclary's dght to realize upon or enforce any other <br /> securhy now or hereatter held by Trustee or Beneficiary, it being agrxed that Trustee erM Benefciary, and emch of them, <br /> shall be emRled to entorce�hls Secontl Deed of Trust and any other secudty now or hareaRer held by Beneflclary <br /> 3 <br />