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RERECOR�EO g$- 1Q��00 J iG3231 <br /> 2 TA;G.:i. Truffior shall pay each InsPallmerrt of yll �mtes and special essess�s oi euery kind, rrow or <br /> hereafler levied agehist[he Trust Estate or any paN thereoF,t�eiore delirquency,whhout npt!ce pr demaiy, <br /> 3. fNSJFANCE AND REPAIRS. Tnastor shall meli»ain fire antl eztended coveiage insurence Insuri� [he <br /> Improvemems con::!titutirg part of the Trust Esiate for such artrourrts erb on such terms r�sonably satlafactory to � <br /> Benefklary. Sa bng as the Properry is secured by a iirst deed oi trust or mongege, compliartce with the Insurance <br /> raquiremen[s oF the nrst deed ot trust or mrntgnge shall 6e sWficienl to satlsry the requlrements of thls paragraph 3 relating ��+ <br /> tc insu2nce. . , <br /> Trustor shall promptly repalr aM repiece the Trust Estate or any part thereof so thet, except lor orclircary wear and <br /> Iear,the Trust Estste shall not deterlorate. In rro everrt shall the Trustw commR was[e on or to the Trust Estate,w commi[, <br /> suxer or permk any act to be done in or upon Ne Trugt Estate In Wde[bn M arry law,orulnar.ce or regulstbn. Trusror shell <br /> pay arrd promptly discharge at Trustor's cost and enpense a[I Ile�, encumbrerkes end cherges levled, Imposed or <br /> assessed agalnst the Trust Esta[e or any patt thereof. _ <br /> 4. 4,C710NS AFFEC�ING TRUST ESTATE. 7rustor shell appear In eM corrtest arry actlon or proceeding � <br /> ourparting to aNect the securRy hereof or [he HgMS or powere of BeneHciary w Tn�stee, and shall pay a0 costs entl ' <br /> expenses, I�luding cos[ ot evidence ot tMe antl attorney s tees, In arry such actbn a prcceeding In which Benelfciary or <br /> Trustee may app�r. If Trustor haps fo:nake arry paymerrt or to do arry ect as ard In the menner provided in arry of the Loen <br /> Irtstrumerrts, Beneticlary erxf(or Trvstee, each In their owr,discretbn, without oWl�tion so to do and wtlhout rrotice to or <br /> demami upon Trustor and whtrout releasing Trusror hom arry odige!lon, may rt�ake or tlo the seme in such menner and to <br /> such extant as etther may deem ne�;essary to protect the security hereof. Trustor shell,Immetliately upon demand theretor <br /> 6y Ben�ciary, pay all costs arW eupenses lncunetl by Bene}iclery In connectbn with the exarcise by Ber�eflclary M the <br /> foregoing rigMS. Including whhout Ilmitatbn costs of evidence ot title,court costs.eppralseis.surveys erM Mtomeys fees.. <br /> 5. EMM[NT DOMAIN. il che Trust Estate,a any patt therr,W a Irrtx�est therin, be taken a"tlamegcd by reason <br /> ot any public imprwemerrc or colxlemrtation proceedirg, or in any other manner Includirg deed In Ifeu thereo( <br /> ('ContlemnaNOn"), cr H Trusto� recelves arry notice ot other irrformatlon regerdinp s�ch proceedl'g, 7rus[or shall gNe <br /> prompt written notice thereol to Beneficiary. Trustor shall be errtkled to ail compehstbn, avrarcJS arid other paymenls or <br /> rellei ihero/ end shall be errtttled at ks option to commence. appear in and prosecute In tts owh name arry aMion or <br /> prxeedings. Trustor shall also be en;kled to make any compromise or settlemerR in rnnnectlon wNh such taMng or <br /> damage. <br /> 6. APPOIMMEM OF SUCCESSOR TqUSTEE. BeneFlCiary mey, /rom tlme to time, by e vnMen irqtrumerrt <br /> exec�ned and acknowterJgetl by Ben�ciary, maAed to Trus[or aM recorded-In the CouMy in which the Trt�st Estate is <br /> lor,ated and by otherv.lse complying with the provlglons ot the eppllcade law of the State of Nebraska substflule e <br /> successor or successors to the Trustee nemed herein or acting hereurnJer. . <br /> 7. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Second Deed ot Trust applios to, Inures ro the benetft W aM Wrd,all <br /> parties herero, �heir heirs, legatees, devisees, personal repregenta[Nes. successors and asslgns. The term '8eneliciary <br /> shall mean the ai+ner and hdtler[A any promissory rrote given to beneflclary, (whether or not named as Beriellciary hereirt). <br /> 8. MERGER, CONSOLIDATION, SALES OR LEASES. Tn;stor rnmanants that Trustor wlll not seil, lease or <br /> otherwise disp�se of any of the Trust Estate. In the e+ent that Trustor sells,leases or o[herwise tlisposes of arry part oF the <br /> 7rust Estate, F�en�ciary may at Ils opHOn dedare the Irniebtednxss securetl hereby Immedlatety due arM payade,whe[her <br /> or not any dAfaul[exlsts. Benefici�ry shell conserrt to a transtar d the Trust Estete to a thircJ party to the extetrt such thhd <br /> party meets the requlremeMS con[ained in, and assomes the oWigations set forth in the First Deed of Trust. The cwenaMs <br /> containetl herein shaN ru�wlth the Property and shall rertw�ln in hell force and etfect urrtil the IMebtedness Is pakl in fuli. <br /> 9. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Any of tha fdlrnNrg events shail be deemed en everrt of tleNauh Mereunder: <br /> (a) defautt shall be made in the paymerrt ot the Indebtedness or arry other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> or <br /> (b) Trustor shall perfortn arry aa In bankruptcy; pr <br /> (c) a coun ot compaterrt �utlsdictba shali emor an order, �udgmerrt or decree apprwing a petkion iAed <br /> agalnst Trustor seeking arry reoiganization,dissdution or sim8�r rellef under erry presem or lulure letlerel, slate <br /> or other statute, Iaw or regulatbn relating fi 6ankruptcy, insdvency or other relief for tlebtore, and such order, <br /> judgment or decree shall remaln umxceted and unsteyed for an apgregate of sixty (6p)'days (whether or rwt <br /> consecu[hre) from the tirst date of entry th�rrW; or ayny trustee, receNer or Ikryldator or Trustor or W all or any <br /> ppo nfted withoutEhe consern or acqulesc�e c'e of Trustor antl�suCh appoirrtm�t shelProremajnhu�ted�and <br /> unstayetl tor an aggregate ot shny(so)days(whether or rrot consecuthre);or <br /> 2 <br />