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RE.REC�R�� 98- �{3�-30Q J$- 1G3�31 <br /> or Trustee in such ortler ard manner sv ehey or ekher of tham may in Ihelr absWute dlscretion detertnine. No remedy <br /> hsrein corrferted uFron or reserved to Tnutee w Beneficfary is irrtentletl co be wcdusHe of any rnher remedy herein w by <br /> law provided or permitted, bu[�ch shad be cumWa[hre and shall 6e in eddMion tn every other remedy gNen hereurMer or <br /> nva or hereaRer existtng at law or in equiry or hy statute. Every power or remedy gNen by gny of the Loan instrumerrts to <br /> Trustee or Ber,Eticlary or to which ekher of th¢m may be pthenWSe errtltletl, may ye exercfsed �p�curtently or <br /> independently, irom tlme to time arxl ss often as may bs deemed e�edfentby Trus[ee or Benefkiery and ekher of them <br /> may pursue Inconsistem remetlies. Nothing herein shatl be construed as prohibklrg Berreticiary hom seeM�g a Uellciency <br /> )udgmerrt egains[tha Trustor to tl�e exterrt such ection is pertnittetl by law. � <br /> 73. REOUEST FOFl NOTICE. 7rustor end all other parties set forth hereln hereby requesls a copy of arry Notke <br /> of �efaWt and a copy of erry Notice of Sa!a heeeunder be meqed to them at the address set forth fn the flrst paragraph p( <br /> tfiis Secor,d De�d pf Trusl . <br /> 7 A. GOVERNING lAW Thls Second Deed of Tnut sha11 be govemed 6y and cons[rued In eccordance whh tlr3 <br /> laws of :he 5;,te ot Nebrask��. In tiie evem that any prw(slon or dause d any oF the Loan In3truments conflkts with <br /> appllca6le 7.^w�s, cuch coMltet t:hali m?t gffect pthgr ptpvislpns pf suCh LOan InstrumeMa which can be gNBn eflect yiylhput <br /> the cerMicti�i� provlsbn, ani (o this aM the provisSons d Ihe l.oan Instrumentg are declaretl [o be severade. Thls <br /> inswr:ent �nnvt be vmivcr;. r:hanged. discharged or tetmirreted oraliy. 6ut oMy bY an lnstrumBnt In writing slgned by the <br /> party agalnst whom enfort:emr,rrt of any xaNer, chenge,discharge or termRmtbn is sougM. <br /> t5. RECONVEYt1NCE 8Y TRUSTEE. Upon wrltten request of Benefkiary staHng that ali sums secured hereby <br /> have been pakf a�upon surrender of this Secorxi Deed utTnast and a�ry note to 7n!stee Por cancNlatbn and reterrtbn erxf <br /> upon paymeM by Trustor ot Trustee's lees, Trustee sha71 recomey to TNS[or, or the persbn or persans iegeliy errtitled <br /> ehereto, wkhout warrarrty, any portion of the Trust Estete then held hereunder. The recRals In such recorrveyance ot arry <br /> matters or fac[s shall be conduswe proof of the tMhfWness the�eoF. Tha grantee in arry recorrveyance may be described <br /> as 'the person or persons Iegaily ontMed thereto." <br /> request or otherNOm�municaton withrrespeM to tiils SecondrD edtol Trust each such notice tlemand request or ote <br /> communicallon shall be (n wri[ing and shall be effective only B !he same is dellvered by personal service or mafletl by <br /> cert'rfieU mail, postage prepairJ, retum receipt requested,add�essetl to the address set forth at the beginning o!this geCOnd <br /> Deed of Tmst. P.ny pzrry may at any tlme chenge its address for such rrotices by de�ivedng or ma8ing to the other paKies <br /> hereto, as a(oresaid,a notice of such change. <br /> t7. ACCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE. Trustea accepts this Trust when this SecorM Deed ot Trust, duly exetoted <br /> and acknowlcdged, is matle e public record as provkled by law. <br /> 4 <br />