. �� . . _•_..i-._-
<br /> , •.� ' � � , ;���' '''�" ,. � ,,,� ...__ '.-.�:� --
<br /> � ..d.,..._. -- - __ �... '�� .��,-� �
<br /> . r:.� �*�.�.• --_— ,,...:-,. �.�.,�------
<br /> 13. I.ENDEa'S RKiFiT TO COAM�ENCE OR DEFEND LEfJA�ACT10NS,f3nnta�h�ll frtrrrdl��Ny ptovld���nd�►whh wrlmm�otla ol my�dual a
<br /> �yrwt�wd�ctibn.wN�a oNMr prooNdk�p�M�dk�p tM Prop�rty. �rnta hK�by Mpok►1w L�ndN as 8,wnan�.Y��m1ec��o corm»nu,Int.rv.r»In.ana
<br /> dd�nd cudi e�ctbns.wits.a otMr Ipd �nd to oortprorrlw a Ntd�my el�im a oomrov�ny pMt�N�q th�nto. Lmdrr�hMl rat b�IIak+A+lo
<br /> Qronta for�ny actlon,�r►c►,mlit�,�xrdub��lay R�a�np l01M octbns d��a14�d In this puapr�ph u anY darr��r�wlling tMrwhom. Nothlnp
<br /> cont�(n�d MrNn wNl prwont U(�dor irom toWnp th�actlona d�scrllxd in ihl�parapraph In It�own nartse. -_
<br /> t�. I!lO�A�iIFiCA'�IOH. I.�+�►�haM not��wrrr or b�n�pc+nWbl�ta tt�p�rlomwx�ot any ol Qranla's obllya�bns with mpact lo Ih�Prop�rty ur�r � _
<br /> any drwrrntY►a�. C3rrnta�h�M NiYf�t�ly provld�L�r�r wNh w�itl�n notlo�ol and Ind�rtnlfy uid hdd LNKf�r emd it��hu�tiald�r�.dincta�.otNnn, '
<br /> anplpYp��nnd�p�nt�hurti���hom all dNrrw�d�m�fN�,II�bIYtNs(Yxludrp�narny�'IM��nd Ipfl e�na�).eausu ol sctlan,actioro.wits+uid
<br /> o��a�������y�y.�w•�p�1aINnp�°�hs prop�ny({�xaudinp'twt not Ilmit�d to,thow Irnolvin Hezardrwe Matsrl�ls). Orenta,upon
<br /> th�r�ft oi Lx►d�r� hVn IqM coun�N to d�l�LN�d�►hom wrh Ci�rtr,.nd p•y ih.•nan.y�'iN�,Ip��xpmN��nd otMr w�it Inawrod In
<br /> conn�clion 1Mrwrith. In tha allKnetiw.LMdN�e�u��� �naibn�rN�aN�I�dowro ol�this Deed ol TmlGrtr st(irenta'� coct. C�rdnta'� �
<br /> ol�li�nibn to Ind�mn(fy Lc+idor undor this p�r�.qrrflfh �
<br /> 16. TAXE3 ANQ ASSESSMENT�. 0►�ntu►ahaN Piy eN taxas end ecwsirt»nIt rN�tkp to Prop�rty whai du�end ImrndlatNy provkN L�ntMr widxiu
<br /> of p� t o}wro. Upon tM r�nt of LK�d�r�Oranio►shall d�poWt with l.�rxMr�ach month onrtwNMh (1�?2)ol tM��Ilmm�d�rmi�al i�furanc�
<br /> um,taxAS and ass�sirtMnts p�n�lnln�to ths Prop�rty. So laq as th�n I:na d�fwt�.tMw�rtw��nt� snul b��ppINM�o th�payrtimt ot tax�s..
<br /> au�ssment�end Inwrena�s nquk�d on the PropKry. In 1M nnnt ol d�hwlt,l.�rxNt ah�N haw th�rlpht,N Its al�opllon�to�pply th�Gxb�so h�ld to..
<br /> PnY�Y taxss a agelnst th�ObNOatlona. My fund�appibcl mey,at L�nda'�optbn.b��p�ln�In rw�ordrr ol th�dw dd�1hKSOf.
<br /> 1!. {NSPECTION OF PROPERTY.6OOK8.RECOR08 AND REPOR'f0. 4nn1����ha�m N w Io t����antur�ifaN�xovlda any asati�
<br /> and�xemirw.in�ct end rr�sc�ca��ol Ci�anta's book�and noord�p�nYnirq
<br /> requk�d py Lwidsr fa tMa purpows. AN of ths��nd Infortntion oo�lMrwd In 4nmcw6 booM+and ncatds rh�W b�pmuin�r.IrtN.aoax�t��nd
<br /> corrpMta(n aN rospacts. GraMa shall noN the�x st�na ol L�rcMr'�d�AcW fnl�nq{n Il�Ixwks�nd noad�p�rl+k�inQ lo tlw�Prop�rty. Addtlau�My,
<br /> Cinmor chsM report,In a fam�adsi�tn��wch ir��at uKh ,tkrn uid�ttieY bu n�w��h�qwr►cY es I.�nd�t rtny Pd�a1a�All
<br /> infortnstbn ehaN b�lo►such p�rfod�.
<br /> Infortretlon(umished by Grantw to Under shall bo irw,axurate and complete In eJl r�apoctt.ancl tJgned by(3►amor If Lender nquaat+.
<br /> 17. ESTOPPELCER7IFICATE9. Within ten(10�Y����statert int ap�dM�9(1��1�1'����°��t�tions fand lb)wh�tlMr6
<br /> ripl��s with ra:pect to tho ObBBetions.e 6lflr►sd
<br /> Cirantor possea�as eny dakm.d�fenw�.s�t-0ffa or counterd esen ahtbn itu�1Larxbr mey�malw ta thailntend�d taren�ens wi�th nspocidloQlMss rrNnsn In
<br /> caxH�rclekrr. Grontor wW W concki�NslY bound by anY repr
<br /> the�vMt iryy�t Grantor fefls to provkl�the rsQussted atatertbnt in e timly rtrnn�r.
<br /> 10. DEFAULT. Gramor NwM b�In dNautt under tl►is Deed ot Trust and the Trustw's power ahuY t��oano R'�ratNo In ths w�nt that(i�arna.Bortow�r or
<br /> any guaraMor of th�ObHg�tionr.
<br /> (a) hHs to p�y nY Oblipation to L�ndar when due:
<br /> (b) hfis to p�rform any Obiipatbn or bnedba eny warranty or oovenant to Lendar contaYwd in thii Dsed of Trust a�r►y othK pn+�nt a fulun
<br /> eGrswf�tm
<br /> (o) d�stroys.ba�a d�nieGas the Properry in eny rreterial rasp�ct or eubj�ds tha Property to wizuro.conflaatlon�or :
<br /> (d) �ks to r�vok�.Nmiinat�a ottNrwise Wrrit fl�YebAity und�ertY 9�a'�Y to LsntMr:
<br /> �e� �C,b�oorr�s Ip�My kioorr�tN�t,ts dscdwd or tetmfaated,io�cart�e In:olv�rd,rr�Nuc an u�n�n!hx th�baMm of cndilon,faN�to PiY
<br /> cMMs as tMy b�owrb du�,lfNs a pnhbn undar the IodMal b�mlwptq tanra.h�as an k�vofuroary peYtian h bet�laupicy fihd fn wf�ich CxwMO►.Bonow�►
<br /> or anY 9wrarrta Is rnrtrd�or ha�proparty tak,�n ur.der arty wrtt a proaas d cc�urt:
<br /> .�.,°r.•�..�,!N��.�i^_.^..?te.��n+!!�?�.or ua�ot whkh.la ill�f�d:
<br /> (Q �Mows pootN to w u�i�tranapo�ie3 vr s�:,�•a,a,.A��.�......�
<br /> !01 allows eny p.rty ou�er ttwn Gtrremor or 9ara�ver to as�m�e«undmake any oblipatlon wi►hc�,+ine wiinen eom.m oi L�ndrr,or
<br /> (h) csus��Lend�r M dMm Ra�lf Ine�curn dix+to a sip�iiflcam cfe�Mne In the value of tho Proptutv,or II Lend�r.fn pood Nth.for any naROn,b�N�ws
<br /> that ths PraP�ot P�l��PN'f��Is impaked
<br /> 10. piQHTS pF�IipER ON DEFAULT. If Ihnr�li a defeuM unda thls Deed of Trust,�e�,aer�rw+bs emn�d�o ex.rd�an.o►m�or»,.roaowt�
<br /> nrtrdn wilhout notlo�or derrend(sxaspt as►aQulred by law�:
<br /> (a)to d�d�ro th�ObNp�Nont imrtbcletNY due arid PaYabN In Tun,
<br /> (b) to ooMat the outqar�lnD OhMOMbn�wNh or wNho�A nsoAln9 to N�dcld P��' a Chitttals conatitullry th�PropKty at a pwor►wton�61Y
<br /> (o) to nquk�Q►arAor to d�Ywr and msfa av�fldils la Under anY P��P�W�Y
<br /> cqiwt�Mnt to(iranlar u►d Nnd�r
<br /> (d) to ernK u�pon and tak�Pn��tslon d the Property wilhout epprylr►g ta or obtsfnfng tha a�ppotntment of a nc�lver end, et L��s oplbn,10
<br /> appdrn a ncNw►wlthout bo�d.whhoul fint dinpkig wIt on,he Ohlipatlon�and wttht�ut othorwiw me�ttng eny statulory oondtlons np�rcirp
<br /> ���h b�kp�r�l�rid�d thsl I.�ndrr shal have thl�contractual dpM to appofm a rsulwr;
<br /> (�) to�rrploy�rtgnopkp ap�t ot ths Properry�nd IM tM�am,�itl�k�Tru�W's own nnrt�.h the narrM of Land�r a h tt�iwr�of C3►antor,�td
<br /> noMw the nnt�.incorne��lawn and proMt af the Pro�rty and aPpl!'the�srrr�sftK P�+Y►►Kxet af all n���ary chsrp�s and�xp�nsN�on a000irn o(
<br /> tl�abMp�tiorn:
<br /> (� 10 P�Y�Y wme In any tortn or mar�er dNrrrd sxp�d�rrt bY Lsnd�r to prot�ct ths sra�i'y�f thts Deed of Trus1 a to curo eny ddaull otl�tFwti
<br /> payirrrh of kd�nst or prindpd on the Oblfpulons;,
<br /> (0) to farcMN thb D�sd M Tn�st�udd�Mfi or ranXxkl�My�nd to dlroct tM cal�of the propatN thtough sxerclse o�rt,.Pow.r o�.a�a+nhnnc.d�n
<br /> pera,Qaph 2D t��of In s0000rd�noe wNh applica6ls I�w:
<br /> (h)to setaM Grontor�OhNp�tion�agak�st any arrounta ow�d Gmlor by L�nd�t'inducing, MK not Iim1�d to�rtionN��InslttxnorA�,and dePodt
<br /> aoCaxAs rtrinlakNd wilh L�nd�r a ny axnntly�xlstY�g a hriun aHWat�of L�ntNr;and
<br /> (q W�z�rdse eN oMbr rlpMs uvdil�hN to L�ndK und�r�ny ott�r wrftNn apn�r►�rn a aDPHc+�bl�a Saa.
<br /> I.K�d�r'��pht�an aumletiM�rid may ba�x�rds�d wp�tMr,s�P�ra1�lY.and(n eny ordor. In thn ewnt ttut Lor�ImMUlss an acrion sMidrq tM
<br /> d any of the PrcP�r1Y bY w�Y of a nrn.ay h an saia,e�na cramar. �r»a waiw.n,.poano o��,y bora wt�ct,mqtn
<br /> �N 6r nQd►ai. Unda a L��'s d� maypurchas4 the Prop�ry eterry sal�. P�uc�oods d any TYustw��aM h�rnmdK�hall b�rPPIMd
<br /> Iksl.to 1M oosls and�xp�nw�of sxKdsk�p thepow�r of saM and of th��ale�kidu�np ttw�yr of the Tnieteeb(��ctwlly Inaund r�no1�
<br /> •xo�ad th�anw�xd whkh mey b�pov►rkd tor In thl:DMd or rrust.wca�d.to paymmt ot thn�LhGq�nlom Weured MnbY.thkd.to th�PayrnMt �u
<br /> truat dNd�.matq�p�s.ar othx N�nhokNrs.and the bNar�.lf eny.lo tM perwn orp� s IpaKy mtHNd 1h�Mo. Th�propKty or�ny paA tF�no1 meY
<br /> b��dd In orn p�rcM�a In eueh pero�l�.mannar w ord�r ae Lender In Ne�ol�dsa�llon rt�ay hlsti.and orn or more ez�rds�a of tM power h�nh ynnt�d
<br /> �tu�not�xtirpuieh a a�autt the pow�r unka tha Mtke popertyr li sold a tM o6Up�tbn�ere p�ld in fuR.
<br /> s�il�I Kdn�oom�sk�d,�inder�1�N notlly T��e��K h nT� �roqulnd by law.t to s�H CiramoP�IMerost In tha Propsrty by exerds�of tM pa+r�r of
<br /> tl pxi rk,Npt of wch notla of Land�r end at ths dlndlon of Lendor.Truqee th+dl causo to bo recorded,publlshed end dalfwred wch nallaa ot d�fault
<br />� end nolla�ol�a{�aa niey thon be requlred by larr and by thfs Qaod of TN:t. Truste�shall,onty ot 1FN diredlon of Lender end with�out d�rrend on Grentor.
<br /> atta wch tirne as may tlan b�requkad bY Iaw and eher recordatlon ot such notka of dofault�'xl after notice of sale having t�een�von as requtred by lew,
<br /> sell the Prope�Y at tha tkne and plaCe ot Bale flxed by It In such notla of 6alo,oithar ea whole or In ceparale lots or percels a itertn as Lender ahall deem
<br /> - eah,a as o�ttbrwl�meyetlwn br nQuirod by tew.T�w shdltdellvu to�ouch��itr f��In�l-a�wluls�n heroofhtt ungood end suflid�nt�dNd at�de�d�
<br /> = oonwylnc u,.p�p�Ay w w�a,aW wnt,o�n any cov.nan►a ws�mcy,.xpr.�s o►kr�dlea. �rn. rodw.h sucn d..a or any man�r.a rsct•.r�aM b�
<br /> condudw Proof� of thi trutMulrbsa tl�reot. My pxson fndudr�g.vrl►ha►►IlrttiteNon.Cirantar.Trusta�or L�ntisr,rrey purchaas et such sals. Tnuf�e may
<br /> „�n��provkAd py�aw poetporu sd+of eN or eny portton ot tta Prop�rty.
<br /> - 21. REGUEST FOR NOl'10ES: Gtanta reqwsts that a copy ot eny notico of cbfault and e copy of eny notlee ot eab hereunder be maiNd to aach person
<br /> who Is a perry hereto el th�ad�tesa cf such person set tonh hereln at tho carrr time and In the same manner requlred aa though a saperate requeat
<br /> th�rwt had b»n filad b�'sach wd�P�raon.
<br />— HEOOrc a«.sss a�.3as �(f0 1�MD -
<br /> � =
<br /> ...
<br /> ' ---__-�---. ..__ ----......._�..,....,o...,r„---�^.-..,,..,. - -e-°�•— _.—;r_-�........s._.....�- — ---- '—
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