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;:� . . . . <br /> ; . .. .. , . : ';��-�: <br /> "�1���y _,s�,-,' <br /> �; �. . � l '��� v��•�._I� � Y -__-_ <br /> • . �f�+'• � .. �LY ` 1/iI�0Y�19{AR'nV��.�4w::._.\a.St wS.� <br /> � .. �[.��..W...�Ar:....._:irru�_.....�.......�..n�..�� <br /> .�.�__ <br /> ' ♦ _" " +ww�wn�n�wl�TT�w��1��+/[wmrw�r�.wn.��w.��mr�-�_.. ._.�- <br /> �' ..!!T�t��r .. ... .. _. <br /> ... . . . . . .� . . '^__.— <br /> I. ,`r r . .. . ..� _._'....._ <br />.t-J'e'i'�r• • <br /> Kt <br />-�.._.� '�...�. — <br /> �"�°n•'�'��' (c) All epplicable lews end r �e�ion•,indua wllhoui�ArrNrkam wtth DlsabNilNs Act, e2 u.s.c. sec,io►�,2,0, e� <br />�_.,,"�',;i",! � �� 60y. (911d 811 <br />,-n�l;� riguletionp promulp�l�d th�rwndw)and dl zonlnQ and bu4dtnp lew�end r�ula�iom nlat4p to ih�Prop�rly by virtu�of eny leds►d,stet�a munkipel <br /> ,. . �,f au�horiry with Juristlictbn over Ih�Propety,pnan!ly an end chall b�oluorwd and conpisd wifh In etl meterlal reipocl�,and all rlghte.Iic�npn, <br /> „ . _� porrrlta,and cAnlficatea of qccupancy(Ineludinp but not Iimited to zonlny Ysrlances;cpedal exceptlons to►nonconlaMng u�es,e�id linel Inipocibn � <br /> approvnls), wMthar tHr�orery or pormensnt,which ere materlal to the use end oaupancy ol the Propony,peaenlly ere end ahall bo obtnlned, <br /> pnsarved�u�d,wtan nwauary,nnew�d; �. <br /> .'� � (d) Orantor h�s IF►�rlpht end is duly eulhoriz�d to axeCUte and peAorm Its Oblig911om undr thle Dead of Trust end ihess actlons do not end shsll not = <br /> � contlir.t kith ihs provlalons ol any sintute,regulalbn,ordinanoo,rule of law,contract orothmegroemem which mey Lo Wndinp on Carantor at any time; � _ <br /> r,a,";'� (�) Plo ectkan ur procNdiny Is a fhall b�p�ndirp or throet�ned whlch might meterially eH�d the Prcpury;and i� _ <br /> +� (f) �ranta has not vlolatsd end�hell not Wotats eny atatute,repulatlon,ordinance,rub of law,contracl or otlier egreement(Induding,but not IlmHed to, - <br /> thao povcrnln�Hazardous Mateflals)t�hlch mlpht rtut_dally aflect iho Properry or Undcrs rights or intorost In tho Prop»rty pursuant to ihis Daod ol �� � <br />.:,;,� Trust. <br /> 9. PRIQR OHEDB OF TRUST. Qrontar roprasente and wartante that there aro no prior dee<b ot trust aflectlny eny pan of the Propeny except es set forth <br />� on Sci'Mdiub B att�clwd to Ihls Deed oi TrusL whlch arenta agees to pay and pa►torm in e timely menner. If ihero are any prlw deede oi irust ihen <br /> (3rentot e�rre�s to pay all emourtts ow�d,end perfarm ell oblipellona required,under sueh dobs of trust and ihe Indebtedneas ascured thenby end funhar <br /> ayra�s that a defrull undor eny prior d�ed of truat ahall bo e default under ihis Dsed ol Trusl end ahell entitle Lender to all rlghte and remedlea comalned <br /> � hereln a In ths Oblrgatlons to whtch Lender would be entBled In the evem of eny other delautt. <br /> 4. TRAN:IF@RS OF iHE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTERESTS IN GHANTnR9 O�i BORROWERS. In iha event ot a sals,conveyance,lease, <br /> ' � caniraot ta deed w 1►ansfer to eny pason of aN a eny part of the real property desaibed in Schedute A,a any Interest therein,or of atl or eny benefldal <br /> ;'��,';.`..'.. Interest in BorraNer or Grnnta(If Bortower a Ciranta is not e naturelperson or percona 6ut le e r.orporation,timited IIa6llity company,pertnerahip,trusL a <br />_:;�u,..Yz.'• otMr Ispal enGty),l.ender may,at Ib option dadars the oulstandng p�ir�dpaI belanc�of ths ahfgatione ptus occnHd interett tharson Mrr►�ediatNy due and <br />-..S.�._. , payeble. At Lrendor's reque:t,C3renta or Bortower,as tta caaa rrey be,ehall lumlah a cartpkl�statem�nt aett(nQ tonh ell ol fts ctxkaldea,rtbmbQro,a <br />� �:�}+' perin�n,es rapQ►o{�iate,end ths exteni of thelr reapectivs ownsrship Interosis. <br /> n..a� L <br /> -a:�}'i <br /> --�"�"�► 6. ASSKiNMENT OF RENTS. In consideration oi ihe Wlipations,whkh are secured by tds Qeed of Trust,Grentor absolutely asstgns to Lender all <br /> �"�i� Ciranta's euate,ripM,titb, Imerest,dalm end dernand naw owned a hereafter aoq�dredB all oxisling ard luture leases of the Property(Indudin <br />--�`;.-:�c' sxtenslons.ranewals and subleases),all agreements fa use and occupancy of ihe Property Iali such leases and apreements whether wrltten or oral,ure <br />__=��;.� hersatter roicrtred ta aa the'leases'),and all�aranties of lessees'peAom�ence under the leases,together whh the irtrnediate and continuir�right to <br /> �' � cdfoct and r�Ne all of ihe renis,incar�e,rece pts,revanues,Issues,proflts and other incorneof any nature nax w hereafler due((nduding any Incane of <br /> --�"'�"'� any natura oaninp due dxinp any redemption period)under the Leases or 6om or ariaing au of the Property inducFng minimum renis,additianal ronis. <br /> '•"��•'�' peroenL�ge ronis,parking or cortrrnn area melntonartce eomributions,tax and Insuranca oontribulbns,defldency r�ents,liquldated damegtts followirtg <br />^�l� dafault in eny Lease,all proceeda payal�le under any poiicy of Insurance oovering loss of rx�ts resuftinp from untenentability caursdby desiructlon a <br /> -� da�rapv to ths Prop�rty all proc�edc payabta as a�ewR of a lessee'e exerdse of an opibn to purchaie the Property,ell proeeeds darived hom the <br /> temiinatbn or rojecdon of eny Leasu In a banVwqcy w olher Insdvencyproceeding and all proceeds hom any righta end dalms ot any Wnd whkh Grenta <br /> ��_:t_�__ ma have aqNnst any lessee under the Leases a any occupanis of the Property(dl of ihe above are hereahx collecllvely referred to es the'R�,r�is'). Thls <br />-_�_�l� ase�gvr�t�s wbJect to tM ripl»,powsr and authority given to tfie Lender to cdlect end e�pplyths Rents. fila esslpnment la recorded in eceortk�nce with <br /> -�- appKca6ts stato Mw;ttw Ikn croated by thla assigxnent Is intendad tc be epec(flc,porfxtad enel choate upon the recorc�' gof this Deed of Tntst,all as <br />-- provld�d by appYci►b{e state law es artisnded from timo to tirro. As long es thxe Is no def�A und�r the OMlgaUona or thls bsed of Trust,Lender grente <br /> ='��?:~.'� C3rentor a rmocabh Ilana to oollsd eil Rer�ts from the lsaaas when d��e and to use�uch por.�ads I�Cirerrtor's iw�inesaopxation�. However,Landor <br /> ----- rrby at any Hrt�roqu{re arenta to d�Oal�all RsMe Imo en eccoum melntalnsd by Grantor a Lendx at Lender's insthution. Upon defnuft M the payrrent <br /> -_-� ot,a In ftM psrfortrrnoe of,any oi the Oblipations,Lender may at ite optbn teke pouessbn ol tl►s Property end haw,hold,menepe,Nase and operete the <br /> - -�� Prop�rty on fertrs and for a psriod of tirtw that Lendsr deenm p►opsr. Lender may proc�ed to colled and rscehrs ell Renic trom the propsrty.end Lender <br /> -�'� stNll have IuY Qowe►to rtglte alterailona.renovatlons,reoelrs or replacertienta to tf�e Prooe�tyes Lendsr rrey dnem nroper I nnrMr rmy.+n,�y„n R��a�n <br /> �`�- Under'e wk d:aetlon to peyrtrrh of the ObUpetiona or to 1M peyrrbnt of ths cost af�ueh ellera9or►s,rorwvaUons,repeirs and replaarr�ents end eny <br /> --�_ �xpmtes kidderrt to tak:�end rotaining possesslon of the PropeAy perlodically erd the t and operalbn of iha Propeny. Lender may keer�the <br /> —_— PropMy propKly hwnd and may dceharps any texes,chargos,cl�tms,aaaesementa�i�ens whid�may accnis. fie expenis end ooal of thasa <br /> -•-- edions may b�pdd hom the Rents rsoelved,and eny unpald artaunts shall bB edded to the p►indpei of the Obiipetiona. Thes�a►nounte,topether wNh <br /> — otFbr oo:ts,aheM b�conb pert of tM Obilpetiane secured hy this Daed af Trust. <br /> `'-"� !. LEASE6 Al�D OTHER AGR�EiIENTS. Q►amor shdf not teke a(ail to tako any actian whkh may cause or pemit th�temik�atbn a the wNhholdhg of <br /> arry{xyrrnnt ln connection with any Leas�a ottix epr�ert�ent('Agroertbnt'?portalning to ifx Property. In eddilion,Grenta,wittiout Lsnd�r's prior written <br /> can�srn.slwN nol:(a)coYect any rrnni�o payeW�und�r eny Agre�rt�ent more Than one month In edvanos:lb)rr�ly a�Y�ge�e�t�(�)eccign a eNow a <br /> IIwL taaxiry InNnst a othor snaxrixarke to be plao�d upon Grantor'a rt�ta,tHl�and hterest In and lo eny Agrsertlxtl ar the artqunis <br /> tMreixKi�r;a(d)t�mdnate or canal eny Agesment exoept fa the nonpaymant of eny wm a othar ma�xlal breach by ttw other party ttwnto. If Q� <br /> roatves at any tkns any wrfttan comrunkatbn esssrtinp a dei&ult by Grantor undar an Agrwment or piuporting to temilnate or eano�l an <br /> G�arno�ehaNpr�rply forwmd aoopy of sucA corrrruni�tlon(end eny wb�equent cormunkatlons roiatinp thareto)to Lende�. NI such Apreemen��end�� <br /> IM artnums due to Oranta ihereuncbr era herody asslgrNd to Lender ea additlonal aecurity talha Ohligatlons. <br /> ' 7. CW.LECTION OF INDE9TEONESS FROM THiRD PARTY. LerKMr shall be entitbd to ndily or requ4e Grenta to noti(y any thlyd pehy pnducMnp,but <br /> not limit�d to,M�ss,Ilcenseas,pov�nmental authorfties end InaurancecortpanIes)to pay lxsd�eny Indebledn�ss a o61{gaibn owing to Gnrdor with <br /> rosp�ct ta the Prop�rty(cumulativsly Indebtedneas') whether or not a detault exisis urdor this De�d of Trust. Grenta shall diHqntty coH�ct the <br /> Indd�edrtssa owkp to Cxantor hom ti»ss ihkd pnrlNs umil the yMng of auch notiNcatlon. In rio ewnt that GraMa posssasss a roahrs�possesalon ot <br /> any Instrurr»M�a other raHttar►a�wNh roapect to the Indebtednsss fdlowlnp ths gfvMig d wch notiftcation o{if the inshurtienta or othor romittanaea <br /> oaut8ulR ths ptspayrnnt of any Ind�bladness a 1M payrnent of any insixance a oondeimad�n prooarde,Grentar ahaU hold such Msuumems and ather <br /> romlttlr�a in irutt fa UntMr epert hom Ns other property,anderee ihe instrumomo ar�d otharromfttencea to ler�r,and Irtrr�sdatsly provids Lender wNh <br /> po�w�ilan o}th�Instrurtrnts and other rar�fitanon. L.ender shdl be entilled,bul not rpulrod,to cdlect(by bpal procaecinga or otherwis�).ext�nd the <br /> � tATn(a p�ym�nt.comprortis�,exGwgs or relbaa any o611gor a odlatxal,a otherwise�aflle eny ot the Indeb�edness whether or nat an evsm of d�(aufl <br /> exl�ts uncMr this Apner►rnt. Lerxi�r shaq not bs Nads to Qramor tor any action,ertor,mietake,omis�lon a dolay pxtainfnn to the actbns desafbed In this <br /> . poroQaph or any darr�� nwllinq therefrom. Notwithstanding the (oropoinp, rathing hereln shall cause Lendsr to bs deerned a <br /> rmrtyp�e�kt•pott�ulon. <br /> 0. U88 AND IAANiTENAkCE OF PROPERTY. (iranta ahell take all actions and make any rapekc needecl to melmaln ttw Property in pood c�rndition. <br /> Gr�nla sh�U not catmit or psrrNt any waate to ba camin�d wNh respoct to ihe Properry. Gremor shatl us�the Proporty�olely in corrpYanw with <br /> appWcahis Iwr and fnwrerros poNcN� Grantor sF�aN not make any aherationa,additione o�t�ov�merde to 1he Propeny without Lender'e priw wrttten <br /> cans�m. YYflhout NrNtinp tlre torepokq,aq ettaratiani,addUons and Improver►�enla made to tAe property shall b�subject to the 6enefidal interest belonging <br /> to L�nd�r,shaN ral be ramoved wlthan Lertdet'e prbr wrtnen eonsent,and ahall be rrede at GrantoYs sole expen�. <br /> � �. L08S OR DAMAGE Gr.uitor ahaM 6sar the eritiro Nsk of eny loss,theft,destnwtion a dartage(cumulatNety'Loss or Da► to the Pr <br /> -- ' portion lxtso}trom any cause whatwsver. In tho event ot any Loss a Dartrege,Oranta ths opion of Lender,r � ��«�y <br /> --_= provfous condNian or pay a cause to be pafd to Lender the decreaaa in the tair rt�kat vei�ollho nhected Proporty. °�r t altected Property to fts <br /> — � 10. INBURANCE. 'Th�Property wNl be Iwp�t Inwrod tor fts lull inwrabb vaiue r(re acernnt con)egainst alt hazerds Induding loas or darr�age caused by <br /> - - - tload,�arlfiqualw,tomado and Hre,iheft or other casualty to the extsnt roqui by Laidec Grentor may oMain insixanco on the P hom such <br /> __r;� nIs�es ero eocep�tebie to Lender In Its sole dscrotlon. Tha insurence polidas shaN reqdio the Insuran�a company to pruvide Lander wit at least <br /> . �-°°_ �s u day�'written notloe before such polides are eitered or canoelbd in eny mennar. The Inauwnce polides shall nartie Lerxler as a loss <br /> i':,� �ye�er�i '�v 'that no act or omiseion of Grenta or eny other person ehall aNeot ihe right al Lender to be paid the(nsurance proceeds pertalning to the <br /> :�};�;� o s s a d a r re g e o l t h e P r o p e r t y. I n t h e e v e n t G r e n t a f a l i s t o u c q u l re o r m a l m e ln in a uranae, L e n d er(e her prov i c ing no t i c e as may b e required by law)mey <br /> ------= In Ra dsaatlon procunepprop�iata Inwranc�ooveraga upon the Property end tfro ins�aana cost shali be an edvance payable and bearing interest as - <br /> -� d�scrib�d(n Panpraph 23�nd s�cund hereby. Grema shaN fumish Lsridor wlth svidsrks of httxet�cs In�cat the - <br /> es�ttort�yh4ad for Granta M rteldng w�d ssttMnp clakrr ur�r Inwrar�cs polkNs. g �y a� ���°Q°. lerider mey act = <br /> --�-� rnpcqabN inttturr�nt drawn pdici�. Y ��0 GrantoPs nerr�e on any draR or <br /> � bY eny Inwnr. Alf wdi insurana s ehaN be imfwd�ki�uflgn�d.�d end dNiwnd to Lsndor ea further s�ariN <br />_.,.-��� �w uii aiaiti'si�uri. in�7ii svwri a ivsa.C,rania.i�i irmea�aieiy grve iender writ►en nceoe eno�erwer ia aimionzea to treFoe proof of bss. Each °_ <br />,:R�"-,�-,��-.�,-. Insurancs compeny Is dnctsd to meke payrr�ems drectly to Lender Instead of lo Lsndx ard Grantor. Undw shaN have the rlpht,at fts sole optlon,to _ <br /> ,.,,,,tl. apply such mor�ka toward the Obltgetbna a toward the cost ot rebuil�ng end restoring tha Property. My arrpums rtny et LendeYs optlon be applled In c <br /> SM Inverce orcNr ot the due dates theraot. t' <br /> �`�' � 11. ZONIlW AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantor shall rrot Init(ate a conaem to any chsn�in the=oning proNslons or � <br />- •,;' � ' use of ths P withou!Lendere �y � P�vate covenams�ecling the <br />"�:��'.�, rapsrty pHor written consent. If Grantora uss ol tho P �corr�es e noncontortN use un�ier en zonl { ovlslon. � <br /> .,;,.;,,_ �. Grontor attaH not causa or pem�lt wch use to be ascontlmwd or abendor»d without tM priawrittan consent ol Lender. C3ranta wIU Irtmediately provlde <br /> ��t•4, .:. Lender wNh written notice of any proposed changes to the zonlrtg provlslona of private cwx�amt attecting the Property. <br /> , ,,�. • � 12 CONGEA�lA710N. (irantor ehaH Imrbdlately provlde Lender with written nottce of erry actual or threaterbd condetmatlon or eminent domaln <br />, .'r.�� . pracMdinp pertefn{ng to the property. 10.11 monbs pe able to Grantw from aueh condamiaUon a taWnp nre hereby essl <br />_;W y1 � i�rst to ths payrtrnt o1 Lendsr's attomsys'lees. expensea end ather costc Ind 9ned to Lender and shall be applted <br /> dortnln end then,at the ion ot Lender,to the � ��dsal less)fn connactian with the condermation a emfnent <br /> �";��-,;,� . Woceacings opt payrtbnt ol the Odigatlons a therostatetbn a repalr of the Propsrty. <br />�_�'y��.i.a� <br />- NEDOTB R�v.f19/ xFU �2 Mi� <br /> Prip2d6 <br /> ..+y....... _ <br />