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i('.'i.�( � . <br /> , `��,as'v��4 ' ' . , -'- - <br /> , _ �;�-f:��:_- <br /> ,,�+ , :s�*t�wus;' <br /> 1. �:L�...v3lruu. �......La .r_- ,a„_. 7r. <br /> ���t�.y��' y�� ��y�{ _- _—_ _ : . ___ . <br /> .. . '�� . . !F)!'!!S^!._�"���'"_`"" . . . . .. .�iT. � __T.._._ .....:�. . �.....- . <br />-. . ,7,.�x.'R' <br /> _•.��.�b��� � <br />_'.�':'.:"�{ <br />�_,,r.•.,• :��t:� 22 ¢ECURI77/'NiTfAE9T l�Ip�R THE UNIIFOR�1 COAMABRCIAL CODE. Thle Qeod of Truat ahall be coneldered end bo stfectiw w a finandnp <br /> =-Y}�K?�•.'.� �taUrtMnt�nd e NxMm fiWq �am lo tM provl�fons of iM Udlorm Cortrr»rGal Cad�(a Adopt�d In tho tt�te whers th�nel prop�rty I�bcat�d) <br />-. r., cawrinp Ilxturne,chhpols, tutlt��t�lp�rwnal prcyserty now owned oe henaher aneehad to or to b�used In canneetion wBh the Proporty toyath�r wlth - <br /> any nnd NI rAplatonx�mh ihnrnaf und�ddttton�therelo(the"i.hnttela),end Grent�r hereby gren�e Lon�r a socurily Intorest In Ruch Chanota ThO d8b1p►Ib - <br /> `�! tha Grnmor desalb��d�acw�. 1NO�e�d nl Tnrat wW be�t1�ctN�a�e flnandng statemnnt fiNd es a fixture filing with reapect lo eN flxturee Indud�d withln - <br /> �sld�ramltes tvM Is k twt M1led la nnad in th�r�al tstat�recorda ol each counry when any p�t o1 wid premitea(Inclubng aald li�turea)Is sltuat�d. ThI� � - <br /> . � I�d��}T�unt nMll nla be�N�ciiw n w Ik�nckip M�t�rt►ent cowring eny other premisa�end may ba fil�d In any othor approprlate Illinq or nwrdnp � <br /> • offloa. A enrbcxL phaWprepl�IC a oth�r r�prcxi�w!kx�M�h14 DNd ol Tru:t a of any fina�dnq aiat�rrbnt relating to thle Deed o1 Trust ahall be aftident a�s ` <br /> � flnnnciny at�tammt la any ot ttw purpqss�rel�r�ad tA In this Perepreph. The aecured parry li ihe Lender desc►ibod abovn. Upon dcmand,Cirontor nhall ! '!. <br /> •^°. }� mJce,sx�cute �nc1 bpv+M t+�ah Nc+xity prnrmx�rftn ian w� urtn b d�fln�d in �ald Unllorm Camierdel Code)as Lender at any tirtb mey dNm ti° <br /> � ' neoetsary a�xoppt�a r�c�ukatl la prant to Und�r a p�er{�e1ed Reairity Inix�st In ihs Chsriel�,end upon Gronror'e fallure to do rso,Lender Is authoriz�d to <br /> +�• slgn nny cuch nqrnemni ne tho e(�nt of qrantar. Gmntor haeby authodzas Lendor to tile IinanGng statomome(as such torm is detined in sald Unitorm - <br /> CamM�►cW Co�)wEh r�spacl l01hn ChtlnUc,at nny tlms,wRhoul ihs siynaturo of(irantor. Orantor will,however,at eny tima upon raquest ot Lend�r, � <br />-- - slpn�uch fn�n�irp suNrmt�. Orantar wNl pny A!I Minp lees fa itw filkq ot auch finanGng atat�mema and lor ihe refilinp thmsof at the tlmes requlred,In <br />'-� �hs opinlon of l.erKf�r,py sWd UNhrtn Gxmx+ral�1 Corl�. If ths Ikn of ihia Dead of Tn�st be subJect to eny securiry agreemem oovering the ChattNs,ihen <br /> In thn swnt of nny ddeun unclor thi�I�ad nt Trur�,pll Ih�right,title and imerest of Orantor In and to eny and ell of the Ghattols Is hereby esdgied to <br />�,lop�that wNh ma banafit of nny dopasito or pnyrnems now a hersaflar rrede t h oreo f by�rantor ar t h e pr e d e o escora or suca:sora in titk of <br /> . -m ' O��ntcx In 1ha Propory. <br /> . . ,...� 29. RHMBURSEM6NT OF AMIOI1NTt1 EXPENDED 8Y LENDER. lender'sop1lon.rrey expend lunds pnduding anomeys'teus end legel <br /> ` oxpan s�aS)t o pExl o�-n�ny a c t requ k a d t o t x�t a l w n try G r d n t o r o r t o o x o r d s o a n y d p h i o r►e r r x t d y o t L e n d e�u n d e r t h l a D e e d o t T r u s t. U p o n d o t n o n d,t 3 r a n t a <br /> ; ' sholl Gtrt�ataty reiMu�Lendw tor all uroh t�nxiuma expend�d by Lendar together with hitenst the►eon at ttw lowa of ihe h{ghest rata desaibed In any <br /> -`-.�' : tion a tne hlgh�st reie allanv�d by law ham thn cinto of peyrtrnt until the dete of reimbur�ment. Thers surre shall be Inckided In ihe cbfinhton of <br /> �t' ��'''" �tlans hE►reln fud shal bo eaairod by thn lxxmflclsl intanat gantad henln. If the Ol�Ugatlons ars peld aRer tho bepinning of pubUcation of notb�at <br /> r.: .,, <br />_ ::.. a�M,as harsk►provId�d� u In ihn ovmt l.cmdw ahtil,s�t tls saN opion.pstmit Qramrx w pe any paA of the0b�Uona efler ths bepi�xikp of pubAcaHon o( <br /> _ .� °�,. , natke ot nal�,a�har�in�xovkfed,thnn�C3rantcx shuY pay on don�and eH expsnaes k�cu�by the Trustee erxi I.ender In conraclion wflh celd pt�bllcatlon. <br />��:�,�:.;_y: II1ChId111Q f8AS0(18b16 811�1rfIByS'leaa to tfia anomoys ta the Trustee and for tho Lender,end a reasonable lea to the Trustee.and thls Deed of Trust ahall be <br /> _��-"'•� sectxity fw ell wd�emonses and fooe. <br /> r <br />::;�/:..' 21.APPLIC�710N OF PAYMF.NT�1. Tho Troutee shell aaolythe proceeds af the trustee's sele,firet,to the costs and expenses of exerdslng lhe power of _ <br />-_.��.�. sate and ot me ea�s, mnpay►�,ni or me`rNS�ee�s tsos adualty incurred nm to exoaed the artwunt which rtny be providad lor in the Deed of Truat. <br /> �,..�•�, aaoa�d,to pnynxnt dihe ifan c�eaarod by the Deed of Trus1,th(rd,to the payrt�ent of junlor deeds of irust,mor�Q3ges or other Ifenholders,and the <br />+,-:;��?'�� belarwe.if any.w 1ha P�sai cx pnrsona IoqaNy ert�Nbd thereto. <br /> �=a::r'.,� 2� PpWEq GF ATfORNEY. Orantan c�rreby epp�ints Lender as its anomeyIn-fact to endorae Cirantors name on all In�trumomc end other dxuments <br /> pennictir.ip to the Obfipations w D�ed or'rrum. In ad�it?o�,Londsr shall ba mtitlad,twt not r�.�uired,to peKorm eny actlon a exacuto eny docummt <br />�:-;:,� rec�red to bo taken a�xecuted by Grantar undof lhls Beed of Trust. LendaPs aertomience ot eueh action u execution of such doaimento ahall rrot <br />-�'�`��'�i relieve GraMOr Irom any Qbllgation a curo an)�dntauit�u�:tyr ihls Deed of Trust. AI(powers of ettcxney desafbed(n MSs Deed of Truat are ooupleci with an <br /> — - imsr�at and ars ha�aabN. <br /> a 2e, SUgpL1f;A110N OF LENpER. I,:�x�d�r rhaY[�a w6ropnted to ths ripMs of ihe hdder ot any prmdoua finerest a�ance <br /> _._�,y� disdiarpod wt�h lunds edv�r�cod by l.ertd�r iepazaless of whether these Ilens,secur(ty interesle or olher encumbrancea have been rslses�d of reoord. <br /> ��i 27. COLLECTION COSl9. To tha e��ontporm1�adby law,f3ranta aflreea to pay Lerxlar'e reasa�abfe foes and cosis,Indudinp,but rat Nmitsd to,bss <br /> __�r�,� and costs o}atlomey�and other epent6 ((ndtxGrg yv�riw�ri 6rritatbn perelepels,daka and conxAl.v�ts),whett►er or nat au�h ettortay or�ap�r Is an <br /> `� ot LerWer,rh`r,�are fncurt�d by lentist n caNec�tkg any arriax�i diw a sn►wakg any ' or rernsdy undsr thls Dsud o(Trust.whrtMr„o►not <br /> -�1�l� <br /> - �,,.�;,:^"�•� .�"'..".:tn:�.,4:!!.^. ^w e••+6°R'�L.`.2e!.^.^�-�tlf°�LYt efJ�`0•�,�n ,onk�..NrY,nr�e1 nr nne4.iu�nrrryn erdl�rl�ar_.IIrnR, _ <br /> ,� . .....��. ' � <br /> --- 2�. PAATIAL flELEAS6 Loncler may rHsase Rs krlsrasl in a portion of ihs P� by ex�anir�and r orn a m�xs Pattial D�eds d <br /> Rroaiwyano�wflF�aU ail�ding Ns intere6l h iho rertwkdrp pation ol the Propxty. Ndt�inp Mrein etaM bo tJewrrd to ta Larxi�r W rel�asa any of N� <br /> --- k�wsst in the Proparry(axeept a�nqulred uxMr P��r�38 w as may be dherwiss rsqidnd by law).nor ahaN Lender ol�ll�etsd to rolsace anY Pen <br /> of tho Prvpety M Cirnlor U h defaufl urKNr thit Oeed of 7rust. The lien and seauiri kitsmt aeatad by the Deed of Truat romein In effaai wNh resppq to <br /> that pattion of tM prop�riy,as defltad in iha Daeti of Tr.�M,that la rat the tt�.ijaci of thb w etry Partlal De�d of Reconveyanco <br /> 2a MOOIFICAMaN AND WAIYER. Th�madillcatia�n or waiver oi any of(irentoYs Oblipntb�i a ler�r's r(aMa under iras D�sd of Trust rtust br <br /> oorM�lnsd In a writicp�Md by�Nr. Lordo►miy(nrlom�eny d Bortow�r'�or GreMOYc O�uMpatfo�s,d�iay a feil to ex�rda eny of Ma r{pMa a acc�pl <br /> pwyrtNr►ts Irom(irar�or o► otfwr thm(3rantar wifhout ausk�p a waiwr of tho�e ObNp�tbns or riAMe. A wahro►on arw ooc�lon�h�N not aonstitui� <br /> a w�iwr on my o1Mr n �. (3ranta'sp�q�s und�r thla Dsed of Truat shall not bs efF�cted if l�ndor anx+nds,oortpromlws,�xdwiy� ,faih to <br /> �x�rds�.impain or nNas�a any of iha Otfqa�oris balaipinp to any t3rontor,Borrarer or tl�rd or eny ol Ne�rts epeknt eny Cir�AOr.Borrowx or <br /> tlwM peny or arry�f tF�Prop�rty. L�t�ndx's 1Wurn to In�n upon strki psrtorrtianc�of any of the�etions�holl notbs d�srrrd a walwr and l.�rxN►ahnN <br /> haw the rigM et any Brr�tl�erealter to(nsist upon strict p�Aomiarwe. <br /> �0. SUBS7ITUTE lAU3TEE;7R113iEE LIABILITY;COMPEN9A710N. In caw of tM dwth.fnabiNly,nlusat to set or abmenp of the Trustw trom the <br /> staM wh�n the nalprop�ry ia locaAed a In eas�tM hdder of the0b1fyeNom ttaM ds�ine fa any nason to nrnow ths TruslN a arry subttiWla ttusN�w <br /> ttuqe�herNxxNr end to appoirtt n now tnntM In Ms plaw and st�,ttw hdtNr of tM Oblipetion�Is h�nby preMsd fup povwr to oppoMd fn wrtlkq a <br /> substltuN lrustM lor ald Truet�e��nd ihs,subatituis truite�ehalt.when eppofnted,booans wcastor to di�n�ot TruNe�Mn+x�r and the sarns�FiaN <br /> bsomr wa1�d In tNm lor ihe pirposet and ol�jed:of tM�D�ed of Tru�t wNh eN tM du1�arM obYpelfon�hKNn oonhrted on ths Tnnt�e. 7ru� <br /> . simN not b�Usd� ta Uny Mror of or ea daw by Trust�e.or bs otherwl��rea�paneihfs or aceamtshte under anyr draurictar�as wluAsoawr. <br /> TnipM th�N nd b�pKaaielly�cs�i of�nirp by B or anyais ecting 6y vMus o�th�pow�rs twnk�_ prantad N upon tt»DMd of Truu tar dehtc <br /> -- aontrad�d a N�bility a k�arnd In the nter�prnM or op�rdlon of�ald pnrriwa. Tn�aM �nsn haw ths ton1y on my in�tnirnent, <br /> dodxrwnl a�n at�hon�' p or��pponktq any aclan tYc�n apropowd ta b�teiwi by It F�md�r a bNi�wd by Mtpood falih to be��� <br /> Truq�s�h�M be�nt�d to nMn6urs�trnnt fa s�nnes incurted by R in the pKtamenos of N�dutbt h�rxx�dsr ond to ne�onabM oatqn�at{on lor wch <br /> of Nc sKVkws hxe�xKMr�a ahaM bo rend�tW. C3r�nta wiU.Irom tirtw to tim��Pey corrP�nuAlo�dw Truetw M►MxKMr end r�krtxxa�Truates for and <br /> eave and hdd it Mnrleas Bom and aiy�tnst eny and aH b�s.coat.Ua6iNty.dert�and�xp�na whatasvw kiaxnd by N In ths p�rlortrrna of ks dutNe. <br /> � M tna�y�nwksd ky Trust�o�hdN.ixn+�us�d ur eppli�d as hereki�ovk1�d be hsld h truat lor tF�apurpoaa fa whkh H�y vr�n ncelved.lxn ns�d not <br /> ; b�Ngnptl�d In arry men»r trom any otMr monsya(axc�t to ifie exNnt rpukad by law)and Trus�tee shell bs unri�r no IlabiNty ta kdsrost on any <br /> manys noNved by ahonurKler. <br /> i <br /> � 31. 8t1CCE890RSAND A88KiNS. Thlt Daed of Trust shaN be hkidin9 upon end Inuro to the benofri of t3ranta and Lender end ttatr rospaclive <br /> ; suaaosaon.astlpna,tuatNS.rocMv�ra�adrrk�lstretors.Psrsaial represematrvN.{spet�ss end dsvle�es. <br /> ; <br /> 1 3Z N0710E8.Ex�cepi a�mherwla nqufnd by taw.any noUca or ottwr comnunkatlon to be provld�d under thls�oad of Truct ahall ba ln wdtk►g and aent <br /> - -. � to th�perUrs at thm�trosas d�acdbed In thls Deed of Trust or wch ottix eddroas es the pertba may deslpnata In wrlting trom tlma to tlme. My wch <br /> _—— notoo so¢+nn encl�rt by first dass��ap�pnepeld,shaM be deert�d pNen the earNx ot thre0(3)days after such notiee Is aent or whan rece(vecl <br /> — - by tM perwn to whom s.uch notloe Is <br /> �•. <br /> � ` { �9. SEYERABIUTY.Whmwor paalblo,each provlslon ot thls Qeed af Trust chall be interpreted so as to be aftective and valld urxiet appl�able stato <br /> _=��� - law. If any pro►iclori cf this Deed ot Trust vloletos the law or Is unentorcea6ls,the rest of the Deed of Truat shall contlnue to be valld and erdorceable. <br /> -�o � <br /> -- �-- � 34.AP4�LlCAOI.EI IAW.This Deed of Trust sheN be govemod by the lawa of the steta whore the real property(s located. Unless appllcaNe law provido� <br /> _ ---="�� ' otherwisa,Grankr aar,oms to the judsdction end venue of any court celected by Lendar,in its sole dlscretfan,Iocated In that state. <br /> �_� 90.1/BCELL�NEOUB- (irantor and L�nda egrN thet lkne Is of th��ssena. Granta weivea prn�ntment.d�rtrnd tor peyrtwm,notice of dishorwr and <br /> _=:�� ' proMSt�x a�r�d by law. AN rol�s to Gframa In thls D�ed of Truat shall Indud�eN parw�s alpnk►g below. If therr li moro than a►e Cirama, <br /> -- - �r I1r IOV�M afld faVM1I. TN!O��O�Trtlft I�OfM�f114 MI�CaftbllU IIHlQHIed IY1�I3tafIfW1�I�11MN(1 C�►�ninr�v1!anelnr w1eWw��n <br /> - f�1�1M1'1131YII�C0f1�1lOfIL I1N�0}. • . _ - _ _ '__.'__ � .__.�� <br /> --- �--s�•�� <br /> i � 90. NO 1FMR0 PpAT� HIGHTS. No p�ran is or shaN be a thlyd perly bensfidary of any ovlslon ot thls Deed ot Truat. All provislons of thls Dsed of <br /> Trutt In fwor of Letd�r an IM�rd�d sol�ly ta tha bensfit of lender,end no thlyd pwty�be errtltled to assume or expeet Ihat Lender wfll not waive or <br /> •�"���''� amtent to ths rro�ification of eny pravlsbn of thls Deed of Trust,In Lender's sob asetetlor�. = <br /> '� � <br /> -:w�s:�:�f•': <br /> -:.�-�� �,.,.� 37. PRESERVAT1aN OF UABIL�TY AND PRIORITY. Whhout eHacting the IlahNfty of Borrowet Grama,or eny guarentor�t the Obl tlons,w any oThor � <br /> _'- � ;��... p�rtm(�xc�pt e puwn�xprossly rel�as�d In wriling)la iM payrrrnt ond porlomienoe ot the�611gatlons.nnci wlthout eiteoling the�ghts ot Lender wlth r <br /> >�'° roap�ct to eny Prop�y nd�xproasly rNeas�d in writinp and w(thout lrtpalr(np In en�yway the prbrity of thls Deed ef Trust over the Interest of en 'erson - <br /> _ _ .,..� acauk�d a fkst wi�noud by�scordnp wbssqi�nl to thi recording ol thli Da�d ol Trusl_.1 Lender may,slthor IbYeJfae 1o..r..afte.„r�1LM� meturity of tho O_b1l�gatlon1.s�. _ <br /> . :��-��„s� and wNhout notla or co�sent:rslsase any p�rson IIeWe tor y�����«�M.O��8��a�y�0��h8�AA��1M I.S.��YI�O�y agroe���p��0��ng���V -. <br /> � r!�,';,F� Itrm�of psy�nmt w o�riomnrxs nf ell a eny part of th�Ob�atlonr,sxerdss rx m(raki trom exerdsing or waive any rlpht or re�nody that Lender rrey have <br /> .S'�sr,�`• ' und�r 1Fw Oewd o! 7mst:eccop addt{onal sacuriry ot my Wnd lor any of tha OWigetbns;a rebase a otherwlsfl deal with any ro�l or al pro�rty <br /> ;��• �,�, :�_;•, s�cudnp tha Ohllgatims. My peraon acquldng or rscordlng svidenca ot any Imerest of any nature In the Property shell be deenied,�Iring wch � <br /> ,.. ��''.w,,;�,..� fnNrtst or ncortk►g eny wldsrxe thoreof,to have conasnted to aN or any sueh ectlone by Lender. [: <br /> E <br /> � ` , NEDOtD RN.It9� Pa{ptd6 �� _ K�O � <br /> t <br />