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<br /> � Borrower maY cure sur,h • dei�ull �nd relnatRte, aa provldad ki puayreph 18, by causlny tha antion or p;oceedlnp to be
<br /> dismisaed wflh w rulhp that,In Lsndx'e flood faith detxminatlon,pncludes torfuiture o1 the Borrower's Intereat In the Property or
<br /> other m�te�ial Irtsp�kmenl of the Ilen ueated by thls Security Ineuvment �r Lender'a eecurity Interest. Bortower sh+�N alao be In
<br /> dehuk H Bortower,duMng th�loan�ppNcatlon p►ocean,pave rrMt�Ny lalsa or Inwccurate Inlomution or et�temmta to Lsndx(or
<br /> tdled to provlde Lender wRh �ny rtudalN Infamktton) In connactlon wfth the loan evidenced by tha Note, Inciudtnp, but not
<br /> Nmited lo, npreaentaUons conceming Botrowu'a accupan�y ot the Propo�tyr as a princlpal rosidence. It thls Securlty _
<br /> Inetrument i�on s leaaehold, BoROwer sli�ll comply w�th ail the provlslone o1 the leese. It Borrower ecqulres tee tkle to the
<br /> PropeAy,the kas�hold�nd ths tee titW eh�ll nat ma�ge unlese Le�de►B�ROwer ttaelam�o per(orm the covenante and agreamenta�
<br /> 7, P�ml�ction M L.�nd�r'� Rl�ht� In ti�a Propsrty. "�1
<br /> cont�ined In thta Securlty Instrument, or thMe Is e lnpd proceadkig thet mey slgnificantly ettect Lender's rlghte In the Propaty I
<br /> (euch �e n proceeding In ben{wptcy� probwte,far candemnetlon or torfelture or to entorce Iawa or repuiatlon�),then Lender may � —
<br /> do and pay tor whetever is ne�:easary la protaat thn vrluo 01 the Property end Lender's �Ights in the Property. Lender'a actions
<br /> msy Inck�de peying nny sums secured by a Ilem whlah has pdadry ov�r thls Secudty Inatrument, appeaiing In courl, paying �1 �""
<br /> re�non�ble attomeya' feea end entoring on th�+ Prnpc�ty ta maku rxp�ks. Atthouph Lender may t�ke tctlon undar thla pangnph �
<br /> 7,Lender doe� not have to do so.
<br /> My amounta diabursed by Lender under purragreph 7 shaH become eddKloml debt of Bortowe► secured by thla Security �
<br /> Inetrumsnt. Unlese Bortower end Lender agree to other terms of payme+nt,these emounte shaN benr interest from the date ot�
<br /> dlsbursement�t the Notp rate and shall ba payablu, wilt� intorest,upon noUce hom Lende►to Borrower requesling payment.
<br /> 8. Mortg�ys Ineura�nas. It tender requirod martc��ge fnaunnce as a condit�O uruiee In etfect.If, tor an�resson,he
<br /> 3ecurfry Instrument,Bortower shAll pay the premluma rnquNed to rr►�Mt�in the mortgeiys Y
<br /> mortyape�naurance coverage requlrnd by Lender lapaea or ceRaan to be In ef(ect, Borrower shd pay ihe promluma requked to
<br /> obt�in covenge subatentlaly equWelent to tha mortc��ge inaurnnca prevlously In �ttect, at■ coat aubatantlally equNdent to the
<br /> cost to Dortower of ihe mortgnge inaurnnce prnvlouny in effect hom an ettannte mortgege Insurer approved by Lender. It
<br /> subst�nUaly equhr�tosit mortgage insumnae covemga is not avaliable, Bonower shall pay to Lendar each month a sum equal to
<br /> one-twellth of the yearly mortgage inaurance pramkim bdng paid by Borrower when the inaurence coverage tapsad or ceaeed to
<br /> be in efleci. Lender wNl accept, use and retain theee paymente as a losa reaerve In Ileu of mortyege Inaurance. Loae reserve
<br /> paymenta rtwy no langx be rnqulred,at tho option of le:�der. H mortgega Insiin�nae coverage pn the amount end tor tha perloa __
<br /> th�t Lender requkea) provided by en insurer approved by Londer ag�h becomea avaikible end Is obtalned. Bonowa ahaM pay
<br /> the promiums requked to maintnln mortguge Inaurance in effect,or to provide e losa resave, until the requirement tor moRga�e
<br /> insurance ends In accordance with eny w►irion agroemant bntwem Bortower nnd Lender or appllcabie law.
<br /> 9. Ir1lp�ctl0n•Lenda'or fta �gent rruiy m�1ce roaaonablu enUles upon and Inspectlona of the Propaty. Lender sh�N plve
<br /> Bor►ower noUce�t the tkne of or prlor to an Inspection spedt��rp rossonable cauae tor thn inapection.
<br /> 10. Cond�mndlon.Tha proceeds af any �ward or cldm far denxges, dkect or contequentid, In connection wlth �ny
<br /> condemnatlan or other taktnp of any part of the Prapaty, or tor conveyanca in Nau of cond�mnaUon, ere hereby assiyned �nd
<br /> eh�ll be pald to Lender.
<br /> In the event of � toW taking of the Proparty. the proceeds shail bo appBed to the sums aecured by thla Security
<br /> Inatrument, whdhx or not then duu, wkh�ny exceaa paid to BoROwer. In the event ot�p+�rtUl Wck�p oi the Prop�rty h which
<br /> ths tak merket vdus of ths PropeRy ImmediRtely baloro the t�king Is equ�to a greatar th�n the unount of ths sums sscurod
<br /> bv this SeaultY Inatrument Immediatelyr hetore tha taklnp, unleas Borrowx and Lender otherwise apree In writinq, th� suma
<br /> secund by thla 3ewriry Insfrument shAN de tqtiuctd ay ihe amouni oi ina piyini'v:o nutti�s3�;tha la:a:�:p iss�len: {a�!!ie
<br /> toW�mount of the suma secured Inxnedietny bets.►+:�the UYJng, divided by(b)the hir nwtcat vatue of the Propsrty Inrnedl�tey
<br /> b�lo»ths takk�g•My bafance ahaA be p�Jd to Eorrnwe�. In the event oS�pard�i trck►p of the Property h whkh the fak mWkM
<br /> v�lue ot the P�ropary krmwdMtdY betors tho t�khg le less th�n the rnount of!he auma secursd Immedktnty bdora th�t�Wny,
<br /> unlesa Bor►ower md Lmda othawise �pree h vniGnq or unlsas +ppMable kw otherwies provldas, the procssds eh�ll be
<br /> applled to th� auma aecursd by thW SecurllY�neuument whether o�not the suma ue thun due.
<br /> N the property Fa�bxndoned�y Bom�wer. or H,atter notkw by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oftero to m�k��n
<br /> �� a s��cipkn �tir d�rrwiyee, Bortnwer faNs to rsapond to Lander wilhin 90 d�ys �Rer the dats th� notica ia pk�n,
<br /> Lender Is auH�orized to colect �nd �PPb the proceeda. �t ita opUon, eithx to restontlon a repdr of the Prop�Ay or to the
<br /> euma s�cund by lhls Securfly Insttume�tt,whether or not then due. Uon of procssds to ehaN not cxtend or
<br /> Unleaa Letid�r and Borrow�r otherwlss ayroe k� wriHnfl� anY �PP� �^�
<br /> poatpona tht due date oi the monthy paymenta retared to In perayrrphs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount ot auch paymenta.
<br /> 11. Borra�wr Nd R�I��s�d; Forbesanc� By l.�nd�r NoR N WMv�r.Extenabn of the Ume tor payment or
<br /> modMqtbn oi unortlzatbn of the sums eewrod by this Security Instrument yrar►ted by Lendx to u►y succeesor fn int�est o1
<br /> Bomower sluM not opents to rolMS�the N�biiFty of ths or{pk►v 8orrower a Barowx'a succesaora in Intxeat Lendx shaM not
<br /> be nquked to cot►Knence Ixooeedin0s �p�inat any succesaor kt Intereat or retuse to eutend time fot p�yment or otha�wis�
<br /> modl�y�moNzatlon ot ths aums securod by thia Security Instrument by fe�son of�ny ddnwr►d made by the aiginN Bortow«• or
<br /> BorrowK's succeeaora In krtenst My torbe�nnce by Lender In exerdsing�ny �Ipht or remedy shall not ba a wdvx of or
<br /> predude the eucKdae of�ny ripht a rsmady.
<br /> 12. Succ�s=ws �nd J1ssi��Bound; Jolnt �nd S�wral U�bilky; Co-sipn�n. n,e covanancs .nd
<br /> �preamonte of thla Seeu�9ty InaWment ah�M bind and benellt the succesaoro and�ssfyna of Lenda�nd Borrower,eubject to the
<br /> provblone of putymph 17. Borcower'a covenanta�nd �proemente ehdl be jdnt�nd several. My Bortowx who co-alpna thlt
<br /> �ewdty Msdurt►ent but does not execute the Note: (e) Is co-algniny thia SecurNy InsUument ony to maty�q,gnnt and convey
<br /> th�t Barowe�'s Interest in the Property under the terms of thla Security InsUUment; (b) Is not person�My oblf�ted to p�y the
<br /> eums ascurec! by thl� Seairity InsUUment; �nd (a) Rgrees ffi�t Lender md�ny other Borrower tn�y �pne to sxtsnd,modity,
<br /> tabev or make+ny accommodatlone wilh rogerd to the temia of this Secuttty Inatrument a the Note wHhout that Borrow�'a
<br /> consmt.
<br /> 13. LAiQ C11�t'�f. If the loui aecurod by this Securtty inshument Is eubjed to � kw whbh sets rtNximum Iwn
<br /> ct►erpee, and th�t{aw Is tlnsMyr fnterpreted so that the {nteteat or othe► lan chug�a eoNaded or to be coloctsd h connectlon
<br /> with ths lan exceed ths percnkted Iknits,then: (w)my wch lo�n charye sh�N be reduced by the omount neceasWy to redua
<br /> the charqe to the pMmltted Nrr�t� and (b) any suma �keady cotlected 1rom 6orrower wh�h exceedsd pamkted � wiM l�e
<br /> retunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make this refund by redudng the prindpsl owed under the Note or by making i
<br /> _ diroct payment to Bortower. li s retund reduces principei, the reduction wN be treeted as e pertial prep�yrt�ent wfthout any
<br /> prcpayment cfiarpe under the No!e.
<br /> - �4. NOtIC�l.My notice to SoKOwe►provlded tor In this Security Inawment shall be given by deliverYig 8 or by mailing k
<br /> = by 1'iret claea m�Y unless appNable 4w requfres use of enother method. 7'he noUce shsll be directed to the Property Addre�s
<br /> = or my other addneas Borrowor desipnatee by noUce to Lender. My notice to Lender ehaN be 9iven by Arst daaa tn�N to
<br /> = I.enda's �ddress stated herein or eny othet addrete Lender deslpMtes by noNce to Barow�r. My noUt�.e provided iw{n thls
<br /> = Security Inatrument sMH be deemed to have been qNen to Borrower or Lender when Qhren as pnovkled In thli pan9raph.
<br /> � .���� �. � .. . . . • w • ___� �.. •�.���� ��... ��J�L� ��.. J �L�
<br /> - 1�. (3ov�ming {.�W� SeYO�aDI1Rr. IOU alOUfR)/ Ins[rUment otta�vv gbranox try �ouaa� �ws► m�v u�o �n v� sao �
<br /> ' jurladction h whbh the Properiy Is located. In the ovent ihat eny provis{on or clause ot this Secu�ity InnWment or the Note
<br /> � conlNcts wilh appNcable law, such contNct shaB not ettect other provislons of�his Securily Instniment or the Note whlch can be
<br /> _ glven effect wrihuut the contlicting provision.To this e�d the provislons ot this Security Inatniment and tha Nota ere dedued to
<br /> be severable.
<br /> 16. BO�fowe�'s COpy. Bortower shall be gNen one contomied copy ot the Note md oi thla Securiry Instrument.
<br /> = � �
<br /> •� F1316.LMO(1/9n Pagu 3 ot 5 _ '
<br />:-:� -
<br />— 97U7B
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