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<br /> ��� • • � 17. Tr�nH�r of th� Prop�rty or �B�milclal Intorast In Bn�row�r. u au or any part oi the Propmty or
<br />•,?,,,;, ;;� any Intxeat In R Is sold or irsnelerred (or If s beneflclal Interest In Borrower Is sold or Irenaferrad md 8orrower la not� natunl
<br /> �.<��1.�:: penon)wkhout Lender'e prlor wrlqRn conasnt, l�nder may,at Its opQon, requlre Immedi��e p�yment In tuu o1 0ll nums aecured by
<br /> . thl�Security Inatrument. However,this optlon alull not be exerclsed by Lender it exerclse Is prohibited by /adarel law sa o1 the
<br /> dato oi thla 3ecwiry Inotn�ment.
<br /> � If Lender exerclsea thl9 optlon, Lender ahel ptve Bortower notice of ncceleration. The notica shall provido� perlod o1 not
<br /> leaa th�n 30 d�ye trom thn date thA notice ia tlellvered �r malled withln which Borrower muat p�y aY suma eecured by thls�
<br /> � �: Secu�iiy Instrument. if Bortower feNa to pay thnse sums prior to the expiratlon o1 thls pe►iod, Lender mny Invoke �ny remedlesy
<br /> � i�% pxm�ltted by this Securtty Instrument wlthout turlhe► notice or demand on Borrower. '
<br /> '`�• „ ''� 18. 8orroev�r's Rlgitt to Rdnstst�. It Bortower meets certaln concfiVane, Bortower shall have the ►Ipht to hAVe �
<br /> en(orccmerit of thla 5ecuriry In«trument disconiNuad at any tlma prior ta tho e�rNer ol� (n� 5 days {or such other period es Q
<br /> �='��w,,,, eppHcuble I�w m�y specity for rokistatement)belore sAle o1 the Property pursu�nt to sny power of eate contNned In this Secudry �
<br />._,�::,,,.,�,� Inntniment; or (b) mtry of e Judgment enforcingihi3 Secudty instrument Those conditions are thal Oorrower. (e) pays Lender all �
<br /> �� sumts whlch then would be due under thls Seadly Instrument and the Note es If n� ecaeleratlon hnd occurred; (b)cures eny
<br /> " � delault o} �ny other covenent or agraanents; (c)pays all expenaes Incurted fn enlorclnp thls Securtty Instrument, InCludlnp, but �
<br /> .� not limked to, reesonable ettomeys' fees; end (d)tekea suah ectian ae Lendrfr mt�y reeeona6ly requlre to nsaure that the Iien of�
<br /> thla Securtty Instrument, Lende+'a rlphte In the Property end Borrower'e obOqRtlan ta pay ihe sums eecured by ihle Securfry
<br /> ' . Inetrument sheN cont{nue unchanged. Upon rdnstetemenl by Borrowar, thls Searity InstNment nnd the obtlgetlons sect:red
<br /> '`��'�- ' � hereby shaN remnh fuly eflecthre es H no aceekratian had occuRSd. However, thla rigM to reinateta shaA not apply In the case
<br />�.i�;��F^��`'��: of eccelereUon under paragnph 17.
<br /> ���'�+'' 19. Sil� o�f NORe; Chitly� Of LOIn S�1'viC�t. 1'he Note or a a partt�l Interoat In tho Note (t4gather with thla
<br /> �"'�f�J'�t Sew�iry Inatrument) may be sold one or moro thnes wlthout pdor notice to Borrower. A sala may resuft in a cheng�in thu mtity _
<br /> z k� (known as lhq 'Laan Se►vicer') thet coMects monihty pnyme�ts duo under the Nate and thl�3ecurity Instrument. Thnre also mey
<br />-��sr�(
<br /> _-., ,;,� be one or more chenges of the Loan Servica unrNated to a sale of the Note. If Ihere la a change of the Laen 3ervicer.
<br /> i °'- Bortower wNl be gNen written notice ot the ahange in accordance with paragraph Id above snd appAcable law. The notice w�i
<br /> -� stete the neme and addtess of the new Loan Servicer and the address to whlah payments shoutd be mado. The notice wiq siao
<br /> '��' contain any other Inlormation requlred by eppliable lew.
<br /> :��•,
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substanc��. Bortower shall not r,ause or permlt the presence, uae, dlsposN, storage, ar reie�se of
<br /> ='-_ -- eny Huardous Substmcea on or In the Propaty. Borrower ehaH not do, nor �bw �nyona else to do, �nythlnp �tlectlnp the
<br />-��;;;�'��� PropeAy thet Is In vloktlon of any Envlronmentd �aw. The preceding two sentencos ahell not apply to the presence, usa, or
<br /> ,e,,,, storage on the Property of smaN quantftioa of Nazardous Substances that ue generaNy recognlzed to be �pproprirte to normal
<br /> :__—__ realdentl�i usea end to malntenance of the Property.
<br /> =;�+���� Bortower shall prompUy g}ve Lender w�idan noUce of eny InvestigaUon, ckim, demand, lawauR or other acUon by any
<br />_____ govemmentai or regulatary agency or priv�te prty fmoNinq the Property and any Hezardoua Substance or Envkonmental Law of
<br /> ---� whlch Borrower has ectual knowledge. If Bortowor leams, or is notMed by any povemment�l or reau!�tory authority, th�t any
<br /> -== removal or other remediaiion of eny Hezerdoua Substance eNectG�g Propay is n�cessary, Borcowa sh�N prompty take �q
<br />_�� neceasuy romedlal acllons h sccorclance wtth tnvlronmentai lew.
<br />;,�. Aa uaed In thla paragraph 20, 'Hezardous Substences" are thosa subaUnces daTned ea toxic or haurdoua subsUncea by
<br />''"s"'—�°�' Envkonmentel Law and the folbwing subsUnces: gasoline, kerosene, othe► tdmm�bte or toxlc petroteum products, toxlc
<br /> _ ��' peaticides end herb{ddes,volatlle sotvents,matctials conteining aabestos or fortnsldehyde, end radloacUve m�tarWs. Aa uaed in
<br /> - =�� parayraph 20, 'EnvkonmenUi law' meens fedenl lawa and lawa o}the Judsdiction whera the Prope►ty Is located that rei�te to
<br /> haelth,eatetyr or environmentel protection.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT8.Bortower and�ender iurlher covenant and agree aa IoMowa:
<br /> — 21. AccN�r�Non; R�m�dl�s. Lmdsr sS�all yfv� notic� to Borraw�r prior to �cceterrtion
<br /> follcrwing Borrow�r'a br��ch of any cov�nant or aqnemant in thl� S�curity Instrum�nt (but not
<br /> prl�r to accel�ratlon und�r p�ra�rsph 17 unl�ss �pplioabl� law provld�s oth�rwi�). Th� notic�
<br /> ti sf�ii specify: (s) th� d�uR; (b) th�action roqulr�d to cure tM d�tautR; (c) • dato� not bss thm
<br /> � SO d�ys irom th� dst� th� �otic� is qiv�n to Borrow�r, by whioh ih� d�hut� must b� cur�d; and
<br /> (d) th�t hifurs to oure th� dHault on or bsforo the d�te sp�csfied In th� natic� m�y r�sult In
<br /> acc�l�ration af th� aums s�cur�d by this Socurityl Instrum�nt �nd �al�of th� Prop�rty.7h� notic�
<br /> shall fuRher Infatn Borrow�r M th�right to relnstat� a3tar acc�l�ratlon and th� ripM to brinp a
<br /> �- cou�t sctlon to ass�rt th� non•exinencs of � d�fas�R or �ny oth�r dsienee of Borrovr�r to
<br /> acc�l�ration aotl ssl�. If th� d�iaaR fs nat our�d on or befon the d�to speoHt�d In th� noHc�,
<br /> L�nd�r at ite opti�n m�y r�qulrs i�nm�dia�e p�ym�nt In full af a71 sums a�cur�d by this Sqcurity
<br /> _ Inat�um�nt wtthout furth�r d�m�nd�nd may Invok� th� pow�r af s�lo and any ottwr nm�dl�s
<br /> p�nr�kt�l by appllcable Iwv. L.�ndor�hsll bo ontitl�d to colloct all axpans�s Incu►nd In punuiny
<br /> �. th� rNnsdFas provid�d In thle paragraph 21, includtag, but not Iimit�d to, re�son�bla �ttorn�ys'
<br /> -- fNS a�d aosb of titt� �vid�nc�.
<br /> If th� power o�f aal� Is Invokod,Truste� shall racord s �dice ot dehuR In �ach couMy In
<br /> - - - whlch any part of th� Prop�rty lao locat�d �nd shall mail coplsa of �uch notics In th� mann�r
<br /> ___ -- pnscribsd by applic�bl� law to Dorrow�r and to th� oth�r p�nons pnscrib�d by�RpIIc�W� law.
<br /> _-- Aft�r the tim� roqulnd by appllc�bl� law� Truat�� sh�11 ghr� publlc notice of wl� to th� p�rsons
<br /> -- snd In ths m�nn�r pr�scrib�d by �ppUcabl� IAVr. Trust�s, without d�m��d on Bonow�r, sh�ll s�ll
<br />-==�,:;� the Propsrty at public auction to th� hi�hoat biddar �t ths time end plac� and under the terms
<br />----�==� � deaignated In th� natiC� o'f salo in ot» or more p�rcols and In any order Trustoo determinos.
<br /> =-_y�,,o,-^'.�,� ' Trust�e may postpon� s�le of all or any psrcel of the Property by public announcsment at ths
<br /> �`�:_� tim� snd plwc� of �ny previously echoduled sale. Lender ar ita dosignee may purchasv ths
<br /> Prap�rty at�ny s�l�.
<br /> __ -- Upon r�dpt ot paym�nt of tt� pria� bid� Trust�� shall delivar to th� purchas�r Trusto�'�
<br /> -�,�:�"� d��d conwytng the Prop�rty.The ncitals in th� Tru�teo's de�d thall ba prim� facle wido�c� of
<br /> _:��. iiw iruin vi mG siaiGi�isnis mGai ini�in. Tnisiii snGii appir ii� prociia's ai m� sai� in m�
<br />-,�.,�,,':.-,,, following o�der: (a) to eii casts md sxpensQS ot exerct6ing th� powor of aalo, and the sale,
<br /> • ."�., Including th� p�ryrment ot the Trusto�'s tees actuslly incurred, not to �xc��d throe
<br /> 9i of the principal amount of tho
<br /> _ �� �� nat� at th� tim� of tho d�cl�ration of d�faWit, and reasoRable �ttornsy's fesa as permittsd by law;
<br /> '"��` (b) to alt sums a�cured by this SscurHy Inst�ument; and (c) any �xcosa to tho porson or p�rsons
<br /> .- . ' I�gally sntitl�d to it.
<br /> ,.:,,,.
<br /> �.- �.t �
<br />. ts,� . �'�t F1376.LM0(t/9� Pagc 4 of 5
<br /> Ft.'.
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