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<br />-"�'� 70CaETHER WITH �M th�Improvsmmte now or here�Rer ereated on ttre property, md aq easemants, �ppudsn�nces, md
<br />�'°�'�'� I�lur�� nqw a h�rMltn�p�rt of ths r
<br /> p opaty.All repl�cements md�ddillone ehdl�Iso be covered by thls 3ecmtty InakumM►t,
<br />–_�= AN of the Iorfp�Mp la rMsrtfd to In thls S�curity Instrument�o the 'Property.'
<br /> HWiRQWER COYENANTB th�t BortowK Is kwluly sNz�d of lh� ettats heraby conveyed and has the �Ight to grnnt and
<br /> � conv�y th� Proa�rty md th�l Ih� PropNty Is unencumbered, except for encumbrences ot record. Borrower wam►nts �nd will
<br /> ,� dnlend�rnier�Ny thn litln tn the Property rp�inst�A cialmo �nd dem�nds, aubJect to any encumbrances o1 record.
<br /> THIf� SEGURITY INSIAUMENT combinea unllortn covemnte (or n�tlonel uae and non•unlfortn coven�nts wlth INnitnd
<br />_.� vuM�llnnn by Kol�diotlan to c�n�ittut�■ unlform eecudty instrument covsrinp real property. �
<br /> UNInpRM C011EN11NT8. Bortow�►�nd L�ndar coven�nt�nd�pree�a lollowe:
<br /> 1, P�yrri�nt of F�rinclp�l �nd Int�r�at; Prepaym�nt �nd Lat� �h�rp�s. Bortower ah�il promptty pay whcxij
<br /> - �Mie lhN�nlpsl ol�nd Int�r��1 on Ihe d�bt wld�nc�d by ihe Noh md �ny prep�yment �nd late charpee dua under the NUtti. �
<br /> '� .?� unds tar T�x�� �nd Inaur�na�. SubJect to e�pNCable law or lo� wrf4ten waHer by Lmder, Borrower sh�ll p�y
<br /> la L�:+ul�:r w� tfu3 ciay manlidy paym�nls ara dua undsr the Nate, unlN lhe Note Is peld In lull, q eum ('Funda") lor: (a) ye�riy Q -
<br />_ — I�x�N �nd ������mnnte whlnh may �ttaln priority over lhls 3�curlty Instrurnent �a a Yen on the Praperty; (b) yarty leaeehatd �
<br /> ;,:� µ�yn�enln w pre�und antn on Ih• Propaty, M �ny; (o) yeuty h�z�rd or propertty Insunnce premlums; (d) ye�rty}lood Inaurnnae�
<br /> — �nnWma� II�ny; (�) ye�Hy mortpap�Insur�ncs prsmlums, It sny; �nd (Q any suma payable by Bortower to Lender In accord�nae r►�
<br /> - wMlt thN prn�l�bnn ol p�raqnph B, In A�u o1 lhe paymenl 01 mortp�pe Insur�nce premlums. These kems �re c�lled 'Eacrow�
<br /> M� Ilmm�.• Lxnd�r m�y, �t �ny tkns, coll�ct �nd hold Funda In �n �mount not to exceed the maximum nm<+unt e lender for e
<br /> IHI»rNiy rN�led rtmrtq�pe loan may requke tor BoROwer'e �sc.�ow �ccount undx the ledenl Red EaUte Settiement Proceduras
<br /> Acl ol 19l1�e�mnnded hem tlme to ttme, 1Q U.9.C.@ 2801 et aeq, ('RESPA'), unless another law th�t applics to tho Funds
<br /> {� �N� � wu�r �maunl, 11 so, L�ndK may, �t �ny tlm�, coY�ct �nd hold Funds In �n �mount not to exceed the lesaer amaunt.
<br /> _�� I•nnrMr m�y M�IMn�I�th��mount ol Fund�du�on the baau of cu►rent d�U�nd reuaon�bk estimataa o1 expencikures of futurn
<br />`!� F.eru►w IINm�or olhNrvl��In �ccad�nc�wSth �ppNubte I�w.
<br />---__ Thn Fundn ehnM b� hMd In�n InatRulbn whoee depoaita �re Inaured by�tederd�gency.Instrumenl�Nty, or entiry(inciuding
<br />---- I.ixulKr, II Lnndnr le aur.li �n Inetflullon) or in �ny Federel Home Loen Benk. Lender shall appty the Funds to pey the Escrow
<br /> Itnme, Lend�r may no! chMrp�Bortownr lor hokNnp �nd apptyM�p the Funds, annudry an�lytinq the eacrow �cceunt, or verflyinp
<br />-- thn �norow Itmnn, unleu L�nd�r pays 8orrowa Interast on the Funda �nd �ppMcable I�w permRs Lendx to rt►eke suah a
<br /> = ch�i�. Nuww�r, I.en�r m�y r�ke Borrower to pey a ono-tltne charQa Ier an lndependen! real estnte tax repoK..'�p �xrv,ca
<br />� ue�cl by 4enrinr kt connitctlon wRh thl� loan, unlosa �ppNc,�bie I�w provldes otherwlae. Unleas an sgrnement la made or
<br /> - rppNt�bl� Mw reyukn Int�nst to ba pdd, L�nda sh�M not bs req�ek�d to p�y Bortower �ny Intaeat or enminga on the Funds.
<br />,:� HorrawK �nd Lund�r m�y �qrN In wrilinp, howava, thRt Interest sh�N be psid on the Funda. Lender st►�N give to Borrowar,
<br /> wNhruit chNrp�, �n �nnu�l �ocountlnp o1 th• Funds. showiny credib and debRe to thd Funds and the purpoae for which each
<br /> dnbN lo ihN Funds wa�tn�d�. Th�Fund��n pNdy�d�s �ddAion�l secutity tor�N eums secured by the Securily Inetrumant,
<br /> _ _ II thh Fundn hMd by l�nd�r �xc�d Iho �mount� perrNttsd to be hsid by �ppllcabte law, Laada shdl �tccount to Barrower
<br /> lor Ihe �xa��� Fund� In aacorci�nc�wNh Ih� r�quk�tts of�ppNcabl� I�w, If the �mount of the Fund�heW by Lender rt u►y
<br /> tlm�1� nnt �uMld�nt to p�y th� E�aow Itwn� when �ua, lender rt►�y sa notify Borrower in wrMk�p,�nd,In euoh c�ae 8orrowa
<br /> �h�M p�y to L�nrhr th� unpunt n�cKSary to m�k� up the dellclsncy, Borrower sh�N make up the deAdenoy in no more than
<br /> twM+r�monlhH WY�t�, �t L�nd�r'��oN di�crelbn.
<br /> Upon p�ym�nt In MM ol�II sum� •�cund by thlf S�curity In�hum�nt, Lendu sh�N prompdy refund to Borrowx any Funds
<br /> h�ld by Lw�Mr• N, unrlrr p�npraph Z1, Lmd�r�haN�equke or eNl ths Property, Lenda, prlor to the �cqultitbn or sale of the
<br /> IRopMty, ohMll�ppty�ny Fund� hMd by Lmd�r it ths ik�»of�cqulaklon or sale aa � credit aoainst the auma seoured�UV th�s
<br /> Max1ry In�MUnf�nt. "
<br /> �. AppYC�t10f1 M P�yftl�llt�. UnMs� �ppNcabk kw providas otherwise, �H paymente recelved by Lender under
<br /> p�npr�phn 1 �nd 2 �hNll b��ppM�d: fksL to �ny pnpaymu►t chapa due under ths Notr, aecond, to�mounta p�yable under
<br /> p�nprnph 7;thkd,lo fniMwt dur, lourth,to p�indpsl du�; �nd I��t,to�ny Mts ch�rqes du�under the Note.
<br /> 4. C�1M'p�N; LIM�. Bortown �hall p�y MI t�xK, �ssnamenta, chupes, 11nes utd MtpasFtbns �tttibuteble ta ths
<br /> Ihop�tty whbh nMy Nt�in pr{orlly ovw thb 9�arily M�ttumm�, and Is�s�hold p�yments or pround renta,M any. Borrower aluiM
<br /> p�y IhN�� obMy�tlon� In th� m�nnw provld�d In p�nynph 2, ar B not pNd fn thRt rrMnna, Bortower ah�ll pay them on tlme
<br /> dkafyr to thr{�nan ow�d p�ym�nt. Barown shMl prompHy lumi�h to Lsnder aN noUcea of�mounte to be pdd under this
<br /> p�n�rwph, N Dortow�r m�kM thN� pwytrMnt� dk�cdy, 8orrower ehaM prompdy tumlah to l.ender rocelpts eNdendnp the
<br /> p�ymnnln.
<br /> Bortnwn�h�N prompfty db¢h�p� �ny N�n wh�ch has priorlty over thla 9ocurity Instrument unksa Borrowx: (a) agreea fn
<br /> w►MInO 1e �h� WYmmt ol th� obMpolon ucurM by th� INn h • m�nner�ccepUble to lender, (b) contea�i M qoad leRh the
<br /> M�n by, or dM�nd� �p�h�! rnlorc�nt of th� N�n In, IpY pmcMdlnys wh�h In th�Lendar'a opN�lon operate to grevr!nt the
<br /> �nlures�nt ol Ih�N�n; or (c) �KwrK kpn th� hokf�r of th�N�n �n aprexnent uU�factory to Lender eubordinathp the Nen to
<br /> thh�axNy M�hum�nt. M L�nd�►dNKnYna that�ny p�rt of the Propsrty b eub)ect to■ Nen whlch rr�y attufn pdaKy over thia
<br /> �a�rMY In�k�►� L�nd�r nu�y plw Borrow�r�notla Id�ntlylny th�Men.Borrower eh�R eattaty the pen or teke one or more of
<br /> thr�otlon� �M lorth�bov wNhln 10 d�yi ol th�plvinp ol nolkw,
<br /> 6. M�RM'd or �rop�rfy In�ura►e�� Botmwer eh�q kNp th• knprov�nents now exlsdnp or hera�Rar erectad on the
<br /> Ptopwly Inwnd �Mntl b�� by Ik�, h�d� Indud�d wftMn th� brm '�xt�nd�d covKa9e' �nd �ny otha hueMs. includin9
<br /> Ilood� a�p, kx wMoh L�ndM nqulrN Insurnnc�, Thb Insurenee sh�N b�malntalned In the�mounte and tor fhe perbds
<br /> tMil L�nd�r r�quNw. Th�Mt�uta�c�wMM provldlnp th� Inturanc�ehaN b�chot�n by Borrower subjed to Lertcier's�pprovd
<br /> whbh rhrM nol b� unnM�on�bly wNhhNd. I} BarowK hN� to rr►�kiLin covenq� desaib�d �bove, Lender mwy, st Lender'a
<br /> ePlbn, aW�ln oovrnq�10 pra�ol L�neNr'�Nphb In th�P►opM1y In.ccord�nc�wkh panywph 7.
<br /> AM In�unno� poMoM� �nd r��w�h �ha11 b� �capt�bl� to Und�r and sh�l includ� � stu�dard rtartqape deuu. Lende�
<br /> �M�h;v�Ih�Hpht la huM fh� paMdM �nd nnwv�li. I! L�nd�r rpukt�, Borrow�r ahdl prompdy phrs to Lende►alt recelpts of
<br /> WAd tx+mlurn��nd rK►rwM nWN.w. M Ih�w�nl of b��, Barow�r�h�N yN�prompt notice to ih�Insunnos cartia and Lender.
<br /> L�rtw�y nwikr prool of b��M nW nt��prompqy by 8orrow�r,
<br /> U++i�� I.�r►d�r�nd Bonow�► olh�rwiN�i�tw M� w�MM�p, Insuronc�procwd�thall bs �ppli�d to rostorntbn or rn�ak of the
<br /> PraMrty d�nMq�l,N th�n�la�Mon a npMr h wnnomlc�ly IMSIW���d Lmd�r'�s�curily le not kssened. If the rostontlon w
<br /> rp�k h nat�canank�llp fMNbl� w L�nd�r'� s�ou►Ify wouW b�INS�n�d, th�fnwnna proaeda �haM be �ppMed ta the sums
<br /> ' �raxM by 1h1� INowtry In�kun�►1, whMh�r w nol Ih�n d���, wNh �ny ��� paid to BorrowK. M Sorroxrer ab�ndons the
<br /> , Rop�tY. a'dw+ nM iw►�ww wllhki�0 d�y� a nodo�kom lmd�r thtl th�Insunnc� c�rtiK hu ofl�ra.i to settk� cl�m, then
<br /> LrnAM m�y cnN�cl Ih� �nNwNr►cN {xor.wcl�. l.�nda rrwy ue� th• procNd� to np�k or reatore the Property or to pAy suma
<br /> necwKd by Ihl�;�„y I��NIn�m�wi1, whethM or nul Ihw� due. 7he 30•d�y �erlod wNl bepki when the notice Is gNen.
<br /> _ _ Unir�• 1 wulw end Hnnuwer othnwise a{pse In w►tlmq, any �pplicetlon ol pioceede to prindpel shall not extend or
<br /> pn11{ttx►n IhN dur �MI� �ii Ihn mtHilhry ��eymenta rMttted tn �n peuyr�phn 1 end 2 or chenge the umounl 01 tho payments. Ii
<br /> umN► �p�ph 21 Ihr Mnpwiy U�cqukrd by L�nd�r, �arowK'� rbht to�ny Insuranc�poWd�s �nd procNds resuMinp from
<br /> d�n� la Ih� F4o�nAy pww lo Ih� NcquteNWn �haN p�n in Lmd�r to th� u�t�nt ot th� sums by thls 3scudly instrument
<br /> kn+�l�ly(xkrc ta Ih��cquMMfrm.
<br />___ i• Oaoup�nay, rr�MrvNlon, M�Int�n�nc• �nd Prot�ation of th� Prop�rty; Bwrow�r'a Loan
<br /> At1Y�1{iM�WI: I.rrM11dd11.8urruWr�ahaY nrr��nv �dahr.h ,,,.t...��ti. ^ - � ar... �_��
<br /> .:-r•�••i �•• .......,a�L p:..r«�abiuw�0o imnin
<br /> – �u�ry rf+�y� �IIN thr �KK.u1Nxi nt Ihlf liM;urfty In�lrum�nl Rnd �hNl continu� to occupy lhe Propaty �s 8orrower's prinolpd
<br />•,°z� ��µNn�N hx�I Mw�l iw,r y�rr�11�r Ih• if�la ul occup�ncy,unN�• Lmd�r olh«wle� �preee In wrHinp, whlcfi consent sh�U no:
<br /> U�IlflfMiQtM11I�WNIIhUhI. �N U11IM�11MIMiu�Unn ��rcum�t�nca ��i�t wllkh u� beyond Bortow�r'o control. 9orrawer sh�N not
<br /> -- de�uuy. �Mn+�y� nr wryNw Ilir Ih��ty, Nlkhy Ili�Ibop«ty tu d�MKfonts. a cnmmll w�et� on the PropeAy. Borr�wer sh�l be ki
<br /> __— 11�IM/N M qlly UNIWUIM 1lI.INHI lN p/UCMIMftp, NhWI1M ctrY a crSmfnd.b h�gun Ih�t fn l�nder's yood faNh�udpment could rosuh -.
<br /> hi IatwNu+M ui Ihr lh�H�wly �w oihKwwM m�1�r1�Ny ktt(f�Y Ihr Nwi crMt�d by Ihla 3�cuiNy InsWment or Lenderb securily Intoreat.
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