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201202001 <br /> continue to pay to Lender the amount of the separately desiguated payments diat were due when lha <br /> insurance coverage celsed to be in effeot. Lender will accept, use and retaiii Uiese paymente as a <br /> non-refundable loss reservc in lieu of Mortgage Ii�suranco. Such loss reserve shall Ue non-reftmdll�le, <br /> notwithstanding die YacC that Che Loan is ultimaCely paid in Pull, and L,ender sh111 �iot be reqail'ed to pay <br /> Borrower auy intcrest or earnings on such ]oss reserve. Lender can no longer require loss reservc papments <br /> if Moitgage Insurance coveragc(in Che amount and for the period tliaY Lendor requices) provided by aia <br /> insurer selecCed by Lender again qeaomes available, is obtained, and Lendcr requires separataly desigiaCed <br /> payments Coward klie premiums for M�rtga�e insurance. If Lender required Mortgage lnsm'ance ns a <br /> eondition of making thc Loan and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the <br /> pren�iums for Mortgage insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiwns required to mainCain Mortgage <br /> Insurance in ePCe�;I, or to provide a non-refundablc loss reseive, �mtil Lender's rcquirement tbr Mortgage <br /> Insucance ends in aeeoidance with any written agreemei�t between Bonrower and Lender providing for sucli <br /> tecmination or until tenninati�n is required by Applicable Law. NoHiin�;in Chis Section 10 affects <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay interesC aCtlie iaCe pxovided in the Note. <br /> Mortgxge Tnsurance ccimburses Lendcr(or�i�y entrty fhat purchases Ihe NoCe)Por ccrlain losses it may incur <br /> if Borrower does noC repay the Loav as agreed. Bocrower is i�ot a party to the Mortigage Insurance, <br /> Mortgage insurers evaluate their Wkil risk�on all such insurance in forcefrom time Co Cime, and may enter <br /> iuto agreements witki other paxties that sha�e ox modify their risk, or reduee losses. 'fhese agreeincnts are oii <br /> terms and conditions ftaat u�e satisPaetocy to Che mortg�age insurec and tlie otlier party (or part3es) to tfiese <br /> agreements. These�agreenlents may require the mortgage insurer to make payments using tmy source oY funds <br /> thaY the ii�orlgage insurer may have available (which m�y include funds obtained from Morl'.gage Insuranee <br /> preiniums). , <br /> As a resulC of these agrecmen�s, I,ender, any purchaser oP the Note, �inofher i��surer, any reinsucer, tmy oHier <br /> entity, or any aff'tliatc of any of the foregoing, may receive(directly or iudirectly) amounYs that derive from <br /> (or migliY Ue churacterized 2s) x porlion of Borrower's paqmenCS Por Mortgage Insurance, in exchange for <br /> sharing or modifyiug the niorCgage insurer's risk, or reducing lossas. If sLich agreement provides that an <br /> nffiliate of Lender takes a share of the insurer's risk in exchange fox �i share oP the pren�iums paid to the <br /> iusurer, Che arrangemeuC is often termecl "captive reinsuranee." PurUzer; <br /> (a) Any such agrcemenCs will not affect Yhe amounts Chat Borruwer tias agrced tio pay Por Mortgage <br /> Insuranco, or Any other tcrm5�of the LoAn. Such agreoments will not increase the amooiit <br /> Borrower will owe for Yloctgage Insurance, and Bl�cy will not entitle Burrower to a�1y reFund. <br /> (b) Any such agrceraents will noE affect tl�e rights 13orrowcr I�t�s - if auy-with respect to the <br /> Moi�tgagc Insiu�ance imder flie I�omcowiiers Protectlon Aeti of 1998 or ui�y otliex•law. 'Phese rights <br /> inay include khe riglrt fo receive certain d9sclosnres, to request and ubtain canccllation of Yhc <br /> Moitgage Insm�ance, lo liave the MorCgage Insnrs�nce terminated automatically, andlor to receive <br /> ti refund of a�1y Mortgage Insurance premiu�ns Ch�t werc uueai��ed at fhe tin�e oe such <br /> cancellatiou or terinination. <br /> 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscella��eous Proceeds are hereby assigned t� <br /> tmd shall be paid to Lender. <br /> Tf the Property is daiilaged, such Misccllaneous Proceeds shafl Ue applied to restoration or repair of Che <br /> Froperry, if the resCOratiou or repair is eewiomically Peasible and Lender's security is no�lessenad. During <br /> such repair and reseoratioii period,�Lender sl��ll have tl�e right Co hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until <br /> Leuder has had an oppoctunity to inspect such Piroperty to ensure Yl�e wbrk has been comploCed to Leilcler's <br /> _.. <br /> 14D0o620 <br /> NEBR�SKA-Slnplo Famlly-�annie MaelFmddle Mau UNIFOHM INSTRUMENT Fonn 3018 1101 <br /> VMP6WE��11951 <br /> VM P p puge B oi'17 <br /> W�Itcrs I(luwer f-Inanelal Servims <br />
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