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201202001 <br /> for lhc repairs and restc�ration in a single payment or in a series of grogress paynicnts as tlie work is <br /> comp]eted. If die i�isurance or condemnation proceeds are nol sufficient to repair or restore the Property, <br /> Rorrower is not relicved of Borrower's obligaeion for the compleCion of such repair or testoraCion, <br /> L,cnder or its agent may make reasonable cnh'ies upon Fuid inspections of the Property. If i[has ceasonable <br /> cause, Lendec may iiYSpect Che interior oP the improveinents on fhe Properry. Leoder sliall �;ive Borrower <br /> noYiee at the time of or prior to sach an interior inspecfion speciPying such reasonable cause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Applieation.Borrower shall be in dcPault if, during ttie Loan applioation process, <br /> Borrower ox any persons ox entiCics aeting at[he direction of Borrower or wiCh Borrowcr's knowledge or <br /> consent gave makerially falec, misleading, or inaccuraCe information or staCements to l.ender (or failed Co <br /> pruvide Leuder with material information) in connection with Che Loan. Ma[e�ial representations inclncle, but <br /> are not limited Co, representations concerning Bonowec's occupancy ot(he Yroperty as Borrower's priilcipal <br /> resideace. ` <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If(a) <br /> Boreower Yails to perPocm tl�e covenanCS and agrecments�eontained in this 5ecurity InstrumenY, (�) there is a <br /> legal procceding t1�aY might significantly affect L.ender's interest in lhe Property and/or rig'1�YS wider this <br /> SecuriCy Inshument(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for eondetnnalion or forfeiturq Cor <br /> enforcement of a lien whieh m2y attain pxioriCy over this Security InstrumenC or to enforce laws or <br /> regulations), or(c) Bprrower has abandoned Che Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever is <br /> reasonable or appropriate to prol'ect Lender's interest in Yhe Property and rights under Chls Security <br /> I��struinent, ineluding pratecCing and/or assessin� the value oY the Pcoperty, avd securing and/or repairing <br /> the Properry. Lender's acCians can inclnde, but are not limited to: (a) payiug xny sums gaouied by a lien <br /> which has priority over this Secucity Inetrument; (b) appearing in court; and(c) paying reasonable attoi��eys' <br /> fees Co protect its inCcrest in tlie ProperCy and/or rights under this Seeurity Instrument, i�icluding its secured <br /> posiYion in a bankruptcy proceeding. Sectiiring tlie Property includes, but is not limited tu, entering Clie <br /> Property to make repairs, cllangc locks, replace or board up doors and windows, drai� water from pipc:s, <br /> eliminate buildiug ox otliee cade violaYions or ciangerous conditions, and have utilitics turned on or off. <br /> Although Lender may talce actiou under this Section 9, Lender does not li2ve to do so and is not under any <br /> duty or obligation to do so. IC is agreed ctiat Lender incurs no lia6iliCy for iioC taking any ox all acCions <br /> 2uthorized under this Section 9, <br /> Any amotmts disbursed by Lender under this 5ecCion 9 sh�ill become additional debt of Borrowar secured by <br /> Chis 5ecttrity Ii�sliumenG. These amounts shall bear interesC at the Noke r�te from the date oYdisbursemenC <br /> and shnll be payable, with sucli i�iCCresl, upon notice Pcom Lender to Borrower requesting payment. <br /> If this Security Instrument is on a leaschold, Borcower shall oomply wi[h all the pr�visions of f:he (ease. If <br /> Bocrower acqaires fae Citle to the Property, tha]easehold and ehe fae Gtle shall not merge unless Lender <br /> agrees to the merger in wri[ing. <br /> 1 p. IVlartgage Insurance, If Lcnder required MorCgage Insurance ns a condition of ii�kiug tl�e Loan, Bormwer <br /> shall pay the premiums required Co maintain d�e Mortgage Insurance in effut. If, for any renson, the <br /> Mortgage Hisurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage insurer tliat <br /> previously provided sueh iusucance aud Borrower was required Co m1!<e separaCely designa6ed payme�rts <br /> t�wnrd U�e prcmiums for Mortgage Insurance,Borrower shall pay the premlums requircd to o6tain coverage <br /> subskult3ally aquivalent to thc Martgage Insurance previously in effecf, at a eost substantially equivalent to <br /> the cost to Borirower of the iblortg�age Insurance previously in effccC, frqm an alternate moiCgage insurer <br /> selected by I,ender. If substantially equivalent MorCgaige Insurance eovera�e is not available, Borrower s1�alL <br /> za000szo <br /> NEeHA51CA-SlnplePmnily-Fannle MaelFmddle Mao UNIFORM MSTPUM[NT Form 3028 1701 <br /> VMP r(`y VMP61NEI111051 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnen�ial Servloes Pago 6�01 1] <br />