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201202001 <br /> satisfaction, providad that euch inepccl'io�� shall be undcrtaken promptly. Lender may pay foe the repairs <br /> and restoration in a sivgle disbursement or in a serics of progress payments as Che work is completed, <br /> Unless an agreemen[is mede in wriCing or Applicable Law recZuires interest Yo be paid on such <br /> Miscellaneous Proceods, Lender shall not be required to pay Barrower any iilteresl or eaenings on such <br /> Miseellaneous Proceeds. If the reatoraCion or repair is noL ewnomieally feasible or I,ender's securiYy wotild <br /> be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums securcd by this Security Instrumeut, <br /> whether or uot then due, with Che excess, if viy, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellu�eous Proeeeds shall bc <br /> applied in the ordec provided'for in Section 2. <br /> Iu the event of a tota] Caking, Jcslruction, or loss in value of t�ie Property, the Miscellaaneous Proceeds shall <br /> be applied Co the sums seeured by this Security InstrumeuC, whether or not then due, wiCh the excess, if aby, <br /> paid ta Bocrower. <br /> In the eveuC of a parCial takipg, desh'uction, or ]pss in valuc of the Property in which tlie fair market value oY <br /> the Property irrunediateLy vefore fhe partial taking, destruction, or loes in value is equal to or greater tl�an the <br /> amount of Che sums securad by this Security Insh'ument immediately before Yhe partral Caking, destruction, ar <br /> loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender othcrwise agree in writing, the sums secured by Chis Securily <br /> InsCrumenC shal] be reduced by Elie amounl oP the Miscellaneous 1'roeeeds nmltiplied by Yhe following <br /> fraction; (a) the total amount of tlie sun7s secured Immediatcly before the partial Caking, destxuction, �r loss <br /> 3u value divided by (b) the fair marlcet value of tlie Property immedi�tely before the partiti] taking, <br /> desCruction, or loss in value. Any balance sliall Ue paid to Borrower. <br /> In the event of a partial Caking, destruction, or loss ii1 value of the Propecty in whieh Yhe fair market value of <br /> Che Property immediately before die pa�tial taking, destrucCion, or loss in value is less tha�1 the a�nount of the <br /> sums sacured immediaCely beforc Ihe paiKial taki�ig, destruetion, or loss in value, unless Boirower and <br /> Lexidex oGherwise agree in wziting, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to thc sums secured by this <br /> Sccuriry Instrument whether or noC the sums are tlien due. <br /> If the ProperCy is ab�mdoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender Cn Boil�ower that Che Opposing Party <br /> (as defined in the next sentence) offers to make an award to scttle a claim for damages, IIorrawer fails�to <br /> respond to Lender within 3Q day�s after fhe daCe the notice�is giveq, Lender is authorized to collect and apply <br /> the Miseellaneous Proceeds either to restoration or repair oF the Property or Co the sums secured by this <br /> SecuriCy Iostr�unent, whether or not then c9ue. "Opposing Party" means the tliird parCy thaC owas Bocrower <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party agxinsC whom Borrower has a righC of action in regvd to Miscellaneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shall be in deTault if�ny hction or proceeding, wheCher eivil or criininal, is begun thttt, in Leader's <br /> ju�lgment, could resulf in forfeiture of the Property or other matexial impairroeot of Leiider's interest in the <br /> Property or rights tmder this Security Insh'ument. }3orrower can cure such a default and, iP aeceleratioii has <br /> ocourred, reinsCate as provided iu Saction 19, by eausing the ticCion or proceeding Co be dismissecl with a <br /> ruling ChaY, in Lender's jadgment, precludes forfeiCuce of the Property oc odiec material impaiimcnt of <br /> Lender's interest in the Property or rights under this Security insrrument. The proeeeds oY any award or <br /> claim for d2mages thaC are attribuCable to Clie impairment of Lender'y interest in khe Properly are l�ereby <br /> assigned ancl shall be paid to L,ender. <br /> All MiscellEUieous Proceed� [hat are not ap�lied to restoraCion or iepalr of the Propecty sl�all be applied in U1e <br /> order pravidad for in Sectioii 2. <br /> za000ezo <br /> NEBRASICA-Single FamIIY-�ennia Mae/Freddio Mac UNIFORM INBI'NUMENT Porm 30281lO1 <br /> VMP ta VMP6WFl U'106� <br /> Wolror�ICluwar finendal Servlcos Pega 70of 1� <br />