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201202001 <br /> All insu��uice policics reqnired by Leiidcr and renewfds of such policies sl�Mll be subject to Lender's right to <br /> disap�rove such polieies, shall include a etaudard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee <br /> uid/or as an additioual loss payee, Leuder shall have the cight tc*hold the pollcies and renewzl certiPicates. It' <br /> Lendcr requires, Borrowex shal] promptly givc to Lei�der ell rcceipts of paid prcmiums and i�encwal notices. <br /> IP Borrower obtai�is any form of insurance cnver�ge, not otherwise required by Lendec, for da�nage Co, or <br /> destruction of, the Prnperry, such policy shall inclucle a sCaodard mortgagc clause and shail name Lender as <br /> mortgagee and/or as a� additionxl loss payee. <br /> ln the event of loes, Borrower shall give prompt notice to Che instuauce carrier and Lender. Lender mary <br /> make proof of loss iP not made prompCly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> wriCing, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was requiced Uy Lender, shall be <br /> appl[ed Co restoration or repair of the Pcoperty, if the restoration or repair is cconomically fcasible uid <br /> Lender's security is not le�sened. During sucli repair and restoration period, Lender sfiall have the righG Co <br /> hold sucl� insurance proceeds u�itil Lender has l�arl an opporEunity to inspeet such Propercy Co ensure the <br /> work lias becn completed to Lcnder's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undeet�ikcn <br /> pcompYly. I.ender may disburse pmceeds for the repairs and restoration in a singlc paymeut or in a series of <br /> prog�ess payments as the work is eompleted. Unless nn agrecment is made in writing or Applicable Law <br /> rcquires inCerest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lcnder shall not be rcquired Yo pay Borro�er any <br /> interesY or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other thixd parties, retained by Borrowcr <br /> sh�ll noY be paid out of Yhe insurance proeeeds and shal] l�e tlie sole obligation of Bocrower. If Che restoeation <br /> or repair is not economicnity fcasible or Lender's security would bc lessened, tl�e insurance proceeds shall be <br /> applied to tlie sums secured by this Secnrity Instrument, whether or not then ciue, wiCh tl�e excess, if a��y, <br /> paid to Borrower. Such insurance procccds shall be applicd in the ordet�rovided for in Section 2. <br /> IP Rorrower abniidons Cha Property, Leiidcr may file, negoCiaee and settle any avaifa6le insuranoe claim and <br /> related matters. Il'Borrower does not respond withiii 30 days ko a ootice from Lender that lhe insurft�ce <br /> earriei lias ot'fcred to settle a claim, then Lender inay negotiate and ectde the efaim. Thc 30-d2y period will <br /> begin when Che notice is given. In eidier event, or if Lendet acquires the Propeirty under Section 22 or <br /> otherwise, Borrower hecaby assigns to Lei�der (a) Borrower's rights to any ivsurance prooeeds in an amottnt <br /> not 6o exceed the amounts unpaid under[hc Nate or tliis Security insYrumen[, and (b) uiy oeher of <br /> Borirower's rights (olher than tlie right to any reflmd of unearned premiums paid hy Borrower) under all <br /> insurfmce policies covexing Che ProperCy, insofar as such rights �ire applicable to the coverage of tl�e <br /> Properly. Lender may use Che insuravice procecds either To repair or restore the ProperCy or to pay amoui�ts <br /> unpaid uuder the Note or this Security InslrumanY, whether or noY then due. <br /> 6. Occupancy. Boxxower shall occupy, establish, and use the Yroperty as Boirower's prineip.Q residenee <br /> within 60 dags after the axecution of this Securiry IusUUmcnC and shall continue to occupy tlie l�ropeity as <br /> Rorrower's principal residence for at lcasl one year aftcr 4he daYe of occ;upai�cy, unless Lender otlierwise <br /> agiees in writing, whieh consent shall not 6e unreasonably withheld, oc ixnless exCe�ivating circumst�uices <br /> exist wltich are beyond Borrower's enntrol. <br /> 7, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borirowcr shall not deslroy, <br /> damage or impair tlie Property, allow tlie Properfy Co detel'iorate ur wmmit waste on Che Pro�erty. Whedrer <br /> ar not Borrower is residing in Che Propeity, Borrower sl�all mainlain the Property zn order to prevent the <br /> Property firom deteriorating or decrensii7g in value due to fts condition. Uilless it is determined pursuant to <br /> Section 5 that repair or restoraticn�is not.economically feasil�le, Borrower shall prompely repair the Property <br /> if damnged to avoid fiuther detciioration or damage. if insurai�ce or condemnatioii proceeds are paid in <br /> comlection with damnge ty or die taking of, the Property, Borrower shall be responsible for repairing or <br /> restoring Clie Property o�ly if Lender has released proceeds for sucl�putposes. Lender msry-disUurse proceods <br /> .. � � za000�20 <br /> NE6RASKA-Siiigle Fpmlly-Fannie MaelFreddle Mao UNIfORM INSTRUMEMf fvrm 3028 1/01 <br /> VMP p VMPBWEJ�'110GI <br /> Wol�ers Kluwer Financial Snrvices Pape 7 of P <br />
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