<br /> required by RESPA, and l3orrnwer sh�ill pay Co Iznder the amount neeessaiy to make ap the deficie¢cy in
<br /> aecordance with RFSPA, but iu no more Ihan 12 monthly paymenta.
<br /> Upon paymeirt in full of all sums secu�cd by this Security Instrumant, Lender shall pr'omptly refund Co
<br /> Borrower�iny Funds held Uy Lender.
<br /> a, Charges; Liens. Borrowex sliall pay al] t'axes, aesessinents, charges, fiizes, and impoeiYiovs athiburable to
<br /> die Property which can attain prioriry over tliis Security InstrumeuY, laasehold payments or ground rent�s on
<br /> the Property, if a�y, and CommuniCy Associatian Ducs, Pees, and Assessments, if any. To thc extent thnt
<br /> Yhese iteins are Esexow Items, Borrower shall pay thcm i�� the manner provided in Section 3.
<br /> Borrower shttll promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry ovec this Securily Instrmnent unlese
<br /> Bocrower: (a) agrees 3n wriCing fo the paymenC oP the oUligation secured by the lien in a manner ncceptable
<br /> lo Lender, but only so long as Borrower is performing such agreemei�t (b) contests Ct�e Iien in good faiCh by,
<br /> or defende xga3nst enforcement of thc lien in, legal proccedings wliich in Lender's opinion opeca�e to prevent
<br /> the enYorcemene nf tlse lieii while tfioae proceedhigs are pending, but only until sucl7 prnccedings are
<br /> concluded; or(c) secures Prom tlie holder of Che lien an ngreeme�it salisfactory Yo Lei�der suhordinatii�g thc
<br /> lien to tliis Security InstrumeuY. It Lendcr determines that any part of t(ie Pi'operty is suhjeeC Co a lien which
<br /> can atYain pxiority over this Security InsCeument, Lender may give Borrower a notice ide�rtifying the f+en.
<br /> Within 10 days of the date o» which that noYiee is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or takc one or more
<br /> of the actions set forCli above in this Section 4.
<br /> Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-Cime charge for a reaf esznte t.ix veriPication and/or reporting
<br /> service used by I,ender in coimection with this Loa�i.
<br /> 5. Property fnsurance, Borrower shall keep the improven�enCS now existing or hereafCer erected on the
<br /> Property iosurcd against loss by firc, hazards includetl within the term "extended enverage," and any other
<br /> hazaxds including, Uut ilot llmited to, earthquakes and floods, for whlch I,ender requires insurance, Tl�is
<br /> uisurance shall ve mainCained in tlie nmounCS (including deductible levels) and for Uie periods that Lendec
<br /> requires. �fiat L.ender requires puryuant t'o the precedi�ig sentences ean chauge duruig the term of the I,oan,
<br /> The insurance carrier providing the�insuranee shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to
<br /> disapprove Boivower's dioic;e, which riglit sliall not bc exercised unreasonably. Leuder mtry rcquire
<br /> Borrower fo pay, in connection with this Loan, eitber: (a) a oue-time ahaige for flood zone determinafion,
<br /> certification and tTacking serviees; or (b) a one-time charge for flood zone detern�ination and certificacion
<br /> services and subscquenC charges each time remappings or similar clianges oocux which rexsonably might
<br /> affect such dcierminaYion or certification. Borrower shall also be responsible for the paymeiit oP any fees
<br /> imposcd by the Pederal Emcrgency Management Ageney iu connection with Che review o'C any flood zone
<br /> determinafion eesulting 6�om a�� objeotioii by Rorrowec,
<br /> If Rorrower fails to maintain auy of Che covcrages desoribed above, I.ender may obtain insuranoe coverago,
<br /> at Lender's option and Borrower's expcnse. Lender is undcr no obligaYion to purchase a��y particular rype or
<br /> amowi[of covcrage. Tlierefore, such coverage sh.ill cover Lender, but might or migliC not pxotecC Rorrower,
<br /> Boerower's oquity in tlie Properly, or the contcnts of the Properry, againsC any riek, haurd or GabiliYy anct
<br /> might provide greater or lesser eoverage than was previously in effecl. Borrower acimowledges that tl�e cost
<br /> oP Che insw�ance coverage so obCained might signifieantly exce��cl the cost of insurai�ce that Borrower could
<br /> have obCained. Any amounts disbursed by Lender uvder this Section 5 shall become addiCional debt of
<br /> Rorrower secure<I Uy this Security InsCrument. These ai�iounts shall bear iuterest aC Ihe NoCe raCe fram the
<br /> date of disbucsement and shall be payable, witli sucl� intcrest, upon notice froin I.ender to Boreower
<br /> rec�uesting payment.
<br /> 2a000ezo
<br /> NEOfiASKA-9ingle Femlly-Fannie Mae/Fredtlle Mec UNIFORM INSTRUMENT � Form 30281f01
<br /> VMP Q VMPBWbI(1106�
<br /> Woltere I(luwer Finnnoial Servicea Pnga 6of 1]
<br />