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201202001 <br /> scntcnces shafl not apply to tl�e pceeenee, use, or srorage on tha Property oP small quauYities of I�Iazardous <br /> 5ubstances tl�at are generally recognized to be appropxiate to normal resi$entiaL uses and ro mainCCnance oP <br /> Che Property (including, buc not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer products). <br /> Borrower shall promptly givc Lender wriCCen notice of(a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or oYlier <br /> action by any governmental or regulatory agency or privale parry involving the Propexty and any Haznedous <br /> Subst�uice at Enviro�me�tal Law of wliich Borrower has aetual knowledge, (b) any Environmental <br /> Condition, including buC not limitecl to, any spilling, leaking, diseliarge, relcase or threat of rele��se oYany <br /> Hazardous SubsYauee, aud (c) any wtidifion caused by tl�e presence, use or release of a IIazardous Subsfance <br /> whieh adversely affects the valuc oP�lhe Yroperty. If Borrower lcarns, or is notified by Hi�y govemmental or <br /> regulatory authority, ox any private party, Chu any reinoval or other remediatiou of any Harardous Sltbst2ncC <br /> affecting tha Prnperty is necessuy, Borrower shall proinpYly take all necessary remedial actions in <br /> accordanee witli Environmental Law. Nothing l�erein shall creaCe any ob(igation on Lender for an <br /> �nvironmenWl�Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Co�enants, Boxrower and Lender coventmt and agree as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shull give notice to Borrower priur fo acceleration Yollowing <br /> Rms�ower's Greach of any wve�ianC m�agreemeut ii�tl�is Security InsCrument (but not prior to <br /> ac¢eleraYiov widcr Section 18 uuless A�plicaulc Law provides oCtierwise)� Thc notice shall specify: (a) <br /> the defaitlt; (b) lhe aation required fo enre thc defaidt; (c) a date, not less t6v� 30 days from tl�e clatc <br /> the noticc is�,riven Yo liorrower, by which tl�e defaulC rnnct be cured; and (d)tl�at failure to em•e tl�e <br /> default on or beFore Uhe date epecificd in the noCice may result in accclerutimi of the sums sccured by <br /> tl�i�SecuriCy instrument aud sale af the Yroperty. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the <br /> righl to refustate aftcr accelerat3on and the riglit to bring a court action to assert the no��-exislence of a <br /> default m� auv other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. IY Ylie doYault is not cured on or <br /> beforc the date specified in the uotice, Lender af its opCion may requirc inunecliale P�ymeut in fnIl uf <br /> al] snm� 5ecured by fhis Secnrity Instrument without Yurther demt�nd twd may invoke the power uP sale <br /> r��id �ny other remedies permitted by Appl9cable Law. Lcnder shtill be eutitled to callcct all expenses <br /> incu��•ed in pursuing tlie remedies provided iu thie Scction 22,including, but not liwited lo, reasonablc <br /> atCOineys' f'ces and custs of tiCle evidence. <br /> If tlie power of sale is invoked, �ustee shnll record a notice ol'clefault in e�ch counCy in whieh any <br /> part of tlte YroperC�is located and s6u11 mnll copies of sueli uotice in the n�anner presciiucd I�,y <br /> Applicable Law to Borrowrn• and tcr tlie otl�er persons prescribed by Applicable Law. Aftcr the time <br /> required by Applicablc Lnw, 'frusCee shall give public uotice oP sale lo the persons ancl in Nic n�anuer <br /> prescribed by Applicstble Law. `Prnstee, witliout demand on Borrower, sl�all sell tl�e Yroperty at public <br /> auction to the higliesU bidder at the tiuie tmd place and mider the tei�ns designaCed in the uotica ot'sale <br /> tu oue or more parcels and in nny urder'l'�vstee deterinlnes. Trustee may postpoue s��le oY all or any <br /> parcel of tLe ProNerty by pnblic unnonncemenC at the time tuid place of any previously scheduled aale. <br /> Lender or its designce mt�y pureUase tUe Property at auy sale. <br /> Upou receipt of payment oF thc price bid, Tn�stee shall dolivcr to the purchaser Trustcc's deed <br /> � convoying t]�e Property. Tl�e recituls iu Che Trusfee's dccd shall be pr3n�a facie evidence oF the trnth of <br /> the sCatemeuts inade tl�erein. 1'rusCee sUall appl,y the pruceeds of Che sale iu the Followiug order: (a) to <br /> all costs and exPeuses oP exercising tl�e powcr of sale, aud Cl�e sale, inclnding the p��ment of the <br /> Trustce's fees uctually incurred aud reasoiuible atCoruey�' fees as pa•miEted by Applic�Ule L�w;�(b) to. <br /> ull sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument; and (c) auy exccss to the person or persons Icgtdly <br /> enCifled to it. <br /> 2a000azo <br /> NE6fiA5Kh-Single Pemity-Fannle Mae/FrcAdio Mnc 11Nlf-OFlM WSTFUMEN f Form 3028 1loi <br /> VMP� VMPBINE�(11061 <br /> Woltara IQvwer Fb�ennlnl$nmir,av Pa90 14 of 1J <br />