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201202001 <br /> 23. ReaonVeyance. Upon payment of all sums secured Uy this Security Instrument, Lender shall request <br /> Trustee to rcconvey the ProperCy and shall surrender this Security Tnstrument and all notes evidencin�debt <br /> secured by Chis Seeuriey Ipstrumeut to Trustee. TrusCce shal] reeonvey the Property without warcanty to fhe <br /> person or persons legally enYitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation cosfs. I,ander may <br /> char�e such person or persoils a fee Yor reconveying the Property, but o�ily if the I'ce is paid to a Chird pF�rty <br /> (such as Cl�e Trustee) for seivices rendered and the charging of the fee is permiCCed under Applicable Law. <br /> 24. Substitute TrusTee. Lender, at its option, may from time Co Cime remove Trustee ttnd appoint a successor <br /> lrustee to auy TrusCee appointed hereundex by an insG�ument recorded in the county in which this Security <br /> Instrument is recorded. WithouC conveyanee of the Property, the succcssor trustee shall sucoeed to all lhc <br /> title, powec and duCie,s conferred upon Trustae herein and by Applicable Law. <br /> 25. Request for NoYices. Bonower requests [hat copics aF the notice�f default and sale be scnC fo Rorcower's <br /> address whieh is The Property Addrees. <br /> 2ROU0620 <br /> NEBRA51(A-Single FamIINFannle MaelFreddle Mae 11NIFbRM INSTRLIMENT Form 3020 1�01 <br /> VMP� VMP9�NE)11105� <br /> Woltere Kluwer Finanalal Servlcea Page 1 fi uf 19 <br />