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201202001 <br /> in the Pmperey 1nd rights under this Securi�y Instr�unent; and (d) takes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonably require to xssure that L,ender's interesC in tlie Property aiid rights under this Securit� Instrumeny <br /> and Borrower's obligation lo pay the sums secured by this SecuriCy lnstrument, sliall continae unchaaged. <br /> L,ender may rcqu3re that Rorrower pay such reinstatcmene sums and expenses in one or niorc of lhe following <br /> forms, as selected by Lender: (n) cash; (b) money order; (c) eerCified check, Unnk check, treasurer's cl�eck or <br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a <br /> federal agency, instruinentalfiCy ar entity; or(d) Electroiiic Punds Txans�fer. Upon reinstaYement by Borrower, <br /> this Security InsCrument and obligations secured hereby shalt rcmain fully efFeetive as if no�ucceleration had <br /> occurred. However, this right to re�nstate shull not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 18. <br /> 2p. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. 'Che Note or a paz�tial iiiteresC in the <br /> Notc (COge[her with Chis Seeuci�y Instrument) can be sol(1 one nr moie tilnes withoul prior notice To <br /> Borrower, A sale mfght result in a changc in tbe enCity (known�s the�"Loan� Servieer") that collects Periodic <br /> Payments due under tlie Note a�id this Security Ii�sYrument.tnd performs olhcr mortgage loan servicing <br /> obligations ui�cter the Note, this Security Inshwnent, aiid tlpplicable Law. 'L'here also migl�t be oiic or rnore <br /> changes of the Loan Secvicer unrelated to a sale of the Nota tC theee is a eha��ge of die Loan Servicer, <br /> Borrowci will be given wrieeen notice of the chauge whieh will sCate the name and addre�s of U�e new Loan <br /> Servlcer, the address Co which p�yments should ba made and any other inforrnation RESPA requires i�i <br /> conoection witl� a notice of transPer oP se�vicing. If Che Nr�te is sold and Chereafter tlie Loan is serviced by a <br /> Lo2n Servicer otit�cr Chan lhe purchaser of tlie Note, the mortgagc loan seivicing oUligatioiis to Borrower will <br /> remnin with 6hc I,oan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servieer and are noC assumed by Che <br /> Nofe purchaser unless otlierwise provided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borxawer nor Lender may eommence,joln, or be joined to any judlcial action (as cither an <br /> individual IitigviC or Che member of a class) that arises from Che pCher parry's actioi�s pursuant Yo Cliis <br /> Seeu�ity Ii�strument or tfiat alleges that Che other parYy lias breaclied any provision of, or a�ty dufy owed by <br /> reason of, this Secur3ty Insteument, until sneh Borro�ver or Lender has no6ified the other parCy{witli such <br /> notice given in compliance with the requirements oY Sec:tion 15) oP suoh alleged breach and aitforded �he <br /> other party hereto a reasonable peiiod after the giving o�F�such notice eo take corcective action. Tf Applie2ble <br /> Law provides a time peciod which must elapse before certai�� action cui be talceii, that time period will be <br /> deemed to be reasonable foc purpoaes o'P Chis paragraph, Tlie notice of acceleration and oppormnity fo cure <br /> given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 nnd the notice oP acceleration given to Bon�ower pursuant to <br /> Scction 18 shall he deemed to satisfy tlie natice and opporhtnity to Cake con�ective action provisions of tliis <br /> Section 20. <br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As nsed in tl�is Section 2L (a) °Aazarcuizes Sachstances"are those substances <br /> dePined as toxic�r liazardous subskmces, polluPa�ts, or wastes by �nvironme�ital Law and the following <br /> substancee: gasoline, kerosene, other Plunmable or Coxie petroleum pcoducts, toxic pestieitles and IierUicides, <br /> volatile solvents, niatecials conCaining asbesCos or focmaldehyde, and cadioactive matecinls; (b) <br /> "Environmental Law`means federal laws and laws oYthc jurisdicCion where the Property Is loca�ed tha[ <br /> relate Co health, safety or environment�21 protection; (c) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any respanse <br /> action, remedial action, ot removal tiction, as defined in Fsnviromnental Law; and (d) an "Ertvironmen�tad <br /> Condttion"means a wnd9tion thaC can cause, contriUute to, or otherwiso 6rigger an �nvirorunenta�l Cleanup. <br /> Rorrower shall not cause or permit thc presence, use, dispasal, storage, or reloase of any Haznrdous <br /> Substnuces, or threatei�to rclease any Hazardous SuUstances, on or in �lie Proparty. Borrowec shall itot do, <br /> nox allow.ury��no clse fo do, anytlting� affecting the Properly (a) fhat is in violation of anp Environmenl�al <br /> Law, (I�) which ct'eates an Enviromnental Cond3tion, or (c) which, dtte to tlie�resence, usc, or release of a <br /> Hazardous Substance, cre2tes a condition Chat adversely affects the value oY the Property. Tlie }�recading two <br /> za000szo <br /> NEeRA51CA-9lnqle Femllq-Fennlo�Moe(Preddie Mao UWFOfYM IN3TRUMENI' Fonn 3028 7/01 <br /> 4MP�N VMPGME)�7105) <br /> Wnlmrs I(luwer Finanolal Servlees Paqe 13 of 1] <br />