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201202001 <br /> designated a substitute notice addxess by nolice to Lender. Borrower shal] promptly notify Le�lder of <br /> Boreo�wcr's change ofaddress. IY Lender specifie.s a procedure for reporting Borrower's chaoge of adtlress, <br /> Ihen Borrower shall only repoi�C a change of address throu�;h that specified procedure. <br /> There may be only one desigi�ated noticc address under this Secux[ly Instruinent at any ona timo. Any notice <br /> to L,ender shal] be given by delivering iC or by mailing it by first class mail Yo Lender's address staCed l�erein <br /> unless Lender has designated anohher address Uy votice to Borrower, Auy notice in oonnection witl�this <br /> Security InstrumenT shall noC be deemed to have becn given tn Lender until actually reeeived by Lencler. If <br /> 1ny notice requieed by this Secnn`ty Insh�ument is also required under Applicable Law, the AppLicable Law <br /> requirement will saYisfy the corresponding requirement under this Security InsYruuient. <br /> 16. Governiny Law; Severability; Rufes of Construction. Tl�is Sccurity Instrumeut sh�il] be governecl by <br /> federal law and tl�e law of Che jurisdicCion in which ttic Property is focated. All rights and obligaCioi�s <br /> eontained in this Security Instrument are subject to any requirements and limit��tions of Applicable Law. <br /> Applicable Lxw might expl'rc�tly or inlplicitly a[low the parties to agree by contract or it might be silenf, but <br /> such sileiice shall not be construed .is a prohibition agaiitst agreement by contract, Hi Yhe event that any <br /> provision or clause of this 5ecurity InsCrumenC nr Ihe Note conflicCS with Applicabla Law, such conflieC sh211 <br /> not affect other provisions of'this Securiry InsCriunen[or the NoCe which�can be given effecC widiouf tl�e <br /> oonflicting pravision. <br /> tls used in this Securiry Illstrument: (a) words of the masculine gender shall mean and include correspondiug <br /> neuter w�rds or words oP Che feminine gendei; (b) words in the singular shall mean and inolude fhe plura( <br /> anrl viee versa; aud (c) the word "may" gives sole disereCion witliout �my obligaCion to Cake 2ny action. <br /> 9 7. 6orrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of the NoYe and of this Seeurily InsYrwnent. <br /> 18. Transfier of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this SecCion 18, °Iutecest in <br /> the Property" means any legal or beneficial 'uiteiest iii the Property, including, buc iiot lunited to, tliose <br /> beneficiat interests transPe�red in a bond fbr deed, conlract for deed, insG211ment sales contracL or esuirow <br /> agreement, the intenC of whieh is the txnnsfex of title by Borrower at a future daCe to a purcllaser. <br /> IP all or any part of the ProporCy or auy Iuteres[in the Property is sold or transferred (or If Sorrowei is not a <br /> naturfll person and a benefieial intetest in Borrower is aold or h�ansferrecl) without Lender's pcior writtei� <br /> consent, Lender may raquirc immediate payment i�i full of all sums secured by tl�is Security Ii�sCrument. <br /> However, this o�Cion shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is peohibited by Applicable Lnw. <br /> If Lender exercisas this option, I,ender shall give Borrower notice of acceler�ition. Tha notice shall provide a <br /> period of not]ess tfian 30 days from the d•ate the i��otice is give��in accord.mce wil'�h Se�tion 15 within whiclt <br /> Borrower must pay all sums secured by [his Sccurity LisCrument. If Borrowcr Cails to pay these sums prior to <br /> the expication oC this period, Leilder may invoke any remedies permiltod by this Security Instrument withouC <br /> furthcr nolice ar demand on Borrawcr. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower <br /> sl�xll have lhe tight to li2ve eiiYorcement oP Chis Securiry Instrument diACOntinued at auy time prior to the <br /> earliest of; (a)Pive days before sale of tlie Property pursuant to any power of snle conCained in Chis Security <br /> instrument; (b) such ol�her period as Applicable Law mighC specify for tlie tern�inafion of Borrower's righC Co <br /> reinstate; or(c) entry of ajudgment enfoccing Yhis Security Listrument. Those cooditions fire Uiat Rorrower: <br /> (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Tnstrument and the Nole as iP no <br /> aocelecafion had oecurred; (b) cures any default of any othce covenants or agieements; (c) pays all expenses <br /> incurxed in enfoccing this SecuriCy Instcument, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> propecTy inspection ancl valuation fees, and otl�er'fees ineurred for[he purposc of proteoting Leilctcr's interest <br /> � � za000azo <br /> NEBflASKA-Sin�le Famlly-FOnnip�MaelFretltlle Ulao UNIWORM IN6TRUMENT Form 902N 1l0� <br /> VMP� <br /> VMPBWEI(1106) <br /> Wdtore Kluwm Flnanolal Sarvioes Pego 12�0�17 <br />