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201202001 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver, Eztension of lhe time for payment or <br /> modification oP amortization of the sums secuced by tl�is Security LnsCrument grantecl �y I,ender to Borrowar <br /> or 2ny Successox in futerest of Borrower shall not oporate to release the liabilify of Borrowcr or any <br /> Successors in InCarest of Borrower. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against a��y <br /> Successor in Interesk of Borrower or Co refuse to extend time for payment or othcrwise modify amocCization <br /> of the sums seelued by tl�is Sccaritq Instrument by reason oY�my demancl mada by fhe origival Borrower or <br /> any Successors in Inteeest aP Eorrower. Any forbearauce by Lender in exercising any righf or remecly <br /> including, wi[hout limitation, Lender's acceptance o3'payments from third persons, enCities or Succcssors in <br /> Interest of Borrower or in amounCs ]ess than the amount Chen due, shall not 6a a wuver of or preclude the <br /> axercise of any righC or remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co•signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrowzr coveuants and <br /> agrees that Borrower's oUligations and liability shafl Uejoint and severaL However, any Borrower wl�o <br /> eo-signs tliis Secuilty Inslxument buC does noC execute the Note (a "co-signer"); (a) is co-signin�;this <br /> Security Instrument ouly to mortgage, grui[and convey Che co-signer's interest in Ihe Property under the <br /> terms of tliis SecuriCy InsCrument; (6} is not personally obligaYed To pay Yhe sums secured by this Seeurity <br /> InstrunienC; and (c) agrees t1i2t Lender and any other Borrower can agree to exte�id, modiPy, forbear pr ivalce <br /> �my accommodations with regaz'd to Che Cerms of this Secucity Histxument or the Notc wiChout tl�e eo-signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject lo the provisione of Section 18, any Successor in InCerest of Borrower wl�o assumes Borrower's <br /> obligations uuder�Yhis Security Lnstrument in wriCiaig, and is approved by Lcnder, sha[I ohYain all of <br /> Borrower's rights and beiiefite under this Security Instiument. Rorrower shall not be released from <br /> Borrowei's �bligations and lial�ility under tl�is SecuriCy Instrument�inless Lender agrees to such release in <br /> writing. The covenants and ageeements oP CUis Security Instiument sl�all bind (except as provided in SecCion <br /> 20) and benefit tlie successors xnd assigns of Lender. <br /> 14. Loan Charges: I,ender may oharge Borrower fees for seivices performed in conneccion with Borrower's <br /> dcPaalt, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and righCS under tliis Security <br /> Instrumeut, including, but not limited Co, atCOrneys' fees, property inspection and valuaCion fees. I�i rekard Co <br /> any o[her fees, [he absence of express authoriry in this SecuriCy Ins[rument Co eharge a specific fec to <br /> BorrowcL shail not be consCrued as a proliibition on the cha�ging of such fee. Lander may not charge faes <br /> that are expressly prohibited by this Sacuriry Instrument or by Applicable Law. <br /> If tltc Loan is sub,ject to 11�tw wHioh scts maximum loan chlrges, and that law is finally interpreYed so thnC <br /> the�interesY or otliei loan chargcs collectetl or m 6e collected in co�i�iection wilh the T oan exceed t7�e <br /> permitted limics, tlien: (a) any eueh loan cl�lrge shall be recluccd by the amount necessaiy to reduce thc <br /> chaige to [he p�rmitted limit; and(b) any sums already� collected from Borrower wl�ich exceedcd panniCted <br /> limits will be rcfunded to Borrowee. Le�ider may choose lo make Yhis refund by ceducing thc principal owed <br /> under Che Note or by mnldilg a direct paymcnl to Borrower. If a refund reduces pxincipal, lhe re�luetion will <br /> be freatecl as a parCial pcepaymcnC without any prewayment cl�arge(whether or noC a prepaytnent cliarge is <br /> provided for under the Note). Borrower's acceptance of.ury such cefund made by direct payment Ca <br /> Borrower will�constihrtc a waiver oP any cight of action Borrower might have arising out of sucli overcharge. <br /> 15. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Leuder ui connectioo wiCh Phis SeeuriCy InsCrument n�ust be in <br /> writing, Any ilotice to Borrower in connection w3th this SecuriCy InstrumenY sl�all be deemed to have been <br /> given to Borrower when mailed by ficst class mail or wl�en �tetu�lly delivered t� Borrower's nntice address if <br /> senf by other mea��s. NoCice to any nne Borrower shall constitute notice to all Rorrowere unless Applicable <br /> Law expressly requiree ocherw'tse. Tl�e notice nddress shall be the Prnperty Adclress unless Bc�rrowcr l�as <br /> — --�—�— � � za000�zo <br /> NG6f1ASKFl-Single FemIIY-fennle MnalFroAdla Muc UNIFORM INS'BUMF:Ni Furrti 3028�107 <br /> �Mp� VMPGINEI411051 <br /> OV011crs Kluwar Fiwnalal Scrvloac PeUe 11 of 1] <br />
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