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201201995 <br />As a result of these agreements, Lender, any gurchaser of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, <br />any other entity, or any aff�liate of any of the foregoiag, tn�y receive (directly or indirectly) amouats that <br />derive from {or might he char�cter�zed as) a portion of Borrower's pay�tents for Mortgage Ins�uance, in <br />exchange for sharing or �difying the mortgage insurer's risk. or reducing losses. If such agreement <br />provides that a� affiliate of Lender takes a share of the insurec's risk in exchange for a share of the <br />premiwns paid to t�e insvrer, the arrangemenx is aft� ternaed °captive reinsvrance." Furtlter: <br />{�) Any sach agreeme�nts will uot afFect the amounts that Borrower has agreed ta pay far <br />Mortgage Insurance or an� other t�ns of the Loan. Sach agreements �eiA not �ncrease the amo�unt <br />Borrower w�illll owe for Martgage �nsui'a�ce and they will not entitte Bc►rrow� to aEex reflund. <br />(b) Anp such �greements w�1i aot affect the rights Borrower �as - if any - mth respect to the <br />Mort�age Insurance under the Hom��rners Protee�ion Act of 1998 or anp ot�►er Iaw. 1�ese rlghts <br />map fnclude the right to receive �rtain d►s�los�uss, to reqnest and obtai� eance�lation of the <br />Mortgage Insurance, to laave the Martgage Iasurance t��ted automatically, aad/or to rev�kve a <br />refuud of soy Mart�age 3nsurance preminms that w�re une�rned at the t'rme of such canceIIa�ion or <br />ter�t�nation. <br />il. Assigament of Mi�sceUan�u� Proce� Forfeitpre. .All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby <br />assignesi t� and shaIl be paid to Lender. <br />If the Property is ctainaged, su�h Misce2i�us Proceeds shatl be applied to restoratfon or repair of <br />the Property, if th� restoretian or repair is econo�ically feasble and I.snder's s�curity is not iessened. <br />During such repair 2r►d restoratioa period, Lender shall liave the right to hold such MisceAan�us Proc�eds <br />uaril Leader has had an opponunitp to inspect such Property to ensura the work has been completed to <br />Lender's satisfaetion, prpvided that sach insp�ction sltall be undertaken promp8y. I.�ader maq pay for ths <br />repairs and restorarion In a sin;le d'zsbursement or in a series of grogress payuxents as tUe work is <br />completed. Unless aa agree�nt is made in writing or Applicable Law requires inteiest to be paid on such <br />Miscellaaeous Proceeds, Lender �hall not be required to pay Borrower any interest ar earnings on such <br />Misr,�ilaneous Proceeds. If the restoration or repair is not econo�cicaIlp feas�Ie or Lender`s s�urity would <br />be lessened� the Miscetlaneflus Proceetls shall ba spplied to the sums se�ured by this Secarity Insmunent, <br />whether or not then due. with the excess, if auy, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Praceeds shall be <br />a�plied in the order pmvided for in Sectioa 2. <br />In the eve� of a iota[ taking, desiruction, or loss in vaiue of the Property, the Miscellanews <br />Proceeds shall be appliai to the sums secured by this Security InstrUment, whether or not then due. �vith <br />the ex�ess, if any, paid to Borruwer. <br />In the event of a partial taking, destniction, or �oss iu value af the Prapeny in whieh the fair markei <br />value of the Property immediately before the partial taking, desfsuction, or loss in value is eq,ual to or <br />greater thaa the amount af the sums secured by tttis Security Instnunene immsdiately before t� partial <br />ta�ng, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower aad Lendex othenvise agree in writiag, the sums <br />secured by this Seazr�ty Instrument si�all be redueed by the amaunt vf the Miscellaneaus Pr�eeds <br />multipited bp the following fraction: (a) the tatst amaunt of i�e sums s�cured ia�mediately before the <br />partial tal�fng. destruction, or lass i.n value divided hy @) t�e fair m�rrket vaiue of the Progerty <br />i�nediatety before �e partial takkiuig, destruction, or loss in value. Any balance shall be �aitl to Barrower. <br />In the event �f a paraai taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property iu wIuch che fair market <br />value of ihe Froperty imrnediatelp before the partiai taking, destruction. or ]oss in value is less thaa the <br />amount of the sums secured immediately tlefore the partial taking, destiuccion, or loss in ealue, unteas <br />Borrower and T,ender otherwise agree in writing, the Mis�cellaneous Fror.e�ds shali be applied to the s�ms <br />secured by this Se�urity Inst�rmenc wheTher or not the sums are fhen dae. <br />If the Progerty is abaudoned by Bornower, or if, after aotice by Lender to Borrower that the <br />Opposing Party (as defin� iu the nexc seatence) offecs to make an award to settle a elaim foc damages, <br />Borrower fails 4o respon� to Lender within 30 days after t3ie date the notioe is givea, Lender is authorized <br />to collect and apply the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restoration or mpair of che Property or to the <br />sume secured by this Seau�ity Instn�ment, wheiher or not then due. °Opposang P�rty° means the t�ird P�Y <br />that awes Borrower Miscellane�US Proc�is or the PartY against whom Borrower has a right of a�cEion in <br />regard #A MiseeIlan�us Proceeds. <br />Borrower shall be in default if any action ar proceeding, whether civil or eriminal, is beg�m rhat, ia <br />Lender's judgment, could resait in forfeit�re of the Fropertq ar other r�terial inzpairnbeat of L.ender`s <br />interest in tbe Praperry or rights under this Se�urity instrument. Borrower can cure such a default and, if <br />(� -6(i{NEl t0oos�.o� � s � ts <br />� <br />� Form 3028 1/01 <br />