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�����i�95 <br />9. P'rotectian oP' Lendear's Inter� in the Praperty and Rights Under tl�s Security instrament. If <br />{a} Borrower faiis to perfomi the cove�naats and agr�meats mn#ained. in this Seeurity Instrament, (b) there <br />is a legal proc�ding tyat might significaatly affect Lender's interese in the Froperty and/or righis under <br />this Securi.ry Instrumeat (such �s a proc�eding in bankrupuy. probate, for condemnauan or forfeiture, for <br />enforoement of a iien whach may artain priority aver t2us S�urity Imstrument or to en€orce laws or <br />regulations), or (c) Borrower has abandoned the Properry. then Lender may do and psy for whatever is <br />reasonable or appropriate to protect Lender's inierest in ihe Property and rights uuder this Sec�iry <br />IasErument, includigg pratecting and/or assessing the value af the Property. and securing andlor mpaircng <br />the Property. Lender's �tiogs caa iaclu@e, but are not limited to: (a} paying any stuns secured by a lien <br />wlrich Y�as priori#y over this Securiuy Instcv.msat; (b} �FF�aring ia court; and f�) PaYin� reasonable <br />atturneys' fees ta protect its ince�est in th� Prapert�• and/or rights �der this Secaritq Instnunent, includeng <br />its secvred position in a bankruptcy procee�iag. Securing the Property inch�des, but is not limited w, <br />entering the Property to mak� repairs, chaage locks, zeplace or board ttp doors aad windows, drain water <br />from pi.pes, eIiminate building or other code violazions oz dangerous condi#ions, �+� have ntilitfes tuinai <br />on or off. Althaugh Lender xnay take �ction under tlus Section 9, I.entier does not have to do so and is nat <br />under any duty or obligatian w do so. Ii is agr�ed that Lender incvrs no liah�ity for not taking any or all <br />accio�s authQrized under this Sectioa 9. <br />Any amounts disbeirscd by Lender uader this Section 9 shall U�cume additionat debt of Borrower <br />secured by this Security Instnuuent. These amounts shall i�ar iat�rest at tl�e Note rate from the date of <br />disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, u�cm norice from Lender to Borrower res�uesting <br />� Security Instrument is on a leasehoid, Borr�wer shall comply aith all the provisions of the <br />lease. If Borro�rer acquires fee ti�le to the Property, tlae l�old ancE the €ee tide shall not merge unless <br />Lender agrees to the merger ia writiag. <br />lU. Mortgage ins�uance. If Lender reqs�ired Mortgage I�sivance as a canditioa of maldng the Loan, <br />Borrower shatl pay ttte premiams required to �imA�n the Mortgage Insuranee in effect, if, for any reasan, <br />the Mortgage Insurdnce caverage re�uired by I.ender ceases to be available from the mortgage insurer that <br />previously provided such insnrance and Huaower was required w make separat,ely designated payments <br />toward the premiums for MorCgage InsuFance, Borrower shall gay the premiums reqnIr�i to obtaia <br />cuverage subsEantially equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effe�t, as a easE substantially <br />equivalent to the cost to Borrc�wer of the Mortgage In�raneP pre�iously in effect. from an aiternate <br />mortgage insfuer sele�ted by Lender. If substantially eqtuvaleat Mort�age It�stuance coQerage is not <br />available, Bormwer shall crontinue to pay ta I.eader the amo�nt of the separately designatect payments that <br />were due when the insvrance coverage ceased ta be in effect. Le�er will accept, use �xi retain ebeae <br />payments as a non refnndable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Suc6 loss resen+e shat! be <br />non rcfundable, notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is utamately paid in full, and Lend�r shatl not be <br />required to pey Borrower any intere,st or earnings on such iass reserve. Lender can no longer require lass <br />reserve paymeats if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the amourn and for the period thai L.�der requires) <br />providai by an insurer selected by Lender agaia becomas avaiIable, is obtained, mnd Leader reqnires <br />segazately designated payments towa�+d the premiums for Mortgage Ins�uanc;e. If L�nder required Mortgage <br />Insurance as a conriidon of malcing the Loan and Barrower was required to make separate�y designaterl <br />payments tawars� the premiums for Mortgage Insurance. Borrower s�hall pay the premimns requir� to <br />maintai� Mortgage Insurance in effect, or co pxov�de a non-refundable loss reserve, until i.ender's <br />requirement far Mortgage Insurauc� ends in accardane� with any writien agreement l�tween Borrower and <br />I.ender providing for suc�. ieiminatioa or until termination is required by Applic�ble Law. NoLhiag in this <br />Sectioa 10 affects Borrower's obligation to pay inierest ai #h� rat�e provided in the Note. <br />Mort�age Insurance reimburses Lender (ar azry entity that purchases the Note) for certain, los�es it <br />may inctrr if Borrower does not regay #he Loan as agre�d. Borrower is not a party ta the Mortgage <br />3nsurwance. <br />Mortgage insurers evaluate their total risk on aIl such insuaence in force fram t�ne io tiiue, aud may <br />enter into agreements .vith other parties that share or modify their risk, or red.uce losses. 'fl�ese agreements <br />are an terms and conditions thae are sacisfactory to rhe mortgage inst�rer and the other party (or parties} to <br />t�ese agreements. These agreements m�.y require the a�rtgage insurer to ma�e payments �sing any source <br />of fu.nds that the mortgage insurex may have available {which may in�lude fimcis obtained from Mortgage <br />Insuranee premituns). <br />�-S�(AIE) ta006).07 Pa� 8 ot t 5 <br />� <br />�� � <br />Farm 3028 1l01 <br />
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