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201201995 <br />acceieration has oCCUrred, reinstate as gravided in Section I9, by causing ttie action or proCeeding to be <br />dismisse� wich a ruling chat, in i.�ader's jndgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or arher �terial <br />impaiiment of Lender's interest in the Property or rig9us under this Security Instnime�►c• The Frooeeda of <br />any award or clairu for damag� that are attrtbutable to the impairment af L,ender's intereat in the Property <br />are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br />Al] Miscell�neotts Proceeds ihat are not applied ta restoration or repair of the Property shall be <br />applied in the orcler provided for in Secfiion Z. <br />12. �arrower hTot Released; Forbearance By Lende� Not a Weiver. Extension of the time for <br />payrnent nr marlification of amo�tion of the snms secureci by this Security Instrument g�ted bY Lender <br />to Borrower or aay Successor in Inter�t of Barrower shall not operate to rele,a� the liability of Borrower <br />or any Successars in Incerest of Borrawer. Ixnder shall aot be requirec! to commence gmce�mgs against <br />any Successor in Interest of Bortower ar to refase to extend time for gayment or other�vise modify <br />amortizatioa of the sums secured by this S�urity Instrument by reason of an}• de�mand made by the original <br />Borrower or any Suczessors ia laterest af Horrower_ Auy forbarance by I.ender in exercising aaq right or <br />remedy inc2uding, witl�out limitation, Le�der's acxegtance of payments from third persons, entiii�.c or <br />Successors in Interest of Borro�+er or zn amounts less rhazt ths aznourn th� dae, shall not be a waiver of or <br />precInde the exercise of any rigM or remedy. <br />13. Jof�ut and Severat Lialoility; Cas6igners; Successors and Assigns Bound. Banowec r,flvenants <br />a� agrees tt�at Borrawer's obiigations aztd liability sha11 tse jaint �nd several. However, any �rrawer wha <br />easigns this Se�ur�ty fnstnunent but d�s not execute the NotE {a °co-s�gner'�: (a) is co-signing this <br />Secwrity Inslniment only to mortgage, grant aud convey the co-signer's interest in tl�e Pinperty vnder the <br />ter� of chis 5ecurity Ic�strument; @) is not persor�aily obligated ta pay the sums secn�ed by t�is Security <br />Insmiment; and (c) agrees that Lender and anp ott�er 8orrower can agree io extend, modi€y� forbear or <br />make any accoa�dations �vith regard to the terrns of this Security Instrument or the Nate without the <br />co-signer, s coasent. <br />Subj� to the provisions of Section 18. a�ry Successor in Interest af Borrower who assumes <br />Borrower's obligatians under tbis Se�urity instnunent fn writiag, and is approeed by L.ercdar, shall obiain <br />all of Borrower's rigitts and benefits undec this Se�vrity Instnunent. Borrower shatl not be released fiom <br />Borrower's obligations and liability under tliis Security Ir�tnzment nnless i.endei agnees to sudt release in <br />writing. Tb.e coven�attts and agreem�nts of this Seourity inctr�_m�ant shall bind (excepi a9 pmSrtded in <br />Seetian 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br />14. Loan Char�es. Lea@er may charge Borrowez fees for services performe+d in cx�v�tion with <br />Borrower's default, for the purpose af pmte�iing Lender's interest in the Froperty aad r�ghts under this <br />Security Instrument� inclnding, but not 2imited to attomeys' f�s. property inspec.tiion and valuation fees. <br />iu regard ta any other fees, tt�e absence of express aurhoriry in ti�is Se�curity Insmmnent to charge a specific <br />fee to Borrawer shali �c be construed as a prohibitioa on the chargiag of such fe�. Lender may not c,�arge <br />fees that are expressly pmhibited by this Security Instzument or by ApgIicable Law. <br />If the I,�an is sub�eet to a law whic�c sets maxit�n loan chazges, and that law is finally intetpreted so <br />that the interest or other loan charges coltected or to be collected in canne.�tion with the Loan ezoeed. the <br />pernutt� lunits, then: (a} aay sach loan chazge shall be reduced by che amonnt nece�y to rcduce the <br />charge to the peunittefl limit; and (b) any sunas already calleeted from $orrawer whic� exceetied permitted <br />limits will be refuaded to Borrower. Lender may choose co r�take this refund hy redaciag the princigai <br />nwed under the ATote or by malong a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund r�aces principal, the <br />reduction wiA bP �reated as a psrtiai prepaymeiat wlthout any pregaymeu eharge (w]�erhec or not a <br />prepayment charge is proofided for under ihe Note). Borrower's aacx�ptance of any such refund made by <br />direct paymenc to Bormwer will constituce a waiver of any rig�t of actto�t Borrc�wez might bave arising out <br />of such overcharge. <br />1�. Notic�s. All natices given by Borrawer or Lender in caneiection with this Security Instn�ent <br />mast be in writing. Any notice to Barrower in conne�tion witb chis Se�curity Insuvmenc sba12 t� deemed to <br />ha,ve been given to Borrower when maited by first class mail or when actuatlp d�livered to Borrawer's <br />notice address if seat by flther means. Nndce to aaiy one Borrawer sI�all consritute notice to atI Bvrrowera <br />unIess Applicable exgressty requires otherwise. The notice address shall be the Property Address <br />unless Borrawer has designated a substituts no�ice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shatl prompfly <br />notify L.encier of Bozrower's change of address. If I,ender specifies a procedure for reporcing Bornnwer's <br />char�ge of address, thea Borro�ver shall only report a change af address ihmugh sperifeed pro�edure. <br />3' <br />� -6QdAlE3 r�aos�.o� ae� so ot �e Form 3028 7101 <br />� <br />