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2p1201995 <br />work has been complet�i to Lender's satisf�tian, pmvide,� that such iusp�tion si�ll be undertaken <br />prompt�y. I.ender mtty disburse proceeds for the regaizs and r�sto3ativa in a single payment or ia a series <br />of grogress pay�ents as the wark is complete�_ Unless aa agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law <br />requires interest to be paid on such insurance procceds, Lender shall not be r�quired to pay Borrawer mry <br />interest ar earnings an s�ch praceeds. Fees for public a+djnsters> or other third partie.c, retainerl by <br />Bormwer shall not be paid out of rhe insuranee praceeds aud. shall 1te the sole obtigation of Bonower. If <br />che restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be l�ed, ihe insnrance <br />groceeds shail be applied to the sums secured by this. Securiry insm�ment. whether or no# then due. with <br />the e�ccess, if any, paid to B�rrawer. S�ch insurance pro�eds sha11 be aFplied in che arder provided far in <br />Section 2. <br />If Borrower abandons the Progerty, Lender may file, negotiate and settle auy avaiiable iasurance <br />claim and relatefl matcers. If Borrower does not zesgond within 3Q days to a notic� from Ixader that the <br />insuranoe carrier has offered to settle a ctaim. then L�der may negotiate and settle the claim. The 30-day <br />perind will begin when rhe norice is givea. In either event, or if Lender acquires the Property under <br />Sectioa 22 or otl►efwise, Borrower hereby assigns ta Lender (a) Borrower's rights ta any ih�*an�e <br />proceeds in au amount not ta exceed the a�unts ungaid under the Note or tius Security Instrument, a� <br />{b) any other of Borrawer's rights (other tt�an the righl ta auy refiwd of unearned premiums paid by <br />Borrower) under ati insurance policie�s covering t6e Property. iasofaE as such rights ar� a�plic�ble to the <br />c�verage af the Property. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repais or restore the Properry or <br />to pay �nwnts unpaid nnder [tte Note or this Security Instiv�nent, wheth� or not then due. <br />6. Uccupanc�. Boaower shail occupy, establish, and use the Praperty as Barrawer's principa! <br />residence within 60 days afier the execution of this Security Inst�ument and shalI c�ndnue to occnpy tkce <br />Property as Borrower's principal residence for at ieast one year after the date of ocatpancy, �ess Lender <br />otherwi�e agre�s in writing, w�ich cansent shall not be unreasanably withheId, or imless extennaung <br />cincu}++�'?ns� exist wlrich are beyond Borrower's control. <br />7. Preservation, Maintenance aud Pratec�on of the PrapErty; Incpec�ons• Bortower shall not <br />destroy, damage or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste on the <br />Pro}serty. Whecher or not Bacrower is residing in the Property, Barrower shall maintain t1�e Property in <br />order co prevent the Froperty from deteriorating or deerea,sing in value due to its coadition. Unless it is <br />determined gursuant w Section 5 that repair a� restoration is not economically feasi6le, Borrower s�all <br />promptly repair ttte Property if dama��i io avoid further deterioration or damage. If insurance or <br />condemnation proceeds are paid in connection with damage to, or the taking of, ttte Praperty, Borrower <br />shall be respoasible for repairing or rescoriug the Prop�rty only if Lender has reieased p�ceeds far such <br />puiposes. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a singte paymznt or in a series of <br /> pay�enu as the work is completed. If the iusurance ar condemnation pr�s are aot suf�icie.�t <br />to repair or restare the Praperty, Borrower is nnt reliev� af Boarower's obligarion for the completioa of <br />such re�air or restordtian. <br />T.ender or iu agent may make reasonabte entries upon aud inspecteons of the Property. If it has <br />reasonable cause, L,ender may insgect the interior of the improve�ents on tt�e Property. I ender shsll give <br />Borrower notice at the time of ar prior to such an iarerior insgection specifying se�ch r�soaable ca�se. <br />8. Borroveer's Loan Applicat�an. Borrower shatl be in de€anit i�, during the Loan application <br />proeess, Borrower or any persons or entities acxing at tiie clirection of Boreower or with Horrower's <br />knowledge or consent gave materiatly false, misleading, or inat�srate infornzation or statements to Lender <br />(or fa�l to provide I,ender witfi� taaterial in�osm�tion) rn conn�tion with the Loan. Matezial <br />representacions includ.e, but are not limited to, representations c:nn�cerniag Borrower's occupancy of the <br />Praperty as Borrower's gr�ncipal resideQCe. <br />�SGtAIE) �ooass.o� �aas � or ls <br />ini <br />Form 3028 91�7 <br />