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201201995 <br />Borrower �all pr�mptly discharge any lien whidt has priorlty over tbis Security In�+^�*++�'^r unless <br />Borrower: (a) agrees in writiug to tkie payment af the ohligation secnred by the lien in a manaer accegtable <br />w Lender, but only so long as Borrower is perform�ng suc� agreement; tb) contests the lien In good faiih <br />hy, ar defends against enforcenaent of the lien in, legal pra�ceedin$s which in 1.ender's opinion operate w <br />prevent the e,nforcement of the iiea wh�e those proc�ings are genc�ing. but only aatil sach pmce�dings <br />are concluded; or (c} secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satzsfactory to T�nder subordinating <br />the lien to this Securiry t�trn�+t. If Leader determines that aay part of the Property is sabject to a liea <br />which can attain priority over this Se�urity Instrument, Lencler may give Borrower a x�olice ide�ifying the <br />lien. !U days af the date on which that aotice is givea� Borrower shall satis€y t'6e lien or take one or <br />�re of tY►e actions set for►h abave in this Seation 4. <br />Lender ma.y re�uire Borrower to pay a ane-iime chaFge far a real Estate tax verificatioII aad/or <br />regor�iag service used by Lender in �onn�don with �eis Loan. <br />5. proper#y insuranc�. Borrower shall keep the icr�rovements now exis�ng or her�a#'ter etected on <br />the Praperty insure� against loss by fire. hazards includefl within the term "extended coverags, ° and any <br />ottcer hazards includin�, but not �imited w, earthquakes and itoods, for whieh Leuder requires �n��+�*�ee• <br />This insurance shall be maintaiaed in the amounss {iacluding deductible levels) and for the geriods t�at <br />Lender reqoires. What Lender requires parsBant w the preeeding sencence.s can change during the term of <br />the Laan. The insurance carrier provi�ing the iusurance s6a11 be c,�osen by Borr�wer snhject to I.ender's <br />right to disapprove Borrower's choice, wluch right shaIl not txe exe�cised unressonably. I.ender may <br />require Bonower to gay. in conuectioa wict► this Loan. either: <a) a on�time charge for fl�d wae <br />detemainatioa, cenifcation and �racking services; or (b) a one�time charge for flood zone determination <br />and certification services and subsequent chazges each time remappings or similar chenges ixxur wluch <br />reasoaably might aPfect such determinatio.0 ar �ertification. Borrower shall al� be resp4nsible for the <br />payment of any fees imposed by the Federal E�rgency Managenaent A$ency in connectian witte r1�e <br />review of anq Elood zone detenmination res�ilting from an objection by Borrower. <br />Tf Barrower fails to maiatain any af rhe coverage.s descn'bed above, l.ender may obtain insnrance <br />coverage, ax Leader's opti�n and $otrower's expense. Lender is under no obIigation to purchase any <br />garticulaz type or amount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall coyer �ender. bn� might or might <br />not proiect Borrower, Borrower's equity in the Properry, or t�e oonteats of the Progerty. against any risk, <br />hazard or liability and might pravide greater or lesser coverage ihau was previousIy in e� Borrawcr <br />acknowledges rhat tl�e cost af ti�e insuramce caverage so absaine� might significaafly exceed the cost of <br />insutance that Borrower �uld have abtained. Any amouncs disbursed by Ixnder under this Sectioa S stcatl <br />bevome addiaoual debt of Borrower secured by this Secur3ty Insuument. These aznounis shail be�r interest <br />at the Note rate frorn the date of 8isbursement and shatl be payable, with such inEerest, ugon notice from <br />Lender co Bonower requesting pagme�nt. <br />AII insurance golicies required by Ixnder aa� renewals of such polfcies shall be subje�t to Lender's <br />right co disapprove such policies, shall inclnde a s[andard rnortgage clause, and shali name Lender as <br />mortgagee and/or as aa ac�ditional loss payee. Lender shall have the right ro hold the policies and renevval <br />certificates. I€ Lender re�uires, &snower shatl prompfly give to Leader atl receipts af paid premiums and <br />renewal notic�s. If Borrower obtains any form of iaseirance coverage. not otherwise required by Lender, <br />for damage to, or desu�uction of, t�e Praperty, sueh policy shall include a staudard mortgage elause and <br />shall naute Lender as mortgagee aud/or as au additionai loss paqec. <br />In tlie eveat af loss, Borrower shaIl give pmmpt notice to the iasrtu� carrier and Lender. Lender <br />may make praof of lcsss if not made prompdy by Bonower. Untess Leudsr and �rrower otherwise � <br />in writing, any insurence proceeds. whether or not the unc3erIyiag insurance �vas req►iited bp I�der, shatl <br />be applied w restoration or repair af the ProgErty, if the restoration or repair is economicaity feasible aad <br />Lender's secuiity is not l�sen�. During such repair and restoration periad, Lender shall have ti�e right Io <br />hold such insurance groceeds until Lender h�s had aa ogpornmity w insperz such Property to ensure the <br />'f(� -6QtNE) �onosi.oi �se e et �s <br />m <br />� � <br />,��.� / Ii <br />; � , <br />
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