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201�0199� <br />shall remain fiitly effective as if no acceIeration had occurred. However, this righ# to reinstate shall not <br />apply in the cese of acceleratian under Sedioa t8. <br />24. Sale of Nc►te; Chaage of Loan �rvicer; Natice of Grievance. The Nate ar a partiai interest in <br />che Nate (Logeiher with this Security In�n,men ) can be sold one or more times without prior natice to <br />Bonower. A sate might result in a change in the entity (l�own as the "�.o� Servicer") that call�ts <br />PerioQic Payments due under the NoEe and Yhis Security Fusaumant and performs other mortgage toan <br />servicing obligaaivns under the Alote, this Security Fnstiv�t, and Applicahle Law, There alsfl might be <br />one or more changes of the Lasn Servicer unrelated to a sate of the Note. If there is a change of tlie Losu <br />Servicer, Borrower vvilI be given writt�n notice of tlie change which wili state the name and of tiie <br />new Loau Servicxr, t�te addre� ta wi�ich gayments should be made and anp other infoYmation RFSFA <br />rec;uires in canaecdon witli a notice of uansfer af servicing. If ihe Note is sold anri thereafter tbe � is <br />serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mort$age laan servicing oblig2tions <br />ta Barrower will remain with the Loan Servicer or be cransferred to a successor Laan Servicer and are aot <br />assu�d by the Note gurchaser unless otherwise grovided by the Note purchaser. <br />ideither Barrower nor i.ender may commence, join, or be jained to aay jadirial action (as either an <br />individaal litigaat or the member of a class} that arises from t�e other parry's actions pursuant to this <br />Security Instn�nt or that aiFeges tlxat che other party has bre.�ched any provision of, or any duty owed bp <br />reason of, #his Security Instrumeat, until such Barcower or i,ender h�s notified the oEher party (with snch <br />notice given in compliance with the require�nts of Section 15) of such alleged breach sad afforded t�e <br />other pazty hereto a re�asonable period aft� the giving of such notice to take corrective action. If <br />Appticabte Law provides a time period whfch inust elapse before c�rtain aciion c�n be take�a. that time <br />period wlil be deemed t� be reasonabFe for purposes of t�is paragraph. The notice of acceleration aad <br />oppartunity ta cure given to Berrower p�us�tam to Sextioa 22 and the narice of acceleraeioa given to <br />Borrowex pursuant to Section IS shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and ogpvmiaity to take <br />action provisions of ttns Section 20. <br />21. Hazardous Substances. As nse� in this Seccfon 21: (a) "Hazardous S�.ih�nces° are those <br />substances dei"tned as toanc ar hazardous substances, pollutants, ar wast�c by Environment�l Law aad the <br />foilowing substan��s: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleuni produ�ts, tolcic pesticides <br />and herbicides, volatile solvenfs, materials ¢ontaining asbestos or fonnatdehyde, and radioactive materials; <br />(b) "Envirflnrnental Law° means federal laws and laws af the jurisdictioa w3�ere the Property is lot�ted that <br />relate co health, sa€ety ar environmenta] pmtection; (c) °Envu�onmental C2eanup" inrdudes anY �Po� <br />aetion, remedial action, or removat action, as defiaed in �nvironmemtal Law; and (d) an "Enviranmeaial <br />Conditian" means a rnnditioa that caa c�use, contr'bute to, or 4therwise trigger �n Environmental <br />Qeaaug. <br />Bormwer shall not cause ar g��mit the pre�ence, use, disgosal, storage, or reIease af any Hazardous <br />Substance�, or �cen to release any Hazardous SubstancQS, on or in the Propecty. Borrower shall not do, <br />nor allow anyone else to do, anything affectiug the Prop�y (a) that is in violafrion of any Environmental <br />Iaw, (b) which creates az► Environmentai Co�dition, or (c) wbich, dne to the presence, use, vr rele�ase of a <br />Hazardous Substance, ereates a condition thac adversely affe�ts the value of the Frogerty. The preceding <br />twQ senteaces shaU not apply to the pr�ence, �se, ar storage on the Property of small qua�ities of <br />Hazardous Substant;es that are generatly recognized ta be appropriate to normat residential us� and to <br />znaintenance �f the Propert�' (including, hut aot limited to, hazardous snbstances in consumer pr�oducts). <br />Borrower shall promptly give I.ender writtea natice of (a} any investigatien, cla.ina, demand, laws�rit <br />or otker action by a�y gov�*�+n+enral ar regulatory agency ar private pazty involving [he Property and aay <br />Hazardous Substance or Enviranmental Law of which Borrower has actual 1�owle3ge, (b) auy <br />Environmental Co�d.ition, incEuding beit not limited to, aay spiTling, lealdng, discharge. reiease or threat of <br />release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any candition caused by the presence, u� or relesse of a <br />FIazardous 5�bstance which advezsely affects the value of the Property. If Borrower learas, or is natifia}. <br />�.. <br />�ffi 8Ci f NEl to0o5l.C� waae i 2 of � s Fom► 3028 9/0'F <br />