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20120199� <br />There may be anly one designated noric;e address wnder this S�udty Instrument at any one time. Any <br />notice to Lender shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class ma� to I.sndez's atldress <br />stated herein unless Lender has desi�sated anofher address by n4tice to Bormwer. Any notice in <br />connection with this SecuriEy Iristrument shali aot be deemed to have been given to Lender nat�l �tually <br />rec�ived by Lender. If any notiee re�uired by this S�urity Instmm�ent is also required uuder App]icable <br />Law, #he Applicable Law reqnirement will satisfy the corresponding reqairemeat under this SecuritY <br />Ins3run�ent. <br />ib. Governiag Law; Severability; Rules of Construsffon. 'This Security Instrwnent shall be <br />governed bq federal larv and the law af the jurisdictian in which the Property is loea�. All rtgt�s and <br />obligations oontained in this Secvrity Instrument are subject w any �uiremeats and Iiinitarions of <br />Applicable Law. Applicable Law might expliciily or implicitiy sllow the parties to a�e by caniract or it <br />might be siient. but such silence shal� n+ot be constrned as a prohibiEion agaiast agreement by et>atract. In <br />the avent that any pravision or cIanse of clU.s Security Instroai�c or the Note canflicts with Applicable <br />Law, such coaflict shall not affect ottler �rovisions of this Security Ias�ument or tha Note which can be <br />given effe�t without the conflictiug pro�ns�on. <br />As used in this Seeuriry InstrUment: {a) words of the maseuline gender shall mean anci include <br />corresponding neuter words or words of the feminiae gender; (b) aords 3n the singular shall mesn and <br />include rhe plural aad vice versa; aad (c) the word "may° gives sc�Ie discxetion withaut any abiigation to <br />take any action. <br />17. Borrawer's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of the Note and. of this Securlry Instru�nc• <br />18. Transfer of the Progertp or a Benefidal Interest in Barroveer. As used in t�is Section I8, <br />"Interest in che Progerty" msans any legal or beneScial interest ia the Property, ir�luding, but not limited <br />to. those beneScial interests transferred in a bond for d�d. rnntr�t for deed, inst�llment sales contract oz <br />escrowagreeureut, tl�e intent of whidt is the uansfer of tide by Borrower at a fucure date ta a purchaser. <br />If all or aay gart of t3�e Progertp or any Iaterest in the Pragerry is sold ar transferred (or if Borrower <br />is not a natural persoa and a beneficial interest in $orrower is sold or trens€erred) v�tithout L�nder's prior <br />wrirten conseni, Leader may require imsnediate payment in full of all sums secured by tius Security <br />Instrumcnt. However. this optioa si�all aot be exercised by L�ender if such exercise is prohibited by <br />Applicable Law. <br />If Lender exercises this opdon, L�nder shall giv� Borrower noEice of acceleration. The notice sb.all <br />grovide a period of not Iess than 30 days #rom the date the notice is given in accordance with Section IS <br />within which 8orrawer mast pay ail sums �ure� by chis Security Instn�nc. If Borrower fasls to pap <br />these sums prior to the earpiration of this period, Lender mxy invoke any r+eraedies germitted by this <br />Securicy instnunenE without further aodcx or demand on Barrower. <br />19. Borrower's Right ta Remstate After Acceleration. If Borrower m�ts certain conditions, <br />Bonrower shall. have the rIg�t to have enforeement of this Security Instr�me,nt discontinued at any tune <br />priar to the earliest of: {a) ftve days before saIe �f che Froperty pursuant to any povYer of saie coatained in <br />this Security Iasavment; @) such other geriod as Applicable Law mighc speiify for the terminatioa af <br />Borraefer's right to reinstate; or (c) entiy of a juclgment enforcing this Security Yusirument. Those <br />conditioas are that Bormwer: {a) pays Leader all sums which then wo�tld be due uader this Secnrity <br />In���++t aad the Note as if no accelerarion had occarred; {b) cures any defauii of ffiy ather covenants or <br />ag�etnents; (c) pays all enpenses inciu�re� in enfoming this Securitp Ivstrumettt, inclnding, b� not limited <br />to, reasonable attaraeys' fees, pmperty inspection and v�lvarioa fees. and other �ees incnrred for the <br />purpose a# proteetiag I.ender's iaterest ut tbe Property and rights under this Security Instrumeni; and (d) <br />takes snch action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that LEnder's intere�t in the Pmperty aud <br />rights under this Security Tnstru�nt, and Borrower's obligation to pay the suims s�ured by t1�is S�urity <br />Instrumen#. shall continue unchanged. Lender may regnire that Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and <br />expenses in one or naore of the following forms. as selected by �nder: (a) cash; (b) s�n�y ord�r; {c} <br />certified eheck. bank check, trzasurer's ehe�k or r.ashier's checic, p�vide� any sach check is drawn upon <br />sn institution whose deposits are iasured hy a federat agency� instrumentality or enti.ty; or (d) Elecxrouic <br />Funds Transfer. Upou reinstatemem by Borrow�r, this Security Instnsment and obligations se�ured �ereby <br />� -6G{NE1 i0005j.o� <br />� <br />Page a 7 ot 15 <br />iran ' <br />Eorm 3428 1 J01 <br />
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