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201201�95 <br />by �y governmentat or regutatory autharity, or any private party, t�hat any removal or other rem�dia�on <br />of any Hazardous S�bstance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower sha]i promptly take all �recessary <br />remedial actians in ar.�ordance with Environmeatal Law. Nothing herein shall c�ate any obligation oa <br />Lender for an Eavirnnmental Cleanug. <br />NON-UNTFURA� COVENANTS. Bonower and Lender further cavenant and agree as follaws: <br />22. Acceleratiun; Remedies. Le�ider shall give notice to Borrow� prior W atxeler�ttion followlag <br />Borrower's breach of any caveuant or agr�ment in this SecaritY jnc�"m*Ant (buE not prior to <br />acceleratlon uader Sectian 28 unl�;s Appiicabte Law pravides otherw�e), The norice shatl specify: (a? <br />the default; (b} the �ction required to cure t�e default; {c) a date, aot l�s thaa 30 days fra� the date <br />the notice is given to Borrower, bp wl�iGb. the defautt m►�t be clued; aud (c� th�t fai�ure ta cure the <br />default on or before the date speeified ia the notiee may result ia accderation oP the smns secau�l by <br />this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The uatice sh�ll further 9ntarm Borrower of the <br />right to reinstate aft� ecceleration anrl the right tn bring � court action to a�ert tiie non-e�stence of <br />a defauit ar any otber defe�xse o[ Borrower to ��xderatian and sale. If the clefau[t Ls noE cured on or <br />before tite date s�d��i in the aotice, Lender at its opb�on m�y require imnaediate payment i�t fu� af <br />a�i sums secured by tbis Seeurify Ynstr�ent without further demand �nd may �invo�e ti�e povKer of <br />sale �nd any other remedies permi�ted by Applic�ble Law. I.end�r shali be erititled to collect sil <br />expens�s iueurred in pursuing tlie remedies provided in this 3ection 22, inciuding, but aat limited to, <br />reasoneble attorneys' fce.s and casts of title evfdence. <br />If Yhe gower of sale ls invoked, Tn�stee shalf recard a notic� of defanit i� each coauty in �ch <br />any p�rt of Ehe PropErty �s locaterl and shaII ma1 copies of �ech notiee in the maHner pr�ibed by <br />Applicable Law to Borrawer aad to the ather peisons presc.rih� by Applicable Law. After the t[me <br />reqnired by Appiicable L�tw, �ee s6ait give publie notfice of sale to the persoas aud 4a the maaner <br />prest�r.ibed by Apglicah2e La�. Trustee �r'nthout dealand on Horrower, shall sell the PrOperty at <br />pvbl�c auctioa to the highgst bfdder at khe t#rne and plaee and under th� tera�s desigaateri in the <br />�notice of sale en oue or mnre �rcels and in. any order Trustee �etermmes.lYusta maY pnstPone sate <br />of all or any parreI of the Pcoperty by public anno�mce�ent at the tinaF eud piace o€ any previw�cly <br />scheduted sale. Lender or its desigaee map purchas� tixe Property �t any saie. <br />Upon recefpt of papm�t o[ the price b�d, Tra.stee shall ddiver to tlae purchaser 1�te�'s d�d <br />conveying the Property. Tiie rcattals ia the Tx�,stee's deed shali be prt� f�de e�Idence of the tru�h <br />of the statements made thereln. Trust� shait �ppiy the prooeeds of #he sale ia ihe Poliowing order: (a) <br />to all costs and eacpens� of axerctsing the �ower oP sale, and the sat}e, iacluding the payment of the <br />Tn�stee�s fees actuatly ineurred and reasanaisle a#torneys' fees as permitted by App�icable Law; @) to <br />all snms secured by this Se�urity �isstrmneat; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legeily <br />entf�ted to it. <br />23. Reronvevaace. i3pon payme.nt of ali sums secured by this Secnrity Iustrument, Leuder shaU <br />request Trustee to r�onvey the Property and shall surrender this S�urity Iusuument and all notes <br />evidencing debc secured hy tlus Security Instrumenc co Trustee. Trustee shall reconveg the Prc�perty <br />without warr3nty to the person or persons legally eatitled to it. S'ctch person or persons shall pay any <br />recordation casts. Lender may charge such gerson or persans a fee for r�nveying the Property. but only <br />if the fee is gaid ta a third party (such as the Tmste.e} for services reIIderai and the charging oP the fee is <br />permitted nnder Applic�le Law. <br />24. Substitute Tcast�. L�nder, at its opdoa, may &om time to time remove Trast� and agpoint a <br />successor irustee to any Tnistee appointed hereunder by an insrivment rectirded in the county in vuhich this <br />Se�urity Instrument is rer�rded. Withont conveyaace of the Pmperiy, c[�e s�ccessor tr�tstee shall sncceerl to <br />all the title, pocver and duties conferred upon Trustee herein �d by Apglicable i,aw. <br />�. Requc�t far Noti�. Barrower requests that copies of the notice of defanit and sale be sent to <br />Boaower's address which is the Froperty Address. <br />�� <br />�-6GiNE} �000e�.o� Pega 13 of 15 Form 3028 1/01 <br />