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<br /> �� I h condemnetlon or other teking ot the Property or paR thereoi,or for cd�r6yancs�llOeu o�����•
<br />- •� 'Proceeds')in connectbn w t
<br /> -�.��p Lender ehall be entlded et Ite opt�on to aammence,appeer In and proeecute In ite own neme eny action or procaedings,and shall also
<br />_ ' ',�� be entitlad to make eny compromise or setttement In Gannect►nn wllh euch taking or demege.In tha ovent any portlon of the Propertyr Is .
<br /> -• � so takdn or darneged, Lender shaU have the optlon In ite sole and ebsoiute dlscretlon, ta epply eli such procoeds, after dsducting
<br />.�;=:,� therofrom eil coats end expenaes Incurred by it In connection with auch Proceade,upon ony Indebtedness secured hereby and In such
<br /> order es Lender may determirse,or to epply all euch Proceede,efter such deducllone,to the r�storatlon oi the Property upon such cAr►- _
<br /> 1 ditions as Lender mey detarmine.Any eppllcelion oi Proceeds to Indebtedneus ehali not extend or postpone tha due date of any pay-
<br /> "�"_'°` menta under the Nate,or cure any dafeult therounder tx hereunder.Any unapplied funds shall be paid to Trustor.
<br /> ���'� 8.P�riormencs by L�nd�r. Upon the occurrence of en Event ot Default herounder, or If any ect Is taken or lepal proceadlrp
<br /> � commenced which materially e(tects Letider's Intorost In tho Propotty,Londer mey in Its own discretion,but without obUgatlon to do so,
<br />_.-=y� end without notice to or demsnd upan Trustor and wfthout reteasing Truator from eny obilgatlon,do any ect which Trustor has apreed _
<br /> _�= but tetled to da and may alao do eny other ect It deems necoaaary to protect the security hereof_ Trustor shall, Immedlately upon
<br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all u�ste end expenses Irscurred end sums expendod by Lender in connectlon with the exer-
<br /> � clse by tender of the foregoing righte,together wiln interest thereon at the defauit rete provided In the Nate,whlch shell be added to
<br /> �`"�� the Indebtedness secured herQby.Lender shall nat Incur any Ilabll(ty because of enything It may do o�omit to do hereunder.
<br />"'��. 9. H�ardous Mahrl�l�.Truator shall keep the Propnrty in compllance with ail appOcablo laws, ordinances and regulatlons
<br />�•° relating to Industrial hygiane�r envlronmentel protection(collectively reterrod to herein as"Er,vironmental Laws').Trusta shall keep
<br /> p,e p�operty iree from ail substances deemed to be hazerdous or tox�under any Environmentel Lawa(collectivaly referred to hereln
<br />.'���� es'Hazerdoue Mate►lals').Tn�stor hereby warrants and representa to Lender that thare ere no Hezardous Materials on or under the
<br /> ;,��� Properiy.7rustor hereby egreea to indemnify end hold harmless Lender,its dfrectors,offlcers,employees and agents,and eny succes-
<br />���.�• sors to Lendets Interest,from and agelnst any and ell clalms,damages,iosses and liablli8es arising in connectiun wfth the presence,
<br /> �:��-� use,disposal or traresport oi any Hazerdous Metedels on,under,from or ebout the Proporty.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND
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